Fanfic of WoW, continuation of java pepper guide for those who liked it. I edited chapter 6 and wanted to re-post the better version of it.
Originally posted this on Thalassian words from Thalassian Language Institute
Blood elves & crap (C) Blizzard.
400 Days in Quel'thalas # 6
Translated transcript from propaganda radio:
"After humans are granted servitorship in the kingdom of Quel'thalas, they are put to work in a place where they will be most efficient and productive. Sometimes they work with undead elves to learn valuable skills and work ethic. Here they will learn to work better and faster than undead elves. Praise be to the Sun!"
Tionsluran'onase! A'taithon shorel onneise ni!
Industrial labor! You'll be good at it!
After the swearing in ceremony and getting the barely-approval glance from their death knights and paladins, the blood elves drove us to a huge construction site out of town. They were building like a gigantic factory that could swallow an entire town. We ended up doing heavy menial labor in the mud with all these undead slaves, and that was gruesome. Humans, blood elves, all undead. Their limbs were falling off, bodies falling apart, and the look of sorrow, and agony on their faces. Blood elf supervisors and arcane mechanicals patrolled the work site. They didn't care so much about the living blood elf workers but they were constantly beating on undead slaves. Mages and warlocks especially were getting kicks by setting them on fire or blasting them with shards of ice or shadow bolts while we were down in there working in the muck with the slaves, from helping them carry heavy beams and materials to various places around the work site. The blood elf supervisors glared at us the whole time, along with the mana-less elves that their whole society shuns, and they would yell and scream at us and give a beating if they felt like it.
We laboured with undead slaves for months, and often we ran out of the elixirs that protected us from the oxygen and arcane, and we got sick a lot of the times, and the blood elves would just watch us suffer, and then spark us with magic bolts as if to teach us discipline, and eventually our minders would find us and make us drink the nasty stuff so we could get back to work.
Working with undead slaves is the lowest job you can have in Quel'thalas. Blood Elves who are born into the lowest rank of society here will always have undead slaves- not as inferiors to order around but who are their co-workers and equals. Sometimes, even undead slaves will supervise them and order them around. In fact, they rank so low that other blood elves will kill them if they so much as look in their direction. So for these lower class people, the only friends they can have o are the undead slaves, and that's when the guards aren't looking. The only difference is that blood elves in this class will have some rare opportunity to earn their way to a higher rank. People in this rung of blood elf society, including humans, are at the same level as slaves as treated by everyone else. Of course they are not allowed to speak to slaves at work unless they are allowed to by a supervisor or a guard.
Working with undead slaves is not pleasant or fun. They operate in fear. They live in fear, and they work in fear. Undead slaves are even terrified by their Living co-workers, whom are forcefully taught to be friends with undead slaves, and of course they will cooperate together while at work, but off work hours, undead slaves will avoid Living blood elf co-workers and exclude them, since they know the living blood elves that rank with them would be forced to report on them often.
What was ironic and horrific about the whole thing is that the gigantic factory we were building was going to be a massive apothecarium of some sort. The undead slaves I worked with told me that based on the layout of the project, and the types of slaves and servitors they had there, the Blood Elves were constructing a facility where humans, or blood elves would be manufactured, Something about genetic modification but the slaves told me nothing beyond that. They called such a place a neore gyartluran tionstedas or NGT.
When I was there, we were in the middle of excavating over an entire cubic mile of dirt, and rock. Miners were also down here with their crews of workers and slaves harvesting minerals from the earth we all dug up. Work site safety standards are non-existent here. People, living and undead get injured or break arms, legs, feet, their backs, and if you go up to seek help, the guards will give you a painful lesson on what happens to those who slack off.
Some undead slaves seem to have this protective instinct over their Living co-workers if they know and trust them well, be it humans or blood elves. Those supervising love to torture the living since they cry out more in agony, and when a death knight is on site, the number of Living blood elves goes down, simply for the crime of looking at a Blood Elf who is higher than you on the social scale. So while working in the pits, this undead elf slave, Minera was telling me and other living blood elves how to work, how to stand, when to speak, when not to speak. She's always like, 'keep your head down! Don't look at them, don't even look at their mind slaves!' Minera and her friends watched over us simply because she didn't want us to be turned into undead slaves ourselves. If that happened, she and the others would be punished for 'defiling' us with their corruption.
Minera explained to me her life. She was raised in the lower class- the live slave class, as they are called and she tried to get out by developing talents or working harder than the others. She worked in numerous factories, doing labor or tending to undead slaves who had broken their arms or were falling apart. Off duty, she was a domestic worker and house servant for a wealthy family. On the way home from work one day, she was hit by a speeding ajon- arcane-powered hover car- so hard her legs, back, ribs, pelvic bone, arms, and even neck all shattered on impact. The ajon sped away and she bled to death. Her employer took her to the local apothecarium and had her converted to an undead. They put her through imaginable pain and torture and burned her as punishment. Being killed is a serious crime here in Quel'thalas, based on the bullshit that losing your 'life-essence' is a serious loss to the kingdom.
