So yea, I've been on a VuTales hiatus for a while because of AP tests and end of the semester tests. Calculus is being the usual bitch it is and raping me in the ass over and over again. A word of caution to anyone in Pre-Cal right now. If you're not making high A's in Pre-Cal, do NOT take AP Calculus BC. I don't feel like explaining the difference between BC and AB, so ask someone else, sorry.
Anyways, What have I been up to?
Answer: Nothing
I found a really funny video on youtube:
This guy's voice is just so hilarious when he cusses, it's hard not to laugh at him. If you have time, watch all 24 minutes of it. It'll be 24 minutes you'll have wasted and 24 minutes you'll never have back, but I guess if you took the time to read this blog, then you wouldn't care anyways…
My computer time's been limited to wikipedia and such to study for AP Tests. When I'm not studying, I'm probably on youtube or facebook or some time-wasting website like those.
Combat Arms is basically the only game I play now, since I don't have any COD's above Modern Warfare (Though I think Modern Warfare 2, when it comes out, is worth actually buying). I have discovered a new found love for the MP-5, silenced, and with a red dot sight. Hopping around on Junk Flea with a 40 clip MP-5 is just win when you're against those shotgun wielding noobs who accuse you of hacking after you get a multi-kill. (Seriously, I hate those people, and also people who just call you a bitch after every single time you kill them). Eff them all.
Fanfics, unfortunately, have no time in my schedule as of now. I do plan on continuing writing after AP Tests are done, which is in about 2 weeks, so hopefully, you guys still remember what's been happening in Anathema. Avril and Iro are probably pissed at me now for suspending them in animation for so long, but eh, they'll understand. Stupid school.
So yea, I dunno, I'm not really big on blogs, as you all well know. And for those of you who don't, I mostly post fanfics and nothing else. Man I just realized how much I fail. xD
"Do not come between the Nazgul and his prey…"
-=The Nazgul=-
LOL you don’t fail! You just dont win alot =O roffllllll xP
At least you’re MAKIN a blog! >O so GJ
zomg wtf AP tests are Friday for me. Feg. >O
Welcome back!
I guess?
Sorry! Double-posted. >_<
I heard Pre-Calc was harder than Calculus though. .___. Maybe it’s different in every school.
-rapes Pre-Calc-
I’m so lucky I have geometry next year 🙂
boo math
LOL you’re taking Calc BC? You were asking for it.
Yeah, AP tests are coming up. My first AP test is, uh, tomorrow.
Incidentally, what college are you going to, Naz?
Ugh, I can’t handle Combat Arms anymore.
I mean, my GC36 and me used to have so much fun on Junk Flea CTFs..but then the nutshot came to my face and all hell broke free.
Haha, I don’t have any big exams yet . 😀
i cant play combat arms cause i dont have a mouse D=
I’m going to UT, Rice.
And AB Calculus is easy compared to Pre-Cal, whereas BC Calculus (The one I’m taking), rapes the hell out of Pre-Cal’s a-hole.
-=The Nazgul=-
Good luck with it Naz!
I on the other hand have bene on hiatus since I have been to Japan. =]
I would only take Calculus under certain conditions. One being that I get paid $500 per hour of calculus I attend/do homework for 😀
LOL that video was hilarious. Guy get a screwed up emulator/ rom or something?