Let's make this blog long…

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Yes yes. I'll try to fill it up as much as I can (unless it's a girl), while making it still easy to read (hence paragraphs)!

School and everything related


From grade 9 to grade 12, we need forty hours of community service. I know some private schools that require 40 hours A YEAR. I would kill myself if that were the case with public schools though (or at least the TDSB). I'm in grade 9. My first hour was in November; putting poppies into envelopes, and putting those envelopes into bigger ones, depending on the number of people in a homeroom. Yep. One hour.

Then in January math tutoring began (yes, very late into the year). Got some hours there. Once a week, I would get one hour. But my teacher constantly had things with her daughter and meetings, so it wasn't very consistent. I got 7 hours and 18 minutes in total from math tutoring, over the course of 5 months. Yes. Crap.

Some time during April, we were just doing random stuff in Band class. The strings teacher came in, and asked if anybody wanted to do any music transposing (Apparently, some retard decided to put the solo saxophone part in key, but make all the 4 parts of vocalists off key. Great). My hand shot up, because I knew I needed some hours. However, I didn't realize how long it would take…

Effing retard, why would he do that, about the keys? Goddamn it. I was pissed. I was sitting there, re-typing out the notes and the lyrics and the dynamic markings (GOD I HATE THOSE DYNAMIC MARKINGS, SO EFFING LONG TO DO). I worked on it for two nights. Pretty much an hour per page.

I got 10 hours from that. I went W00T, transposing music is AWESOME FOR HOURS.

Then came the 30 hour famine. You get 10 hours from that (How does it add up? I don't know). I asked my mom if I could do it. She said no. I was like "Lolwut, seriously?" Ah well. Too bad, I would almost be done if I did the 30 hour famine.

I also regret not joining Music Council or Environmentalist Club. Music Council: 30 minutes every Thursday, do some voting, rotations, and that's about it. Talk about easy time. Environmentalist Club: Every Monday, collect recycling bins, and… promote recycling. After the school year, a person in that club will have 20 hours+. I WOULD BE DONE. BAHHHHHH.

High School!

I'm grade 9 right now, but I'm in one of the last 6 schools that go by grade 7-9. Theoretically, I'm a high school student, but if you get technical, I'm still Junior High. I'm talking about next year, DUDE. I'm gonna make a club. The SOS団! I'm currently in the process of learning the Hare Hare Yukai. I've already convinced 2 other people to participate in it. I have a Yuki and a Mikuru! =D W00T. But yeah, the SOS団 is sort of a cover-up. Only like 20 people of us from our current school is going to the school… we're… going… to……? because of the Gifted program. But yeah, the real reason I want to make the SOS団 is so we can still stay in touch after school, because our classes will be split up and stuff now (more Gifted students).

I would probably humiliate Japan if we did the Hare Hare Yukai for Multicultural fest, but I plan on forcing us to do that for a talent show! (Does this sound very Haruhi-like to anybody? W/e, I'm gonna play the role of Kyon though.) My friend though, who is obsessive over the person who I convinced to be Mikuru (obviously for the sex appeal), is pretty pissed off at that though. Every time I mention the Hare Hare Yukai or the SOS団, he mood swings, puts in an angry face (and looks like a terrorist).

For grade 10, we have 3 electives. I chose this class about learning the hardware of a computer, disassembling and reassembling, another computer class about coding, and Band. My alternate was Vocals (LOL.)

Which brings me to another subject…

Spring Fling!

The name of my current school's talent show. My (terrorist) friend and I have come together and got the guts (we chickened out last year) to sing for Spring Fling. Guess what song we're doing?

The first thirty seconds is the first thirty seconds of this:


Then the rest of our performance…

Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up! Durr! But it had to be under 3 minutes in total, so I edited it. I'll provide an update on how it turns out later. *crosses fingers*

French Oral Presentation

No, not presenting how you French Oral. Basically, we had to give a 3 minute speech. I talked about the movie V for Vendetta. I presented my favourite part of the movie, but I did it in English…

I hope that doesn't FAIL me. Ack…


Unreal Tournament '99

Also known as Classic. This was the very first Unreal Tournament made. It doesn't require a CD key, and there are a lot of players still, like Tactical Ops (which I'm playing less due to Unreal. Tactical Ops is based on the Unreal Engine), so it's still fun. Also, I play with my friends.


I'm not sure what to play. I'm gonna uninstall MapleStory soon, and Mabinogi got me kinda bored. What do people think about Dragonica? I watched some videos, but I'm still not convinced.


I got this awesome mod where a lot of custom equipment created by the fanbase have been included. It's really awesome. Really.

I failed to make this long.


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