So. it's been some time.
Since I last visited.
Currently listening to:
(I'm posted this cuz I like the video. : D)
Well, suddenly while typing out this blog i feel rather awkward. Not too sure whether it's due to me not blogging for an extremely long period of time, or not being on Vutales like I'm supposed to be. I'd have to say it'd be both though. Meh, but for whatever reason, at least I'm back. And I'll try to keep staying here, as I has shifted the Vutales bookmark to the top of my Firefox bookmark list.
Well, I haven't been on Vutales on for quite some time, so I don't blame you guys if you won't have interest in this blog or whatsoever. I won't ask for sympathy or stuff, but meh. I'll keep writing based on how I feel right now.
Anyway, THE BLOG!
Well, school's been pretty busy lately (duh, since when has school NOT been busy), and my 2nd semester pretty much recently started. So, the joys of learning new shit in the form of shit just arrived. Well, first lesson I attended in the 2nd semester was maths.
Like, what?
I came to poly to learn 3d/2d animations! Why the gosh darn would I want to learn maths for!? I wanna forget all that stuff since secondary school! How does matrices help in 3d? How does venn diagrams help!? HOW DOES SET THEORY HELP!?!?!?
Anyways, maths was pretty boring, basically we had to go through some stuff. And as per usual, the lecturer just HAD to emphasize on how 'important' this subject will be and that flunking it is not an option. Oh, I don't know. After hearing almost every lecturer say that about their own subject, makes me wanna trust you so much more huh?
So, just like things which I don't find important, I slept and daydreamed through most of the lessons, and did everything else at home, being the cocky b***ard that I was. And am. Which I proudly admit.
+1 ego point
And just like any lessons, lecturers/teachers just give you tons of homework, thinking that you'd be able to complete everything since they think you have all the time in the world. And when almost every lecturer thinks in that manner, I might as well screw off for the homework. It's so much it's not even funny. Probably why recently procrastination's been constantly popping in and taking over. And I sorta like this new natural reflex, makes me feel so much more better.
3D lessons are starting to be a total arse right now. Well, actually not the lessons, but more of the lecturer. That that's mostly the problem most of the time anyway, right? So, this lecturer, he claims he came from US, and apparently his way of teaching if from the textbook. No, seriously. Just do the exercises straight from the textbook. As if that ain't bad enough, he walks around the class and mocks at us.
Me: This doesn't look right.
Him: That's cause you're doing it wrong.
Me: Care to explain?
HumbugBLARGH: I've already explained it.
Me: So can you help me or not?
Douchebagger: No.
Me: You've only explained it once.
Gheylord: Too bad you didn't pay attention.
Me: Well gee, sorry for not being a total genius (and arsehole) like you.
So, being a natural procedure, when the teacher phails on you, you turn to a friend.
Me: Hey, so do you-
Mr.Combobreakarse: (Shouts to class) Remember, if you don't know, don't ask your friends. They won't know and they'll be wrong.
Therefore, I've decided to choose him to constantly debate and argue and piss off.
But the most annoying new subject yet would be ONOW. Our Nation Our World. So basically that subject sorta teaches us about the world topics, about us and stuff like that. But in the end, in order to pass that subject, we've gotta get a certain amount of CIP points. Which means I've got to help out at some old folk's home for 10 hours if I'm to pass this thing. Not that I mind or anything, but later, shit got worse. Apparently our schedule changed into having Chrismas dinner with some kids at some orphanage thing.
Sure, I don't mind and all, but WHY CHRISMAS?!?! I HAVE MY FAMILY TOO!
So, AFA is coming in about a week's time, and I've already pre-ordered my ticket and I'm ready to go for the event. Too bad I can't go for the concert, it being bloody expensive and all. I mean, SG$180 for those songs. Damn it's godly expensive. But I'll admit, at least this time they thought more about the event. Rising up the prices of tickets to prevent random people from taking up unwanted space, using a second exhibition hall as the concert stage, and having companies from outside of Singapore come to sell their merchandises. I'll be looking well forward to that.
I still don't get what's the hype over K-on. I mean, it's just about 4 girls and their regular lives in school. Sorta like lucky star if you think of it in another way.
Song change to:
Even though the voice itself is rather monotonous, it actually sounds pretty good.
Well, my CCA's starting to get lotsa fun and all, being that everyday's sorta like a random day, ever knowing what's gonna happen, and japanese lessons are starting to have effects, now that I can sorta make a proper sentence now.
And, let's see, what else is there to add…
Ah snap, it's already 12am here.
Oh well, I'll probably make another blog tomorrow or something then. Till then, I'll probably tur-
Oh snap, homework.
Zeely <3
: D