While off work, the supervisors would order us to go make friends with the slaves. In fact, one guard said to us, "You better learn from your undead friends, they will teach you all you need to know and you better show your potential and become better citizens than they are!"
During the breaks or after work before we were all stuffed back into confinement, the red guards watching us would start shouting at us, 'Go, play with your undead friends, you fool! You just might end up like them so dispense with your attitude. They are better than you could ever be so learn from them!"
And they would tell us to play soccer or some weird game with the undead, and we'd all comply because all the red guards had their staves crackling with magic and such. Then blood elves or Tavi's from the SDFC would be brought out here and the red guards would make the SDFC people get us all engaged in some sort of game. Now the thing was, the SDFC person's word was law. If we didn't obey and play their stupid games, the red guards, mages, and warlocks would start shooting us. And so we'd start playing some game. Then the red guards watching us would just shoot at us anyway.
Residing in Quel'thalas: Confinement
[Propaganda Translation] "Because of their notorious nature, humans are not worth the living space they occupy and do not deserve to occupy any location which they may call their own. During their first months working in the industry, they are housed in single rooms in residential blocks at the SDFC's goodwill and expense. For a human to truly understand his or her place in our fair kingdom, they are best fitted to operate as live-in domestic workers or house servants to the families they are assigned to by the authorities. To ensure the productivity of the humans, the SFDC has been assigned as the main authority to oversee humans- both extra national and Tavi work best for the Sin'dorei."
Every night, ever since I got here- from the day we arrived I was locked in a containment cell, either in the back of a truck or qul'quneuveno or qulun, or in a room in an apartment building, or even at the work site. Blood Elves told me that in order to 'rest properly,' I was to be locked away so I wouldn't cause problems or 'endanger myself.'
I spent pretty much most nights, and the rare days off locked up in a room in these flats or trailers, that the SDFC owned or rented out, and since the rooms were smaller than prison cells, it was one human per room, if they crammed two of us in, we would be shackled and anchored to the floor or the bed which was just a hard wooden slab. So each night after work ended, we were marched to the buildings or anything that could be used as a container, chained with just enough slack on the ropes or chains to let us sit or lie down, then the Tavi's would be brought in, and they would preach to us for about an hour or so, then there's be a prayer and singing session. All conversations were controlled- there being guards just outside within earshot- we were only allowed to talk to the Tavi's and not to eachother. After that, they handed out cubes of blackblood tofu, then closed and locked the door for the night. We were told the cells were bugged, and instructed not to talk to eachother during the night.
Daily work schedule: Confinement, work, confinement
The daily routine was tightly controlled. An hour before work starts, guards open up the doors, Tavi's come in preach to us, then the guards throw black blood tofu at us and after we are done force-feeding ourselves, they unhook us from the walls and we are marched like a chain gang from the containers or building, wherever, down to the factory, construction site, or mines. The Tavi's would march in front and on the sides and chant out religious hymns or patriotic songs on the way. After being counted, we'd be unchained and we would start working.
At lunch we ate in the mess hall- food being meat from chopped undead or tofu, then the bathroom break at lunch and the end of the day. Then we were marched back to the containment cells and locked up for the night. Often I would see the undead slaves being rounded up and shot at, zapped or hit by the guards and live blood elves who were ordered to round them and us up.
At the end of each day, the undead slaves are crammed into these large storage containers and are packed from floor to roof like objects, and after they're all packed in, the blood elves lock the doors. I would hear the slaves crying out from cluster phobia, pains, agony, and all that. There were no air vents in these containers, and some of them would puke on eachother, and so you'd hear their cries echoing through the metal. Mages and warlocks would use fire and heat up the metal until the whole thing was red hot and you'd hear the muffled screams of those burning up against the metal.
The next morning as I was brought back, I saw the blood elves pulling out the undead slaves and lining them up to be marched to the work place. They'd be missing arms, legs, bones, chunks of flesh, and they'd all have burns here and there. Some had a chance to grab arms or legs that had broken off and would re-attach those limbs. Some would even be missing heads and their corpses would just be wandering around like drones. Then we, the humans, would be ordered to go into the container and clean up the mess. The smell of rot was so bad, and of course we would get shocked or immolated if we puked. We would bring all the remains out, hand the heads back to the slaves so they could re-attatch their co-workers' heads. Everything else we cleaned out was given to us for lunch.
Epahana'sin'tofu – Black blood tofu
"Thanks to the many resources available in Quel'thalas, the Sin'dorei have an abundant supply of food in which we have developed culinary art skills and techniques to cooking and preparation methods and have revolutionized the way Sin'dorei eat and drink in our country. The exquisite cuisine is a fair standard practices by all Sin'dorei when either working at restaurants or preparing home-cooked meals. The better one respects his food, the better tasting and more nutrient-rich the food will be. It is willed by the Sun and encouraged by the Eternal Magister that Sin'dorei eat well for they must carry on in work and all other daily activities to ensure the function of our country."
