In Space, Nobody Can Hear You LoL
[!] Yawn. Whatever, RP is dead. I'll maybe host like one live session to finish this up next month.
Character List
Participating Players:
Imppala, Chameleon, Zhlink, FunnyFroggy, Pirkid, SilverFx, spygirl57, Gujju, SirPainsalot
This section contains terms I've made up or borrowed for my system.
doze – When you miss a turn, try to do something absurd, or break the rules, your character stands around and does nothing.
prime – Specific area of a statistic a character specializes in.
retroaction – Past action, used to roleplay recent events in hindsight.
stub – The very start of an episode, written before players take any action.
Miscellaneous Rules
I'll add to these as I think of more.
1. Metagaming: Your character doesn't always know everything you do. You can't use knowledge in-game unless your character knows it. If you attempt to do so, you will doze for that turn.
2. Out of Character: When posting, anything that's in the game, such as actions or character dialog should be surrounded by ###triple number signs###. You only need one set per post, don't go putting them around each sentence. Anything outside of these brackets is considered a comment, and will be ignored by in-game action.
3. Non-player posters: Anybody who isn't part of a game that tries to use ###these### will also be ignored. Characters who respond to non-player posters will doze.
4. Editing RP posts: Any in-character posts made are considered final. You may edit these only as long as no other players after you have already made an action dependent on yours.
Play nice and have fun!
In Space, Nobody Can Hear You LoL
Episode 3
Things have calmed down a bit, and the rest of the day goes rather uneventfully. There are still no further signs of the perpetrator, but the lockdown ends in an hour regardless, and a hush of anticipation falls over the station.. DeathFin AQUATIC will be here just half an hour after that.
The boss' voice comes through in a disinterested drawl over the intercom;
"Lock down ending now, have a nice day, thank you for visiting the SuperLoL."
Several units of space police cruisers enter through the station's main shield to secure the spaceport, ahead of the band. They fan out to form a perimeter, the officers on duty here appear to be varying large species of alien, ranging from the furry monstrosities the SuperLoL employs as bouncers to green skinned one-eyed half-giants and cybernetically augmented space orks. An equipment transport arrives first, and hefty worker robots roll out to move everything en masse to the main auditorium. Large amps, microphones, and the like are seen, as well as assorted other noisemaking devices you don't recognize.
The robots finish setting up, and DeathFin takes the stage. The lead singer is a humanoid shark, and his bandmates appear to be sentient sea-life as well. The drummer is a giant squid of sorts, the guitarist and bassist are thin and limber crustaceans, looking halfway between lobster and crabs. They're all in odd colors you'd never see in Earth's sea life.
"Hello, visitors of the Earth-space SuperLoL! Are you ready to rock?!" the vocalist has taken up a mic and is now shouting into it, his voice booms loudly over the main auditorium's powerful speaker system. The room is already packed with patrons, both those who were stuck here for the lockdown, and a swarm of new arrivals. It's getting pretty crowded, and mosh pits are already forming on either side of the stage, down in front. The seats are filling quickly, and more and more people are just occupying standing room in the aisles.
The commotion can be heard outside too, in the Food Court, but is less deafening and more just very noisy. The sound levels jump through the roof as the group starts to play, a horrific sound like a thousand cats being fed through wood chippers made out of very angry guitars and lawnmower blades.
The janitor agrees to help patch Maria up, and has Nemo lead her back to the rooms. Zhlink and Lyza move off to the weight room to try and hide from the noise, while Pains just plugs up his ears.
The band has finished their second song, and is starting on a third. Gair can be seen rocking out in the stageside mosh pit, surrounded by his posse and a number of adoring fans. One drunken fellow a little taller than himself attempts to take a swing at him, but Gair kicks the man in one foot and he goes down, trampled by the crowd.
*bumps* Just so people can find it. 😛
###Today was a completely new day to Zhlink. Sure, there was a bomb blast yesterday, but the initial hubbub over it seemed to end as soon as it started. However, Zhlink was never really much of a fan of the DeathFin AQUATIC. Or any rock band. In fact, Zhlink just didn’t like rock at all.
“Just a repetition of 3 words over and over again. ‘I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.’ ” He muttered to himself as he pulled off his medic’s vest, and put on his sleeveless jacket, and started bartending.###
Awesoome. This is gonna be fun.
### Lyza giggled, as she walked through the doorway of the Rec Center. She said bye, and shut her cell phone. She had been talking to Gair…since yesterday they agreed to be strictly friends, and forget about what happened the couple of days before.
Still smiling, she walked towards the bar. The bartender’s back was towards her.
“Can I have –” She stopped short. It was the same drunk man she saw the day before, crawling on the floor. He was sober now though, so it seemed.
He said, “Can I help you?” He sounded bored, and seemed to have forgotten her.
