I feel ya. New York is definitely not a place to have a lovely night stroll.
Drunks are everywhere, and of course drug dealers. You have to get used to this harsh city or you will not survive.
New York isn’t for sociable people, either. Well, at least in public. You pretty much can’t look at anyone and you have to look straight or else a New Yorker will take it as an insult.
Not to say that New York is bad. No way is it bad. 🙂 Its just… Not for the faint of heart, is all.
Jackie Chan rocks btw. :3
OMG Jackie Chan 😀 Jackie Chan is my idol 😀
*instant likes*
It’s pretty quiet at night in my neighborhood.
I love New York, but Lake George has to be my favorite though. Anyway, my neighborhood is quiet at night. Nobody is really that bad around me except the fact there is sometimes a couple teens that are smoking, and walking down my street.
Lake George. 🙂
I thought Rudy kicked all the drug dealers to the slums and New Jersey. o.o
I’ve lived in New York for 20 years and I’ve had never seen anything that horrible. I mean I’ve been robbed, mugged, seen people maced, maced someone, seen fights, etc., but never a girl getting punched in the street.
I live in Queens (closer to Long Island), this neighborhood isn’t as bad as other parts. It’s just that there’s about three schools in the area so there’s a lot of teenagers (underage drinking, drugs, jackass behavior).
Rudy did a great job cleaning up New York, but I think he mostly moved the strip clubs and topless bars across the Hudson. Drug dealers are still a dime a dozen (hehe) in this city, but they aren’t all necessarily bad people. I’m sure people will disagree but they don’t all sponsor terrorist groups and gangs. If anything the user is more of the bad guy if they’re aware of who and what they are potentially contributing to and yet can’t pass up a night of binging coke.
@Quang: Jackie Chan is my hero, too! City Hunter is by far my favorite Jackie Chan movie ever.
Judy ohai
I thought Rudy kicked all the drug dealers to the slums and New Jersey. o.o
Camden and Asbury Park are the only bad places in NJ really.
She be back D:
Jesus. When it got to the part where you could hear the punching, I totally would have dropped something heavy out the window and onto the guy’s head >_>; a 40 lb. bag of Eukanuba to the cranium would have done them some good. But that’s just me.
Nothing is really any different here. Some guy up the street from me was recently arrested for trying to rape the five year old girl he was babysitting. There were gunshots coming from what sounded like the forest behind my house, I thought they sounded more like fireworks, but the three cops who live in my court all said it was definitely a gun, so I’m just an idiot.
I would never move to NY, no offense…not even if it meant I could visit Kinokuniya every day. I can’t stand the city atmosphere for more than two days…
I live in Queens (closer to Long Island), this neighborhood isn’t as bad as other parts. It’s just that there’s about three schools in the area so there’s a lot of teenagers (underage drinking, drugs, jackass behavior).
Rudy did a great job cleaning up New York, but I think he mostly moved the strip clubs and topless bars across the Hudson. Drug dealers are still a dime a dozen (hehe) in this city, but they aren’t all necessarily bad people. I’m sure people will disagree but they don’t all sponsor terrorist groups and gangs. If anything the user is more of the bad guy if they’re aware of who and what they are potentially contributing to and yet can’t pass up a night of binging coke.
@Quang: Jackie Chan is my hero, too! City Hunter is by far my favorite Jackie Chan movie ever.
Ehhhh. I live in the more suburban side of Queens so I deal more with bad attitude than petty thefts.
Although I have seen a man one day jaywalking; jumping over cars and running across a highway. I suppose he just stole something, no one would jaywalk in that way.
Albany is clean.
It’s just we’re the midpoint for drug traffickers. >.> Between montreal and NYC.
That’s true.
But I’ve only seen Albany at night (or like early morning). And it’s all empty and stuff.
@Lahdeedah: I heard Newark is pretty bad. There’s some pretty slummy parts there.
@Lee: I was here, kinda… I think… Where did you disappear to off of my MSN list?
@Vicelin: I was going to make some noise when I got to the window but they were pretty far down the block. Also, I didn’t know if he was packing heat or not, he was really drunk and could have been loaded.
Gun shots are pretty much ignored here, my boyfriend’s neighbors are a couple of drug dealing pot heads with a BB gun and they get away with everything. It’s kind of hard to convict someone for shooting off air guns.
It’s mostly Manhattan that can wear people out. I’d never live there either and the only people who can afford to are Starbucks sucking yuppies. The boroughs are more suburban, but Manhattan is less slummy. I can’t stand Kinokuniya. I love their stuff but there’s way too many Hot Topic scenesters and weeaboos. I have nothing against people who are fans, I just can’t stand when people walk around Asian places cosplaying and speaking broken Japanese, it’s pretty insulting making Japanese culture a novelty. A few months back, I couldn’t even shop for groceries at Mitsuwa without seeing someone dressed as Naruto… at a supermarket…
@Oliver: Queens closer to Long Island is super quiet. It doesn’t even seem like New York. I’m pretty close to Long Island but still closer to Flushing where it’s a huge mess.
@David: I like Albany but there’s never anything to do there…
Haha, totally. Albany people just go up to Lake George or the mountains for vacation. Otherwise, we have to stick to our computers, or play some local football… which I don’t really do. 😛
Newark has bad areas, but that’s the same with a lot of cities.
I haven’t been on msn or any msging things recently =/
Been fps gaming and those things lag the shat outa me
Sometimes I really hate the second amendment.
Lol @ Starbucks sucking yuppies.
Meh. I love Kinokuniya because I only get to go there about once every two years. I always save up some money to buy the fashion magazines. And I think at one point they carried some Baby The Stars Shine Bright clothing, but that’s just what I heard from a friend.
Weeaboos are annoying everywhere they go. It IS rude to flaunt around, pretending to know a culture when all you really understand is what you get from a cartoon.
That Reason #1 was a pretty powerful story. o_o; Sad to say but I think most people woulda reacted the same way you did…
I know what you mean bout the infomercials. I find myself watchin plenty of those late at night, and they’re always at least half-entertaining.
My favorite thing about watching infomercials is watching people try to convince you how hard life is without their product.
The knife set commercials are the best. It’s hilarious watching the lady try to cut a tomato with the knife held horizontally.