VuTal3s Surprise!

By In Uncategorized

Where in the oceans is the newest blog tab? Oh, found it on the right hand side.

My, it’s been slightly more than a week since I joined here, and it has changed since yesterday! Looks like I need to get use to this all over again!

Just kidding! I just knew the site was down for maintenance yesterday, but this new look really took me by surprise. A new dark purple template, with a reshuffle of the tab organization. It seems as though the site is new again!

The VuTalesID tab (which is now called the User’s Badge. Wait, was it called ID tab?) is a lot more appealing to the eye, with bigger fonts. I used to squint my eyes to see my stats, which is now larger and better.

As for the forum, I think I still prefer the expanded look of all the different sections in the forum, showing all the latest threads at one shot so I can browse through. Now it’s just 3 categories which I have to click to see the sub-sections inside. Still, I like it.

I don’t really use much else in the blog nowadays, so I don’t really have any other comments. But I also like how the Drafts feature came back from MMOTales. 🙂

Yep, that’s the end of my review of VuTal3s a.k.a. VuTales v3.0.

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