She decided to play it cool. “Hey, do I know you? I think I saw you yesterday at the gym!” She said.
*lol* That’s puppeting a little too far, I’m going to have to blow the whistle on you this time. Either retroactively write out this conversation so I can edit it for what Gair actually would have said, or leave the post as is and we’ll just work under the assumption that Gair lied about intending to be only friends and Lyza bought it.
Lol fine he lied, because I don’t want to risk saying anything that might be too NICE for Gair. xD (joke)
And besides, you puppeted Lyza into losing the virginity with Gair!!!
But too late for that.
Its okay. xD
*lol* My apologies, I’d thought that’s what you intended. It is certainly what Gair intended. xD
LOL, yeah, apparently it WAS what he intended.
Or you intended, since hes your (non) character. 😛
*lol* I’m not Gair, any more than I’m the boss or the hooded figure, he’s just one of several personalities I portray for players to interact with. 😛
###Pains stomped to the elevator with rejuvenated energy every since the hour-before-fight. (NOT day jeezus)
He went off to the second floor and assumed normal duty as none other than a bouncer for the entrance to the theater.
Indeed, there was tickets to get in the Rec Center and tickets for events, probably because of the Boss’s greed, or so Pains thought.
Pains never thought of music as joyful; not even, the Geno people hated loud music and would stay away from it if possible. They can, however, be accustomed to it as Pains did, since he doesn’t mind it, just thinks its annoying. That was just one of the pains (no pun intended) Pains had to go through during his first years at SuperLol.
He inspected each person for any weapons of some kind and a ticket, then let them in.
The bouncer was forced to throw another jumpy human who tried to land a punch, but completely missed due to his drunk state. The human landed outside near another bouncer outside, just waiting to be thrown.###
@spygirl: I wasn’t drunk at that time, I snapped out of my stupor. Anywho…
###”Oh yea. You dragged me up and.”
Zhlink didn’t want to carry on.
“So what can I gets you?”###
See blog, stuff happens.
###Zhlink sighed as he poured wine into two champagne glasses; one for him, and the other for Lyza.
“Geez, the band’s coming.”He grumbled as the poor rock-hating medic downed his wine pretty quickly before going for another glass.###
Blog updated. Don’t get all catatonic on me guys, at least three of you that I know of have specific things your characters need to accomplish during the concert. 😛
I know, I know… But seriously, I have no idea where to start now. Waiting for someone else to post…
### Lyza watched, stupefied, as the bartender drank his wine before Lyza could even touch hers.
She drank hers slowly, watching as he poured another glass.
“Whats your name, and how can you possibly drink this much?!” She asked.
###”Zhlink. Zhlink ‘Link’ Sleyin.” Zhlink mumbled as he took a small sip out of his 2nd glass. “It wasn’t actually a habit, but as a bartender, you’d have to drink some of it.”
Rock music blasts through the entire SuperLOL as Zhlink shut his eyes closed for a second and shook his head.
“Damn I hate rock music.”###
### Lyza nodded and smiled politely. She took another sip of the wine and set it down.
The blaring music blasted throughout the whole centre. She winced, and heard Zhlink say to himself, “Damn I hate rock music.” He was shaking his head.
“So do I… its too loud.” Lyza put in tentatively. Zhlink didn’t open his eyes.
### “I agree.” Zhlink replied as he finished his second glass of wine. His face was a light shade of red, but he wasn’t drunk or anything yet.
“Damn headaches.” Zhlink groaned as he stood up. “You know anywhere quiet?”###
“I agree.” He replied finally.
Lyza smiled, satisfied.
“Damn headaches.” Zhlink groaned as he stood up. “You know anywhere quiet?”
“Yeah, actually, the gym. It’ll be much more quieter there.” She got off the stool. “Follow me.” She led Zhlink towards the gym. He followed, massaging his head.
The gym, which is around a couple corners and down a few hallways isn’t “much more quieter”, but at least the noise from the concert is less a blaring assault and more a dull roar in the background. On the other hand, the vibrating room is filled with the soft clanging of various weights and exercise equipment in their stands.
Sorry Zhlink. xD
### Music suddenly gave a bursting screech, breaking Pains’ thoughts and actions to sudden halt.
“… Ow.” The bouncer’s “ears” were bursting with pa, giving him a painful earache.
He took out his trusty hi-tech ear plugs. He, however, had to flip up his mask, making one unfortunate man faint due to the horrible face Pains had.
The bouncer flipped back his mask and continued his duty as bouncer.###
I’ve told Pains he isn’t allowed to hear “just small noises”, because that isn’t how sound works. 😛
Anyway, nobody near the concert can hear much of anything. *lol*
Sorry for the catatonic-ness, I haven’t yet adjusted to working 9-to-5 and then I had to fall sick ._.
