Wut, Yea.

By In Uncategorized

Well, I thought I'd decided to do some last minute blog before I leave my house for a 4 day orientation camp in my new school, Singapore Poly. This isn't the actual orientation programme, but for the Digital Class.

Well then, let's get this blog rollin' shall we?

Song currently listening to:
Kero (9) Destiny

Anime Life

Two news here. Been watching a rather new anime series, K-On! I've read the original manga, it had quite abit of service elements in it (eg: tripping and revealing of pantsu). But it's not like those other anime nowadays, where without reason, it's just boobs here, boobs there. Too much fanservice I says. Anyways, back to K-On!

It's kind of a school-girl centered anime. With 4 females. Notice a trend in 2d works. It's mostly a group of 4 girls. Lucky Star, Hidamari Sketch…

*Shakes head vigorously*

Let’s break the plot down a bit. K-ON! is about 4 girls, namely:Mio Akiyama, Ritsu Tainaka, Yui Hirasawa and Tsumugi Kotobuki, who try to save their light music club from being wiped off the register.

Sorta reminds me of Clannad. *ahemsavethedramaclubahem*

2nd news: Cross Day's release date will be moved from April 24th to June 24th. And I was looking forward to an early release. >_>
For those who don't know, Cross Day is the sequel to School Days/Summer Days.

Strangely though, I did manage to find a video about the Days series.

Did I mention this was found on the 1st of April?

Song switched into BGM:
Wind God Girl.

Game Life

Recently, I’ve played a game that made me wanna rip out hair from my scalp. No, wait. Scratch that. Not that frustrating. But frustrating enough for me to start being pissed at a game.

And the only game that would make that happen, would be Danmaku-filled games.

But this game ain’t filled with Danmaku. It doesn’t even have a bit of Danmaku in it.

It’s a game called Demon’s Soul for the PS3.

About a week ago, I was walking with a friend of mine, and he told me about how insanely hard it was. So hard, he was stuck at level 1, stage 2. When I had first heard of it, I didn’t believe it for a moment. Him? Stuck at such an early level? A few days later, he invited me over to play that ‘insane-game’. “Couldn’t be too hard now, could it?” I thought.

I was horrendously wrong.

At the start of the game, you had to chose a name, gender, and class of your character. There are 10 different classes in there, all with their own pros and cons. I went along with a thief.

So after an hour of battling, here’s a summary of why it’s hard.

This game teaches you the lesson of encountering a game over. Once you die in this game, you enter a ’soul form’, with your maximum Health halved. To return back to your body, you’re forced to slay a demon. However, here’s the problem. Nearly every enemy in this game has the potential to, can, and will, make you see that ‘You are Dead’ or ‘Game Over’ screen. Even a simple 2-on-1 fight with regular guards could exhaust all of your healing items. The worst thing, however, is when you DO die.

You lose all of your souls you’ve collected(they’re used as money in this game.), you restart at the beginning of the entire chapter, whatever equipments you’ve used counts (e.g: bombs/arrows), your deteriorated amour still stays deteriorated. And the worst thing? All the enemies respawn.


But overall, it’s a pretty fun and awesome game. Sure, the death system will make you flip once in awhile, but the battles and evasion events are pretty exhilarating.

At least I don’t die every few seconds, like in I Wanna Be The Guy. Now, THAT game was a real killer.

Real Life

Took a loooong break from the Euphoria series, and though that I had enough rest. So I picked up me pencil, eraser, and started planning everything. While going about 1/4 of the way, I got bored and stopped.

So I went to rediscover maid outfits.

And drew a cover for one my Shoujo comic. (Gasp, yes I do draw these. Strangely, after looking at my romance comic, my friends tells me to ditch fighting and go for romance.)

I didn't bother to photoshop or clean these picture, procrastination got the better of me. Besides.

I am the bone of my essay. Procrastination is my body, and caffeine is my blood.

Then my friend (who also helps me check my work) complains to me.

Friend: Dood!
Me: ?
Friend: You did a maple comic, but couldn't do mine?!
Me: Well.. It's just that..
Me: It's really tiring to draw an entire midiveal army.
Friend: D<
Me: Okay, maybe I can cover their faces with amour, but I'm never too good with repetitive drawing.
Friend: Maybe draw them as stick figures and add a label beside them: 'Sorry, I wuz lazy.'
Me: Oh yea, sure.
Friend: : )
Me: And I can turn it into a comedy, like: "Hay! I thinks we are minor characters!" "Judging from the way we are drawn, I think so too!" "Most likely we'll die within the next few frames!"
Friend: C :
Me: …
Me: No.
Friend: 🙁
Meiido: Hey, wussup?
Friend: 🙁
Me: You wanna do repetitive work?
Meiido: Nope.
Me: There you have it.
Friend: You guys sucks.
Me & Meiido: 🙂

Ah well, that's all that happened recently. And this concludes this last minute blog thingy. Thing.

Oh right, I had this really whacked up dream about MMOTalers/VuTalers. Gonna make a comic outta it. When I come back from that 4 day camp. And if my arm does survive all that. Should I give a preview about what I saw? Hmm…

Since I still have until tomorrow to go to my camp, I'll tell you abit of that dream tomorrow. Sides.

Procrastination is my body.


Zhlink, over and out!


David 5 April 2009 Reply

Insaneee blog.

Arladerus 5 April 2009 Reply

I started watching K-On too. Mio is cool. =D

Gujju 5 April 2009 Reply

I was planning to watch K-on too 🙂
And anything that anything to do with School days officially scares the crap out of me.

anyways, I really love your style of drawing <3

Chameleon 5 April 2009 Reply

Think the first drawing is my personal fave, out of all three. It’s cute. ^^

FunnyFroggy 5 April 2009 Reply

Upskirt! 😀 Second video in Anime Life.

Vicelin 5 April 2009 Reply

I wish I had time to watch Anime ;_;

Lithium 5 April 2009 Reply

I remember I Wanna be The Guy.
I beat it..
After 4 months.

Souseiki 5 April 2009 Reply

have fun at camp! 🙂

dee32693 5 April 2009 Reply


Arladerus 5 April 2009 Reply

This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my p-


dee32693 5 April 2009 Reply

eeeewwwww D=

you have a dirty imagination

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