WoW Travel = Orgasmic Changes

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Okay, here I am again bringing you another World of Warcraft-related Blog. Yes, I know you may be sick of it, but that's all I play so that's all your getting!! 😛

We all know that Patch 3.1 released Ulduar and we are on patch 3.1.3 right now. Well, 3.2.0 is on it's way!! What is 3.2 bringing us? Well, let's take a look, shall we?:

Travel Form, Aspect of the Cheetah, and Ghost Wolf will be trainable at level 16 (as opposed to 20 or 30 right now).
Summon Warhorse and Felsteed will require level 20 (as opposed to 30 now).
Summon Charger and Dreadsteed will require level 40 (as opposed to 60 now).
Flight Form will require level 60, and its speed will be raised to 150% (as opposed to level 68 and 60% now)
Swift Flight Form will require level 70.

Along with these epic mount-styled transportation changes, there are also epic world transportation changes as well!!

There is now a Zeppelin connecting the famed Orgrimmar to the far-out Thunder Bluff, allowing low-level players to stop spending hours of their time running between the two.

The more fascinating of the two world transportation changes is that they are adding portals to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar that transport the players directly to the beloved Stairs of Destiny of Outland. This cuts down on the lovely but annoying running through Blasted Lands at Level 58!!

Original Post:

Zarhym said: [color=#00C0FF]In the next major content patch we will be adding a few methods of improved transportation to areas of interest while leveling.

It is time for the denizens of Azeroth to witness the full might of the Horde as they do what they do best: employ goblins to construct zeppelin towers and float players across vast seas using sky boats. That's right, a new zeppelin route is being added in Thunder Bluff and will transport players to Orgrimmar. Isn't technology magnificent?

Also, brought to you by Azeroth's greatest users of magic, are all new portals coming to Stormwind and Orgrimmar. These portals will transport players directly to the Stair of Destiny at the Dark Portal. Travel is just so much more convenient when it's instantaneous! Players will then find that a new connecting flight path exists at the Stair of Destiny allowing players new to Outland easy and direct access to the city of Shattrath.

Keep your seat backs and tray tables in a full upright and locked position, and we hope you continue to enjoy your methods of travel in Azeroth and beyond![/color]

Well, so regular land mounts are now for Level 20, and epic land mounts are for Level 40, and a new flying mount is at Level 60!! These changes look like they are about to change the entire leveling process of WoW forever, especially in the dreaded Outlands.

Original Post:

Zarhym said: [color=#00C0FF]In the next major content patch, we intend to adjust mount requirements to further improve the leveling experience in World of Warcraft. In addition, cast times for summoning all mounts will be reduced to 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds. The following is a breakdown of the upcoming cost and level requirement changes we are making for each riding skill.

Apprentice Riding (Skill 75)
60% land mount speed
Requires level 20
Cost: 4 gold
Mount cost: 1 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 20 guiding them to the riding trainer

Journeyman Riding (Skill 150)
100% land mount speed
Requires level 40
Cost: 50 gold
Mount cost: 10 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 40 guiding them back to the riding trainer

Expert Riding (Skill 225)
150% flying mount speed; 60% land mount speed
Requires level 60
Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply: Honor Hold [Alliance]; Thrallmar [Horde])
Mount Cost: 50 gold
Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde)

Artisan Riding (Skill 300)
280% flying mount speed; 100% land mount speed
Requires level 70
Cost: 5,000 gold (faction discounts now apply: Honor Hold or Valiance Expedition [Alliance]; Thrallmar or Warsong Offensive [Horde])
Mount Cost: 100 gold

Movement Speed Training By Class
Travel Form: Requires level 16
Flight Form: Requires level 60 (150% flight speed)
Swift Flight Form: Requires level 70

Aspect of the Cheetah: Requires level 16

Ghost Wolf: Requires level 16

Warhorse: Requires level 20
Charger: Requires level 40

Felsteed: Requires level 20
Dreadsteed: Requires level 40[/color]


Blackboy0 12 June 2009 Reply

Second, more advanced post has been added. Enjoy 😀

Quang 12 June 2009 Reply

I didn’t want to start WoW because I knew I would get addicted into MMORPGs again @_@

Blackboy0 12 June 2009 Reply

Yah, it’s addicting, but I play more PServers than Retail, so its much easier to not get addicted 😛

Vusys 12 June 2009 Reply

I tried to get addicted for 10 days and didn’t really like it.

Arladerus 12 June 2009 Reply

I think it’s addictive for a lot of people because it’s actually possible to achieve perfection in the game (which is a huuuuuuuuge thing for people like me). First goal of perfection is simply getting the best talent trees possible, and getting to level 80 (max level; can be done in a month). Then, afterwards, all the quests in the Outlands, instead of giving good experience, they give great money (like 5 Gold from doing a quest… A LOT). And then, once you hit maximum level, the game somehow gets you to want to finish EVERYTHING, which means getting all the Tier sets.

BAM, you just paid Blizzard $1000.

Blackboy0 12 June 2009 Reply

Agreed, Arladerus.

V, it’s what you did in the 10 days that matters. Did you run around thinking it was like MapleStory and killing every Mob you see? 😛

spygirl57 14 June 2009 Reply

I wish I could try it. 🙁

Wolfboy183 3 January 2010 Reply

i just got a 2nd mechano-hog for my warlock (15K gold with all mats and bars) for my 40 warlock. lol level 40 on a motorbike=epic

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