April's Fools? Nah.

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I'm not really into this April Fools kind of thing. Sure, it's fun to start a minor prank and watch the show. I don't mind any of that. Making a little lie, a small practical joke here and there, no problem. A good laugh is required now and then, right?

Pranks such as those mentioned by Alderus. Won't harm people yet comical in a way or another.

Then, some up it to another notch. Make something a little implausible happen. I'll give an example. A year ago, a saw this trailer on youtube about the classic game, Legend of Zelda, being turned into a movie.

And there was also this Pacman movie trailer as well.

People got a few good laughs out of these 'movie trailers' and jokes on what if they were real.

However, another notch up is where I draw the line. It's when the highly plausible happens. When it's within the grasp of others. Such as a certain fan-made game.

See, last year, I saw a trailer of a doujin game based on Touhou. It was made to be sort of a crossover between Disgaea combat system and Touhou characters. The character graphics wasn't the best, but the gameplay itself looked very attractive and appealing.

And it was all just an April Fool's joke.

These people make half a game engine with awesomeness like this. And thought it'd be a great idea to use this as a joke.

I had my hopes high, and it was burst with a few words.

I'm not saying that I hate April Fools or anything, but I would seriously hope that these 3rd stages jokes really do come true in some way.


MasterCheeze 2 April 2009 Reply

Ah, that reminds me of this one game that seems like a giant collab fighter featuring characters from all over the place. Last time I checked I saw like Link, Ivy, Cloud, and a bunch of other random people in it. I can’t remember the site, but I think it was in Spanish, and there were a lot of things based on cards.

Ezyan 2 April 2009 Reply


I saw that Link trailor a few days ago! That Link is so ugly, but if they got someone else to play him I fucking want a LoZ LA NOW I don’t CARE how crap it is NOWNOWNOW. D:

I was so disgusted with my friend when she told me it wasn’t real.


You get a like for having that awesomeness in your blog. *tehe*

Jil 2 April 2009 Reply
Ezyan said: if they got someone else to play him I fucking want a LoZ LA NOW I don’t CARE how crap it is NOWNOWNOW. D:

My thoughts exactly.

Souseiki 2 April 2009 Reply

aww..i wish the game was real..x.x

spygirl57 3 April 2009 Reply

Ooo , yeah, the big jokes just piss people off, especially when you get all excited about it.

Nass 4 April 2009 Reply

Who knows? Maybe they are still joking.
Maybe they still are making it, they just threw everyone off by lying?

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