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David 29 June 2009 Reply
AppleBomb said: The both of them say the word “fail”, “win”, and make references to memes so frequently that I feel like unplugging my cable modem just to shut them up.

A quote to be handed down the centuries.

I’ve done a few of those while practicing with my instructor (which might explain why he got fired).


Well, this blog just cheered up my day by a lot. XD

You’re Judy on the Radio! right? What does that mean? O_o

MasterCheeze 29 June 2009 Reply

Whenever I leave a place, I say, “It’s time to make like a tree and gtfo of here.” :O

AppleBomb 29 June 2009 Reply

I wish it meant I had my own radio show.

tarheel91 29 June 2009 Reply

What a sad world you live in. Never been over 40 mph? Never been on the highway? Very, very sad. I’m probably going to drive 500+ miles just to get my next car.

AppleBomb 29 June 2009 Reply

My sister gets so nervous she practically cries when driving. It’s kind of embarrassing to be in a car with someone who takes five minutes to do a K-turn, but she’s the only bad driver in this household.

Except for when I don’t pay attention to how fast I drive which usually gets me smacked in the head.

tarheel91 29 June 2009 Reply
AppleBomb said: My sister gets so nervous she practically cries when driving. It’s kind of embarrassing to be in a car with someone who takes five minutes to do a K-turn, but she’s the only bad driver in this household.

Except for when I don’t pay attention to how fast I drive which usually gets me smacked in the head.

Speeding’s the only way to do it! Your sister is probably one of the people that piss me off every time I drive anywhere. It’s people like her that cause accidents, not people like me driving 10-15 above the speed limit. Accidents have much more to do with not being aware of your surroundings and what you can/can’t do than speed.

Gujju 29 June 2009 Reply

So you are the one from flushing. Rofls.


Kitsch 30 June 2009 Reply

Megan Fox looks like a man.

AppleBomb 30 June 2009 Reply

Megan Fox is always looks wet and sweaty.
She also has man-hands.

spygirl57 30 June 2009 Reply

Megan Fox….
And yikes about your sister. 😐

Rep 30 June 2009 Reply

I screamed DOUBLE KILL when Bumblebee ripped apart that Decepticon tiger and the red guy. 😀
Don’t feel bad about the WoW references. xD

Pirkid 30 June 2009 Reply
Rep said: I screamed DOUBLE KILL when Bumblebee ripped apart that Decepticon tiger and the red guy. 😀
Don’t feel bad about the WoW references. xD

I yelled Domination when Optimus ripped his face apart. 😀

MasterCheeze 30 June 2009 Reply

I yelled out “Popcorn War” when the movie quit playing halfway through. o.o

Nass 30 June 2009 Reply

I yelled out “Golden” when Megan was running in slow motion.

spygirl57 30 June 2009 Reply

I muttered “Whore” when they first showed Megan in her little booty shorts, leaning over the motorcycle.
I REALLY don’t like her, especially when my brother and my cousin both sighed happily, staring at her ass, while she called Sam.

SHIA. <3

Nass 30 June 2009 Reply

Aw. You combo broke us…..

David 30 June 2009 Reply
spygirl57 said: I muttered “Whore” when they first showed Megan in her little booty shorts, leaning over the motorcycle.
I REALLY don’t like her, especially when my brother and my cousin both sighed happily, staring at her ass, while she called Sam.

SHIA. <3

That last SHIA comment doesn’t make you much better. 😛

I kid, but yeah. XD

DarkDragoon 1 July 2009 Reply

I threw my friends empty icee thingy at the screen when optimus nuked the laser in one shot…
yeah I was pissed like no other…was about to buy a new coke to throw at the screen that’s how pissed

AppleBomb 1 July 2009 Reply

I wouldn’t waste delicious coke. I’d drink it all furiously and save the ice for throwing in anger.

But I was in the back row.

And I can’t throw for shit.

And I know some of the people who work there and they’d make me clean it myself.

DarkDragoon 1 July 2009 Reply

rofl sucks D;
We went there for the cheapy 5 buck before 5 prices…I felt ripped off still

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