"All Sin'dorei and members of this divine society eat what they are allowed according to their social status as willed by the Sun, for the Grand Magister and His family are generous with the riches this land will always have to offer, so even working class Sin'dorei will eat well and have the energy needed to perform their very best. But discipline is also meted out as commanded by the Sun when it comes to the luxury of our food, and there are those who still need nutrients but are not entitled to taste the splendor of cuisine. Sin'dorei out of favor of the Sun and society, human extra-nationals, and undead slaves. To them, our food specialists have allocated a safely minimum of resources to create specialized tofu that will give them only the necessary nutrients for them to serve their purpose in our society…"
Here in Quel'thalas, humans are strictly forbidden from eating Quel'food. Why? It wasn't out of regard for our health, Blood Elves thought we didn't deserve to taste anything that good. For the first 15 weeks I was in Quel'thalas, all I ate was this icky black substance called ephana'sin'tofu or black blood tofu.
That's actually what they called it. And it's not just normal tofu either. It's this icky black substance made from mashed up beans and blood paste. That blood paste comes from blood of humans, often mixed with blood from blood elves, and that stuff is actually extremely nasty in terms of texture and flavor and curdles into these nasty tar balls, and it tastes like tar, mixed with lychee, ammonium and vinegar. It is spicier than Tabasco hot sauce and burns off your taste buds. And it is the nastiest thing and that's all I ate every day for 15 weeks straight. I was taking bloody black shits everytime I sat on the toilet, and the droppings when they come out are all sharp and jagged because the black blood in the tofu reacts with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach to form these tiny crystallized shards and that goes through your intestines and when go to grunt it out, it ###king hurts so bad, some days you just end up crying on the toilet. It is worse than a diet of Harvest Crunch, seeded grapes and Stagg chili. In fact the laxative stuff they lace that shit with makes all your muscles flex and you shit so hard that you are drenched in sweat when you're done. I would be like firmly planted on the toilet, pushing against the walls sweating and I'd be like 'RAWR!" cause it would hurt so much.
After I came out, my co-workers all looked at me as if I was possessed or something.
Because it makes your stomach, intestines, rectum, and anus bleed, you get your ass period and you gotta sit there and wait until that finishes up. And the first week I was eating that shit, not only did I force a straight face while eating it, it damn near blew out my entire digestive system. I got so weak and lost weight due to the sickness as my body adjusted, and I forced a straight face. But it never stops hurting. You're always in pain at some point in the day. And you must fight every urge and reflex in your body that makes you puke. My body's telling me 'No! Not that shit again!' and you have to fight it down from the minute you first eat it to minute you blow it out your asshole. It's either mad constipation or extremely violent explosive diarrhea that blows your asshole, and leaves acid burns on your legs. I'm sitting there in the stall waiting for my asshole to stop bleeding so I can get back to work, and I can hear through the walls and air vents the sounds of female workers crying out in pain from their bathroom. For some, it's a pretty traumatic experience, especially if you don't know black blood tofu is supposed to make you defecate that hard, and many leave the bathroom- blood elves and humans- having panic attacks thinking they got some really bad fatal disease. I later heard that black blood tofu is designed to make your stomach bleed. Blood mixes with the tofu, releasing more nutrients, they said.
Undead slaves eat it- except when forced to eat each other, bottom rank blood elves get lucky sometimes and are fed the deep fried remains of their dead co-workers. If you're working with undead slaves, you go up to the counter of the cafeteria or the bonfire in the work yard, you get served up a hunk of rotten mana-laced flesh, and you're standing there holding this smelly ass 5-pound piece of rot in your hand, watching the undead slaves chow this shit back. I even saw other humans and live blood elves forced to eat what was on the menu when it was the undead slaves' week to serve up breakfast lunch and dinner, and you gotta work extra hours to earn the potions that keep this stuff from giving you gut rot or some other nasty flesh eating disease.
And that's what I was forced to eat- either that nasty-ass tofu or remains of undead slaves that had been picked apart by others. I was actually shitting live maggots and worms, no joke. I looked in the toilet and saw a freaking fuzzy tape worm swimming around, and seeing that just come out of me was NOT fun at all! I hated meal times. With a passion. Most of the time I tried to skip meal times, then got beat to a pulp by the guards for not eating.
Refusing to eat or choosing not to eat or any voluntary disregard for your health is an offence under the law in Quel'thalas and merits brutal corporal punishment, then they take the tofu and cram it down your throat after. So I learned my lesson quick and at meal times I tried to wolf it down as fast as possible and spend the next three hours fighting a severe stomach ache, if not for days. And you have to work 16-18 hours a day feeling like that.