Never gonna give you up

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Never gonna let you down…

If there's anything you need,
All you have to do is say…

Anyways. There's something I need to talk to you guys about.

JUNE 2, 2009.

Yes. Two days ago. I Rick Roll'd the school. No, not through the PA system. It was waaaaaaaay more epic. My friend and I were scheming this since last year, but we chickened out. We managed to do it this year though. We vowed to leave our mark in the school…

Anyways. It started like this. We were both wearing baseball caps, and I was wearing a lab coat. He was wearing a black coat. (White and black. Lulz) Anyways. The music starts… POKEMON! YEAH YEAH. I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST… LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS…

And it goes until the first POKEMON! word.

… the power that's inside… POKE-

*drums of the Rick Roll music start playing*

Then I took off my lab coat, and he took off his black coat. Underneath, I wore a black blazer and a striped shirt, while my friend wore a black shirt and a trench coat, just like Rick Astley in the music video. "We're no strangers to love…"

Goddamn Rick Astley's voice is epic. His voice is so effing low. It actually kind of failed for us though. We weren't able to sing low AND loud. Also, the microphones sucked, and you literally had give it a…

… blo…

… kiss to actually make it loud enough so it would pick up the sound. *sniffle*



Exams are coming up. =O First, I have my provincial assessment of mathematics (easy stuff, really). Over the weekend, I plan on studying my English, Geography and Science. English is on Lord of The Flies and Romeo and Juliet, based on essays and news articles.

I NEED HELP ON ESSAYS. I don't understand. I've been taught in grade 6 that essays are "Introduction, ended with thesis, three points ordered by strongest, weakest, middle, and then conclusion". We weren't exactly taught how to write an essay that wasn't an opinion-support-type of essay. Help help help! I also need help writing thesis statements. I use the format I was taught in grade 6, but apparently my teacher disapproves:

"Capital punishment should be banned as it has degrading effects on the world; this is evident by its demoralizing thoughts and way of dealing with issues, the fact that money should never be prioritized over a life, and how killing somebody leaves them in the worst state possible when they die." Or something like that.

Apparently, a thesis statement isn't supposed to be the last sentence of an introduction??? Apparently, it shouldn't be nearly that long? I was taught that the three points that will be talked about should be mentioned in the thesis statement.

But more importantly… I still need help with an essay that is not for opinion-support, such as character analysis. =(


I'm trying to pick up tennis. My forehand swing is pretty good. I have to use two hands to backhand though. I don't plan on learning how to backhand properly anytime soon. XD I can serve quite accurately too. But I can't overhead serve. According to my friends, if you don't overhead in a real competitive match, the opponent can easily slam the ball, making it impossible for you to get.

Ah well. I was watching some tennis on television. It's pretty funny when you see the tennis people overhead serve, and it ends up hitting the net. (Not like I can do any better though. It's just funny… My eye goes across the TV screen, and I end up going "Where did the ball go?")

I has nothing else to say

I has nothing else to say.


David 4 June 2009 Reply

Your teacher isn’t very nice, a thesis can be long, but it is the last sentence of the introduction. Your thesis is kind of iffy, because it should be concise.

I was for capital punishment in my persuasion speech though. I deleted it, so I can’t show you, but here’s how I would write the thesis:

“Capital punishment is not a legitimate punishment and should be banned as it has degrading effects on the world due to its lack of moral, high percent chance for error, and zero percent chance of recovering the lost life.”

The thesis ultimately depends on your paragraph. You have to start broad:

Centuries ago, when the first code of Hammurabi emerged, a set of laws were established. These laws included consequences for those who broke the rules set by society, and death was very much a prominent punishment. Even the Bible advocated the Death Penalty with the principle of Lex Talionis, or the punishment should fit the crime. 21 centuries later, our modern civil system still practices some of these laws in an outdated system. Humans have evolved, and so should the law system. Today, in the United States, xx states still practice the death penalty, California being one of them. The average American citizen should stand up to this, because the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent, as shown by social statistics, nor does it serve as a…


Arladerus 4 June 2009 Reply

I’m saying in general. I picked a random subject. But yeah, I know about the introduction format, except about where the thesis was supposed to be.

Anyways, once again, I need help on how to format an essay that isn’t…

What is it called, anyways? I’ll say debated for now….

David 4 June 2009 Reply

An essay that’s not debated?

Like an objective essay?

Nass 4 June 2009 Reply

I had to do my public speech on Sex ed. today…

David 4 June 2009 Reply

Abstinence fails.

’nuff said.

Arladerus 4 June 2009 Reply

Like I said in the blog, an essay on let’s say, what the Beast represented in Lord of The Flies, or a character analysis of Jack.

Dest1 4 June 2009 Reply

nice rickrolling the school, what responses did you get from the people watching?

Arladerus 4 June 2009 Reply

They actually sang along. I guess they were high or something.

David 4 June 2009 Reply

Ugh, I read Lord of the Flies like a few months ago, it was crappy.

Character analysis of Jack = He was a douchebag.

The Beast was the monster within humanity. The basic idea was that society kept humans in check. As soon as they are no longer in society, the monster within takes over, chaos ensues, and humans become animals, just like beasts.

Pirkid 5 June 2009 Reply

I rickroll’d the school system.

More news later.

Arladerus 5 June 2009 Reply

David, you keep jumping to conclusions.

I did my studying and research as well. Dude. It’s besides the point. “The basic idea” is that I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO WRITE A FREAKING ESSAY ON THAT.

David 5 June 2009 Reply

Gah, then just state that the first time around, don’t drag other topics into it. =_= You confused me.

I thought writing an essay is pretty natural. All you gotta do is write. There’s really no way to define writing. Just read, copy, write, and repeat.

Arladerus 5 June 2009 Reply

That was a great explanation in which it helped me in no way at all. -_-

Could you be more specific?

David 5 June 2009 Reply

1) Look at/read other peoples’ objective essays.
2) Observe how its written.
3) ???
4) Profit.

Arladerus 5 June 2009 Reply

Rule 34?

DarkDragoon 5 June 2009 Reply

Essays are bullshit nuff’ said

Ezyan 5 June 2009 Reply

Well done on the rickroll. Damn, we totally should have done that instead of the lame garden gnome thing we had for muck up day, for school. T__T;

Ahhaha English I threw that shit out 9 months ago, after I finished final final exams. xD I think that what you do is you just pick three main points, mention them in your intro briefly then analyse them in depth in each paragraph, one per point.

HOWEVER WITH TENNISSS I AM AN AVID TENNIS FAN :’D And hey, I backhand with both hands too. It so is proper backhanding. D: Just that single hand looks cooler. >_>; And lol, serving IS overhead serving. Bouncing then hitting or lollipop-ing it doesn’t count. And I agree with your friend. Unless you want to be winner-ed every time you ‘serve’ in comp, you might want learn that overhead. xD;

Taranoleion 5 June 2009 Reply

Gratz? 😀
Sounds like it was fun.

Spade 6 June 2009 Reply

I stink bombed my science lab on the last day of Middle school..

My teacher raped me

Arladerus 6 June 2009 Reply

I forgot to mention that we did this for the talent show thingy.

spygirl57 6 June 2009 Reply

I Rick Roll’d my friend once. Over the phone. There’s this website where you enter your friends phone number and stuff and you choose when to call them and rick roll.
So I did it to them.
Only because they did it to me, and it sounded really weird over the phone.

Pirkid 6 June 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: Rule 34?


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