### The janitor re-adjusted her eyepiece, which kept gently vibrating out of place as DeathFin AQUATIC played. Thank goodness the stage set-up was completed without much hitches, though if the janitor had her way, she’d have kicked every single one of DeathFin’s entourage and equipment off the SuperLol. Right now, all she could do was to monitor the centre and use her bots to deal with bits of structure and furniture getting shaken out of place.
The auditorium needs better sound-proofing. The janitor made a mental stocktake of her stash of useful junk material, which swelled considerably in the aftermath of the explosion. And speaking of the explosion… I hope Pains is doing his job well and keeping out saboteurs from the Audi. Of course, she didn’t really trust Pains, and thus Tess was on its way to the auditorium, just in case. In the light of the stuff she had unearthed as part of her investigation, it was difficult not for the janitor to be slightly paranoid.
Beaked and taloned terrorists with high-tech cloaks and an angry giant record company. I knew music was daaangerous. In the meanwhile when nothing was happening, the janitor looked up the people being Cosmico Records to see if she could find out more.
An alert from Tess flickered at the side of her eyepiece screen, and upon calling it up, the janitor saw a video feed of a familiar looking female stumble across the view of Tess’ camera. She realised that it was the human female that she had seen picking two fights with Pains just hours ago. Or maybe not so human, the janitor thought as she observed the female’s damaged robotic shoulder. No wonder she seemed to move extraordinarily fast during the bits of the fight she observed.
A vague thought quickly took shape in the janitor’s mind. She’d need speed. And cyborgs are but another type of robots, aren’t they?
Instructing Tess to approach the female, the janitor spoke via Tess, ‘Hey. Want to get that arm looked at? I don’t think you should wander around with your shoulder like that.’ ###
So I am pretty out of ideas. T_T
###The gym was empty, since the band had taken front stage now. Even thought the noise was still audible, it didn’t bother Zhlink much anymore.
“Seems more quiet here than there.”
Zhlink sighed and lied down on one of the exercise mats.###
Yeah, if you already went you can go again. We haven’t got enough activity yet to warrant a summary.
*lol* Well if I get no responses again stuff will start happening without player involvement. Regardless of how it goes, I’ve got enough material already tested to start preparing the next game.
I wanna play!
Heh, sorry for the coma. Let’s just say I have work upon work upon work…
Maria regarded the stocky robot with a quirked eyebrow. While she COULD repair her arm herself, she wasn’t sure if anyone might attack her on her way back to her ship, especially that punk who tried and failed to stab her. She did want to meet the builder of the robots she had seen scooting around the SuperLol, since they all looked pretty well-made despite obviously being cobbled together from junk and second-hand parts.
“An intriguing proposition. What’s in it for you?
Shorter than usual, but I have a manga chapter to tl and several chapters of Radiation Physics to study. I’ll check back to maintain conversation if I can.
“Well, you must know of the explosion at the spaceport. From what my investigation shows, I need someone fast enough to apprehend the culprit if he, she or it does appear again. None of the bots I have right now can do that, and you seem a good candidate. In exchange, I’ll fix your arm and add on any enhancements that you may want and is within my power to do so. How about that?”
Maria considered this offer.
I need a legit excuse to stay around the SuperLol and look for my chances to fulfill my mission… And this would save me time. Always a good thing.
“Okay, let’s meet up then. Where are you now?”
“Head up to the third storey, I’ll get my bot to meet you and guide you to my rooms. All my equipment are there.”
The janitor described Nemo to the female, shut the mic link down and instructed Nemo to go look for… what was her name? The janitor shrugged and decided to temporarily refer to her as Cyborgy. The more unlikely the name, the better, heh. Nemo was to bring Cyborgy to the entrance of the janitor’s rooms and wait for herself to return. She herself headed towards her materials store, to gather the components for the task.
Turn-about is fair play.
Maria easily found the robot called… Nemo, wasn’t it? It beeped happily when it registered her presence and moved slowly off. As she followed it, she pondered the possible agendas of this… janitor? What was her name again? No one seemed to know her name…
I’ll just call her Jenny. Maria shrugged.
At the third storey, the robot stopped outside a door and made happy beeping noises. Maria rolled her eyes as she knocked on the door. No answer?
Feh. Guess I’ll wait here for her to show up.
The janitor arrived at her rooms, manually carrying an armful of materials only because her cleaning bots couldn’t fit into the employee hallways and Tess was back on its way to monitor the Deathfin concert.
Nemo had already alerted her that Cyborgy was safely escorted to her door, so she wasn’t surprised to see her leaning against the wall next to it, with Nemo zipping around her in dizzy trajectories and beeping joyfully.
