Forget God, Charlie Sheen can probably pull one over God, since apparently he’s a rock star from Mars. Which makes him all the more awesome.
But in all srsnss, if I was God for a day, I would like, totally just want to have a day in Charlie’s shoes. That leaves 12 hours, and I get to see what the life of an egomaniac with several addictions is like, get some good life experience, since that’s what I’ll be doing in twenty years anyway, then go back to being a normal person.
Oh, and make ‘ponies’ a legitimate major in College/University, ’cause I think like, all those fellow blonde people out there deserve a major they can actually perform well in. Not math and stuff, those are for like, actual smart people — y’know, the ones with brains and stuff? yeah those guys.
While we’re on the topic of education, why not make the system universal? heck, make the world speak a single language, and put a McDonalds in every country – no more conflict, at least serious ones anyway.
And make it so that every man has enough muscle mass to defend himself from basic injuries, but not strong enough to be athletically competent in every fashion. Diseases still remain, to control population.
Females should have the ability to control the size of their mammaries at will, not really in a prehensile way, but more like to fit the occasion, if you catch my drift.
By the way, if you’re God for a day, do the effects of your actions last? ’cause that seems kinda weird.
Anyway, on that whole topic of human physiology, make it so that humans only need about 6 hours on average of sleep, instead of the 8 or 9 that’s been proven to be more beneficial.
Oh, and make it so that the first time doesn’t hurt for either party. That just sucks.
And remove menopause, but keep all the health benefits, and tone down the effects of that time of the month, so that females won’t crush the ambitions of males across the country, or have hissy fits.
Make it so that males experience that pain once every year, so they appreciate what they have.
Give males the ability to have multiple big O’s, a la ‘hentai’ fashion. Have inexplicable amounts of sticky stuff available.
hey, this blog is starting to sound more and more like a sexual fantasy instead of an actual blog isn’t it.
Make the whole world into one country, but divide it into sectors. Each sector would have a democracy governed by a batch of intellectuals, economists, and regular citizens that are shifted every 6 months. Leaders have no control over army, protection is done by a police force regulated by that government. Individuals caught for crimes are deported to a special correction sector, which is basically a large garden.
Each sector focuses on a special product, so there’s tourism, trade, and no inequality between developed+3rd world countries.
Make it so that race isn’t an issue, and that there’s no discrimination by giving each sector the exclusive right to one piece of special technology. Make each piece of techonology necessary to support life somehow, make them interdependent. Competition would still exist for every other product, depending on the natural resources + location of the sector, it could be more beneficial to produce something, etc.
The whole concept of currency is eliminated, wealth is represented by how hard you work, if that makes sense. You get merit points for performing well in society. Help an old lady cross the streets, you get 10 points. