Urgh, One week.

By In Uncategorized

One week has passed by so quickly. One week of my new school has also ended. Well, at least the good thing is that my school is connected with a
train station. So right when I step out of the train station, the school greets me instantaneously. But the thing I hate about this new campus is that.


No, seriously. Why does the IT school has to be at the highest point? It's like those higher-up authorities said:
Oh, those nerds and geeks'll probably need all the exercise they can get. Wahahah-

And they gave us homework on the first week of school. Homework that lasts us for two or more months.

*Sigh*, Let's get some music on here, then we continue.


Lesee, there's:

• Photography
Gotta take some pictures that represent myself and more other stuff.

• 3d Graphics
I have 2 months to learn 3d graphics via Maya, then make a detailed 3d model of. Well. Anything! My lecturer showed us some models made by our seniors. There was an Amoured Core model, Saviour Gundam model, and the lecturer's hal done model of a car. That he worked on for a whole year. Apparently, according to him, he was 'disturbed' by the pupils constantly calling him asking him for advice.

• Err… Something.
I have to sketch 10 ideas of anything, and do extensive research about it while describing about what I've drawn in details. So far I have all the ideas, but I just can't draw them out nicely. And I've seen the senior's works, and dang. I have to draw. Sketch was just a nice term to describe it.

• Web design
Oh god. I don't even wanna talk about this.

Well, for Singaporeans who have time, We're gonna have a cosplay convention at Singapore Polytechnic FoodCourt 5 on the 29th of April, 11am to 4pm. Try to make it! 8D


Yes, after so many days of school, I has to replenish my lost time. Tayutama and K-on! are at the top of my list now, and I must say, they're really nice and awesome to watch. Especially K-on!.

Speaking of which, I suddenly find that my ero-self is slowly emerging again. Just when I thought I had killed it last year, it surfaced. Dammit. But since it already surfaced, might as well take full advantage of this ero-ness.

Oh, and this song has been constantly popping up on my mp3, even when I keep setting it to shuffle. I dunno. Might get unstuck if I do it on others. Normally that's how it always works with me. Border of Extacy..

Side note, Kara no Kyoukai 5 ish AWESOME! Awesome animation. Type moon has outdone themselves once again.

[/header]Gaming life[/header]

Erm. I haven't been gaming latel-

Oh, unless you count Perfect Cherry Blossom. Then yes. I have been doing alot of danmaku lately. I managed to unlock extra mode on PCB, but never made it to the final boss of PCB extra mode.. Here's a video to show you the frustration.

I unlocked Extra mode when I arrived at school reeeal early one day, and started playing. And when I reached the final boss' last bar of HP, guess who came in. Mr lecturer. And my sound was still sorta on. So sounds of flying bullets could still be heard.

Playing in class, eh?

Was what I thought would've happened. But he left me alone until I finally beat that dang'd boss.

: >

Oh, and I rejoined Kingdom of Loathing again. Created two characters, Zhlink the Disco Bandit, and Meiido the Turtle Tamer. 8 >

P.S: I accidentally clicked on Delete Blog instead of Edit blog. Can someone add a pop-up, like: Are you sure you wanna delete this blog?


Anima 24 April 2009 Reply


Lol, What’s so bad about web design? It’s not THAT hard >_>

Rep 24 April 2009 Reply

Is that Saber/King Arthur? 😀

Souseiki 24 April 2009 Reply

why do you have to do web design? O.o

Gujju 24 April 2009 Reply

K-ON is awesome. 🙂

and your school sounds interesting. Much more fun than mine.

MasterCheeze 24 April 2009 Reply

My Web Design class is pathetic. All we do is make sites for the school Web site instead of learn anything. sjadfl;ksdafjl;a w/e

And I’ve seen that game before. The last boss is CRAZY#@@@@! hard it looks like.

Lithium 25 April 2009 Reply

It’s been..
One week since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and side I’m angry, 5 days since you laughed at me, you said get that together come back and s-
Sorry, lol. Got caught up in the moment.

spygirl57 25 April 2009 Reply

LOL this is such a classic blog.

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