Today I was supposed to bum over at my friend's place and scan my pictures at the same time, but then I saw the ijji website on his desktop. I stared at it for a moment before I started to wonder how long was it since I last played Gunz. After scanning the pictures, and with permission, I double clicked on the G icon, logged in, and started game.
It's changed much since I last touched it, instead of separating quest and regular channels, now they sort it via Pacific and Atlantic. Either way, both servers work fine. So I went into a random room and clicked start.
Deathmatch at High Haven.
High Haven's basically two floating castles linked via a bridge and underground cellar. So with almost all of my skills lost, I went back to basics.
And it worked wonders.
Sure, people weren't happy, and they were all going: Noob Sprayer, noob, arsehole, etcetcetc.
Counterattack: So you admit you're worse than a noob sprayer?
And they shutted upped.
So after awhile, I figured spraying seriously ain't gonna get me far (actually, it did, the problem with a really fast rifle is the really fast bullet, and revolver ain't the best weapon for me, I just can't snipe for nuts), so it was time to pull out knifey. Ooohhhhh, knifey. How I misssed you. I still remember the good times. Goooood times.
Okay, so maybe it was never like that, but you get the picture.
Anyways, managed to remember three basic D-style techs; Space Invade, Fade Step, and Dagger Train. And to tell you the truth, these are the simplest ones.
Anyways, there were several times I managed to… Well. Maybe I should show you guys an example.
Well, sorta. Then amongst the K-stylers, I met another dagger user. Only difference was that he kept spamming the lunge attack. He was put to rest real shortly. Oh, and I leveled up after opening a can of whoop arse on him.
And that sorta concludes my Gunz day.
Random incident of the day: I was at a shopping center yesterday when a sandal just fell down from god knows where. Thank goodness it didn't hit anyone, but the strangest this was that when I lifted my head to find who or what dropped it, I saw this giant circle with a star hanging above the ground floor. Hmmm..
It was God’s sandal. Try worshipping it to get attention.
You make me want to revisti Gunz.
I remember Attack&Defense…. That’s it.
Almost everyone i see in Gunz is either K-styling or doing some other flashy move.
What happened to good ol gun and run!?
Attack and Defend was pretty new when I quit. Actually, it was when I revisited the game. Before I quit the first time, Naked Games were popular.
I tried Gunz and it seems there’s quite alot of competition so I decided to play S4 League instead.
S4 League is a sci-fi third-person shooter that I personally prefer cos I think the graphics are better and it’s somewhat more relaxing to play
Me and guo were pretty pro at GunZ.
SS, RS, BF, DBF, and insta. :T
But guo couldn’t do insta wat.
Lawl, my hands aren’t fast enough to press all those buttons, that’s why I swapped to D-styling.
Everyone called me a noob, oh, but wait till they butterfly above me, they’ll get a dagger train they can’t get out of.