Songs currently listening to:
Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon – TAMusic feat
Side Note: Put on 3d glasses, then look at it! 8D
Food's really cheap and really good. The ice-cream machine's also kinda awesome. So yesterday before Critical Thinking class started, I was playing games on my laptop, namely Kingdom of Loathing, followed by more Touhou Danmaku madness. So I was minding my own business, shooting stuff, and people looking over to see what I was doing.
Game: ChikChikChikChikChikChikChikChikChik-
*Door opens*
Game: ChikChikChik-
Lecturer: Who's playing touhou?
And I was totally shocked and stunned there for a moment. I was thinking:
Omahgaw a lecturer actually knows what game I'm playing I'm screwed, wait a minute, but that also means I can challenge hertoascorecontestaswellbutI'llprobablygetkilledatstuffbutactuallyIthinkit'sokaysinceI'mamasochistandall-
Game: SPWWUN- (I died. : < )
Lecturer: Yep, definitely Touhou.
Turns out she (yes, she.) also plays Gears of War. But then one of my classmates commented:
"Is that game really so much fun?"
Time to open cans of whoop as-
Halfway through class, we were working on stuff when my lecturer saw my file (where I store my artwork and school stuff), and wanted to flip through my artworks. So, halfway through, she stared at one of them for quite some time.
Lecturer: J.Z?
Me: Yea?
Lecturer: What's this?
Me: …
Lecturer: …
Me: Ohshytohshytohshytohshyt Erm, that's. Er.
Lectuer: Don't tell me you're into yur-
Me: Quite possibly, yes. (Didn't want class to know)
Lecturer: I see.
Right, a little bit of fast forwarding. Japanese Classes. One of the few classes that I was looking forward to. So along with 3 of my friends (I'll be naming them, erm. Unnamed friend #1,#2,#3.) we went to locate our class. Which was on the sixth floor. But thank goodness it's in the school I'm studying in. We arrived, grabbed seats at the back, and started wondering why we chose the back seat when suddenly we hear a voice say " Ei, you guys also take same class as me ar?"
Oh god. Hadley. (Weal name!) That one annoying person. Whenever he meets me, the first word that comes out of his mouth is 'Hentai'. Apparently I made a name for myself in Secondary School and Polytechnic Life. Well, it could just be him, but I dunno. He keeps pestering me about visual novels, and how many he's played through already. In a nutshell, he's a complete weeaboo.
So first he sits beside us, and finally we realised why we could choose the back seats while noone else wanted them.
Our hearing was relatively good. I dunno if this has anything to do with out sitting arrangements in our previous school, but meh. But Hadley didn't add enough skill points into his ears, and moved to a closer seat.
The teacher, if I remember, is HOTNESS! ERGH! I wanna ba Maiko Iishi. And after a quick introduction(she even wrote down our names in katakana for us on the whiteboard. :3 ), we went into lesson. So it's the basic things, simple introduction (Hajimemashite. Watashi-wa [insert name/occupation here] desu. [insert country/city here] kara kimashita. ) , numbers, countries, and occupations.
Then, she told us about the different styles of writing. Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, Romanji. And thus, the learning of Hiragana began. So, for fun, she translated the word "Not" into japanese via hiragana. It became a 7 lettered word. So we were abit awed, when a certain idiot said something out loud.
"So small word, use so many letters?"
Hadley, that b***ard.
"The wordo is so small, bute usea so many word!"
Thinking that the teacher just came to an English environment or something. Some other comments made by him includes: "Instead of -san, can we use -chan?", "I Tai(tailand, which obviously he was not from) people!", "Watashi-wa Hentai! Hentai-desu!"
Okay, maybe the last one didn't happen. But I wish it'd happen though. Oh, the sheer thought of it all. So when he ran back to us for awhile, we told him to tell the teacher: "Wakkata! Atai ga amari ni mo tensai dakara, shitto shiterudesho!"
Which means: I got it! You're just jealous of my intelligence, aren't you?" But he didn't fall for it. Dammit.
Photography lessons. Something happened before class started, but that's for another time. There would be 10 lucky students from our class who would be using a loaned camera from the photography club (also the photography room as well), go out on a 30 minutes snapping rage, and get back to class. So, I started being a certain fastest photographer. I focused my camera first, then I dashed out of the walkway, and started snapping pictures of people along the hallways as I was running.
Oh, the sheer awesomeness before a teacher caught me.
Song Change:
9 Symphony
Gaming Life!
Went back to Battle Moon Wars. It's sorta like those Super Robot Taisen War games thing, where it's a turn based battle system, and you move characters around on a grid battlefield. Except this game uses characters from the Type-Moon world. Say, Saber?
But, unfortunately, there are 4 whole discs I must clear first. Sighs.
Played Left 4 Lol online at my friend's house the other day. I don't know why I keep calling it Left 4 Lol. Ah wells. I got hold of the automatic Shotgun, and carnage started. Guns a blazing, I just rushed everywhere, shooting anything that moved. Of course, and occasional hunter or smoker might get me, but then my teamates come after awhile. I remember I once killed one of my friends by mistake, pumping 4 shots into him, and had to waste a first aid kit. He got his revenge by "accidentally" sniping me in the head.
So the room changed into multiplayer 'story' mode, and my playing style changed completely. I use the assault rifle (Or what i guess as a m-16 or m-4), and go abit more on the defensive. And everyone thought I'd take a direct offensive front. So I served as a back guard and pack mule, healing people and fragging enemies.
Insertion of random video!
Touhou 12: One sentence is all I need to say. Apparently ZUN's(the game's designer, music composer) been moving on from beer to some form of hard liquor.
What happened before class started:
Zhlink was playing another visual novel, as usual, waaaay before class started. The HCG appeared on the screen when suddenly:
Back Door: Creak.
Zhlink: Hohmahgawd!
*Slams laptop shut*
Classmates: What just happened?
Zhlink: Nothin, nothin.
LOl almost caught ;O
Ah, almost!
LOL thats funny, I remember that drawing.
And funny guy xD
I would have laughed if you got caught. :O
HOTNESS! ERGH! I wanna baMaiko Iishi.Lol Metal Gear Awesome 😀