omg communist rock n roll

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Communist Rock & Roll
Did anyone know that there WAS rock & roll in the USSR? State sanctioned bands who were allowed to perform did, and they were actually popular. The bands of course had to promote the USSR, communism or something like that in their music, and were not allowed to bash the state. Such conditions, alongside with trying to be like Western rock & roll bands (ex. Judas Priest, Def Leppard, Dead Kennedys etc) made for this music video which I think was HILARIOUS! First time I watched it, I was laughing my ass off. It's by a band called Dialog (english name Dawn Dialogue, i think), and the song is called "Krasniy Rock!" – Krasniy meaning Red. Pretty much it's "Russian Rock! AWESOME Rock" is the message I think. I tried to look up lyrics but could only find some on Russian forums and had to put what I could find through Google Translate. anyways, the video's cheesy as hell (Eastern Block bands were posers in appearance at least), but the song, is actually really good. LAUGH AT IT!




Arladerus 12 November 2010 Reply

trololo is old

Wolfboy183 13 November 2010 Reply

i know, i just put that there for the hell of it

dee32693 13 November 2010 Reply

i like it 😀 -only listened/watched the first 10 seconds-

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