‘Down, Nemo. Cyborgs are out of your league.’ At that, Nemo made a sad little beep and flew back to the janitor’s side. The janitor took a few minutes to unlock her door (and to disable seventy-two additional locks, two trip wires, a self-collapsing bed, an electric floor and a poison gas system, amongst many other security measures) before she entered the room, leaving Cyborgy to walk in after her.
She laid the materials carefully on her wide workdesk, sorting and arranging them systematically while waiting for Cyborgy to finish observing her room and to settle down. “Grab that other chair and sit down so that I can have a better look at your arm.”
Sorry I took so long, I was at Camp.
Lyza seemed pleased that Zhlink was happy with her location choice. But it seemed that something was wrong.
“Are you feeling okay…? Is something wrong….?” Lyza asked hesitantly.
I’ll summarize next time, I swear. 😛 I’m just too tired right now..
xD Everyone is so busy busy~ ><
Take your time… Not many people have posted. Although Silver and I should have much banter when I get off lectures and go home.
“Yes, I want you!”“No, no. Just headache. Wake me up when something happens.”###
Lyza blinked.
“Um, okay…I hope you feel better soon…!” She said.
But it was too late. He already fell asleep. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and smoothed out her dress.
Now all she had to do was wait.
*lol* I love how Lyza is cute, but also slightly creepy and stalkeresque.
I know.:D
meso innocent. 😀But still knows when to stalk people. :O
I’m joking. ;D
See blog, minor things happen.
Can somebody, like, post something?!?!
Meh. I’ll get it tonight. And then send out a “get your asses back here already” sort of message.
Lol. Just make everyone do SOMETHING.
I’m waiting for Zhlink to wake up. ;O
I’ve sent out a couple private messages to try and get things rolling again. If you got a message that interrupts what your character is currently doing, feel free to RP wrapping up what you’re on now, and then just going straight to it. 😛
Zhlink woke up.
“Well, that was a nice nap.”###
Lyza blinked.
“Well okay… Do you want to go catch a drink?”
###”Why not.”###
Not really in the mood for typing due to homework. Cover me for a moment.
Lol its alright.
Lyza walked beside Zhlink. She watched his every move, which seemed to be forced–he was obviously very tired.
When they reached the food court, he walked behind the counter and sat on a broken chair. She served herself some wine, and drank daintily.
“Excuse me ma’m,” there’s a tap on your shoulder “a-HEM.” The voice is low and guttural. You turn around to see one of the hulking furry aliens who serve as bouncers here. “I’m going to have to see an ID if you’re planning on drinking.”
LAWL. You just got carded.
But I am the legal age!
Lyza flashed her card. Who did this guy think he was, saying she wasn’t old enough to drink?
Zhlink stared at her, while the bouncer examined her card.
Terribly sorry. Been SUPER busy. =(
###The Sound from the concert was terrible. How could people stand to listen to such loud noise. Lana didn’t have eardrums, but if she did, she was sure they would be damaged by now. She walked around for a bit, looking for a place to escape the screams and songs of the show going on. ###
The bouncer holds the card between an enormous thumb and forefinger, squinting at it for a moment, and then hands it back to you.
“Erm, sorry ma’m, it’s just that you looked much younger than that.” He lumbers off, keeping an eye on the other patrons for signs of trouble.
*lol* How old is Lyza, exactly? She looks like 17 at most.
Lyza smirks as the bouncer walks away sulking.
“In your face…:)” Lyza spun around and saw Zhlink staring at her.
“I’m 19, don’t worry!” She says.
Zhlink relaxes a little, but still looked tense. “If you were younger than that, I would have been in so much trouble!!”
Lyza laughed. “Calm down, I may look young, but I am definitely not.” She smiled. “Cheers to being 19!” She clinked her glass against his.
19. 😀 Legal age right?
-___- Last time I checked 21 was legal age. You probably live somewhere different than I do.
LMFAO actually, I don’t know the legal age here in Canada.
We’re in space now! :O
Munky, go get Zhlink. And everyone else. 🙁
19 is legal here in Canada. But there are no laws in space XD Its like international waters. 😛
WHAT THE?! Having RPs as blogs to garner extra blog views?!?!?!
@spygirl, Gujju:
There are clearly laws in space in this time period, there’s a flippin’ Space Police. -__-
Who cares about those numbers anyway? I’m clearly not one of those types, if I were I’d be off playing “count to eight bajillion” on the forums like a loser.
This RP is sorta dead now anyway. I did poke people to come back, but I think they’re ignoring me.
I can tell its pretty dead. -_-
[color=hotpink]LOVE THE NEW COMMENT BAR THING[/color]
*shrug* I’ve got the data I need. Hopefully the next game won’t die off like this because I’ll be doing live sessions. That’s not for awhile though, need to get through moving into my new apartment at the end of the week, and settling in etc, first.
Ohh . Okay. 😀