Nothing But a Cloud Over My Head

By In Uncategorized

These days, I can never feel at ease anymore. There's just nothing good to look forward to.

Currently, it's Regents Week (part 1) and while I am taking the time to relax (hence this blog), it is but a short one. I have the Global one next in due time, and… well, it's not that it's my weak point; I'm fairly efficient in global history… it's just that it also incorporates Grade 9 global as well. And seeing as I'm an incoming sophomore… what I did learn and what I didn't learn, what I should learn and what I shouldn't learn, gets all mixed up and confused at this point.

And then there's the report cards. I'm confident that I will do well on it, that I have no doubts. It's a matter of how well I did, which pisses me off (to all who have those strict-as-hell, tough-as-nails, demands a 101/100 on your report cards parents, I salute to you).

And after that there's summer… in which I have to find a job. Personally, I harbor many, many, MANY doubts of my efficiency in the real world as a worker (I can see it now… headlines, boy kills twenty in mad rampage screaming about goats… or something like that). I think I have a good idea of where to start: a game store (I mean, come on, how bad could it be?). It's a game store on the same secluded block that I live on, and from what I've seen, there's usually little commotion on my block. I hope that it's a peaceful job, IF I get the job… if I decide to GET the job. Someone pass me Economy 101.

Click Here?

P.S. People say that it's better to be yourself. Yet when you have to go to some fancy event, you have to dress up like James Bond or the Queen of England? What's up with that? Personally, I'm willing to go in a hooded sweater and some jeans and sneakers. It's who I am, and it's what I want.

By the way, Reds or Blues?


spygirl57 18 June 2009 Reply

I hope you do good on your report card. Unfortunately, I have those kind of parents!!!
And Reds? Blues? Whaa?!?

David 18 June 2009 Reply

(to all who have those strict-as-hell, tough-as-nails, demands a 101/100 on your report cards parents, I salute to you).


Arladerus 18 June 2009 Reply


Pirkid 18 June 2009 Reply


And I rather enjoy seeing people get dressed up. People don’t commit that sort of action to something they don’t care about, so if they do dress up like a super agent or a dance party hostess, you know they WANT to be there.

Lithium 21 June 2009 Reply

Church ftw.

Nass 21 June 2009 Reply


Red vs.Blue fan huh?

Lithium 21 June 2009 Reply


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