The recent games.

By In Uncategorized

Okay, blog time!

I'll be talking about the game I've played today and possibly yesterday.


Dead Frontier

It's sorta like a scaled down version of Left 4 Dead as a MMORPG. A friend introduced this to me about 2 years ago. Basically you're in a post-apocalyptic world, filled with zombies(Didn't see that one coming, did you?). It's viewed via a bird's eye view, so you mostly just see heads, your arms and abit of your body and legs.

Since your only enemies are zombies in this game, Dead Frontier made the town big.

And I seriously mean BIG.

So far I've explored till the zombies changed their colours from grey to purple. And that's still the outskirts of town.

I'm playing as a police officer, so I gained a stat boost towards pistols and shotguns. And I'm going for a critical damage build. And the problem is that my Health is like Chicken Feed.

No seriously, even with amour, a crow pecked me and my health went to serious.


Oh, and while I'm writing this, a game called BattleForge is being patched onto my computer. Right now it's at 69%. Lets see how far it can possibly get.

Phantasgomoria of Flower View

This isn't a real online game, but it does have features for people to connect online. The 9th game in the Touhou Project series, Phantasgomoria of Flower View. To put it simply, this is a curtain fire game, or for it's Japanese term, Danmaku. You can also call it Bullet Hell.

Bullet hell indeed.

And I'm playing on the left screen. So for each target you destroy on your screen, an attack appears at your opponent's screen, and vice versa. Each character can only take 5 hits before asploding. Yes, asploding.

Subterranean Animism

Oh god. Touhou 11. Finally made it to the last boss. The video below'll show you how hard the final boss is.

Whoa, my spatula broke while I was cooking.

Battle Forge

This is the game that was loading. Apparently it takes a whole dinner to load. My brother pestered me to download the game, saying: OMG! OuR ReLatiVezz aRe alz0 plaYinG!!!! You MUsT AlsO Get IT!

Me: …
Him: …
Me: It's a online card game.
Me: …
Him: 8D
Me: Screw you.
Him: NUUUnonononono, play it!

Apparently, he persuaded me to download it by trespassing my laptop while I was bathing and downloading it. Gosh darn it. Okay, log in menu. Username and password…

Unable to establish connection

Maybe it's the other username.

Unable to establish connection. You must be blind for making me repeat this.


*Runs back to main page to check*

What is this nonsense. I apparently 'didn't create an account'. And sure, someone else took Zhlink as an ign. What is this blasphemy, may I ask? Zhlink being taken by someone not Zhlink. We have an identity theft crisis here. So I 'created an account' and 'a persona'. Back to desktop. Rebooted the launcher.

Please wait while we update latest patch.

Wait, didn't you guys just do tha- Oh, sure. You guys have to do that TWICE. I have to destroy this vermin with creativity.

Unlimited Essay Works, activate.

And thus I gave up on Battle Forge. And took up hard liquor. And got hooked on a song.

Warning, not for the faint hearted, children, or faint hearted children.
The above preceding statement may be mostly false or merely for entertainment purposes.


EvilStranger 31 March 2009 Reply

i like this blog

Ezyan 31 March 2009 Reply

Omg, your essay. XDDDDDDDDD



spygirl57 31 March 2009 Reply

Your poor laptop was bombarded with updates.
And it came to no use, seeing how you delete the thing anyway.

spygirl57 31 March 2009 Reply

I thought he was younger.
To think older brothers would be more mature.

dee32693 31 March 2009 Reply

LOOL aawwww look at that essaaayy xDD

Wolfboy183 31 March 2009 Reply

OMG U SERIOUS you turned that in for your essay assignment? ROFLCITY 😀 HAHAHA I had a good laugh at that one :D. Im gonna play dead frontier when I get home, maybe I can get my zombie hating friend hooked on it since his xbox360 broke

SirPainsalot 31 March 2009 Reply

Win, especially because of the essay pic. 😀 The teacher’s comments were funneh.

Souseiki 31 March 2009 Reply

lol! nice essay xD

Aaron 1 April 2009 Reply

I loved the essay. I would give it a Over 9000 win.

Wolfboy183 1 April 2009 Reply

DEAD FRONTIER IS A PIECE OF SH*T, i clicked somewhere and got rick rolled. WTF THAT IS OLD NOW.

Quang 1 April 2009 Reply


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