The end of a day of a week of a month

By In Uncategorized

After a few weeks of constant Hiatus( but not as much on msn! 8D ), I r teh backs. Curse the overwhelming amounts of homework! CURSES!

Today's Monday, 8th June, the end of the first day of the school holidays for me. Bah, but this holiday's not gonna be the best holiday I'm ever gonna get through.

Current obstacles include:

3d modeling (Okay, this isn't as hard as it seems, it'll take 2 days tops, though.)
Web Publishing (Omagawd, I has to make a website!?!?1/1/1!?!? NoWaiThat'sIMPOSSIBLE!)
Video (Ehh.. I.. Just don't care..)
IDEAS (Oh god, I don't even know why they made this module in the first place.)

And to top it all off, we only have 2 weeks to finish all this. Well, 1 week and 6 days to be more precise.

It'd be great if I didn't have to consecutively finish my CCA's project as well, which also has a deadline of 2 weeks.

Oh joy, the coincidence.

Well, better shift the topic away from homework and towards the holidays.

Thanks to CCAs, I'm addicted to Caramelldansen. Again! Apparently, people whole know how to do the dance are a plenty in LifeArts. So when the song started, I started having a conference in mah head.

D00d, you know you wanna.
Must… Keep sanity.. in… check!
Just do it.

And I did. Oh, the joy. The joy of it all. Feel free to let your imagination go crazy and start visualizing me with my hands at the side of my head while bobbing left and right. It felt good, though.

And since our CCA didn't have a real room to use (well, we actually did, but the modeling group barged in and were like :"We were here firster!" ), so we kept ninjaing from one room to another, so a common thing to hear usually was:

Leader: Okay guys, anyone know where's lecture theater ***?
Us :
Leader: Dammit, just follow me.

And with procrastination at it's max within me, I'll be jumping off…


Somewhere, I guess.

I dunno, lol ¯(°_0)/¯


Quang 8 June 2009 Reply

Hare Hare Yukai, Carameldansen.. What else is there?

MasterCheeze 8 June 2009 Reply

That’s DK’s pose right there.

Spade 9 June 2009 Reply


Zhlink, don’t worry man, you’ll get through it. JUST REMEMBAR UR INSTINCTS


spygirl57 9 June 2009 Reply


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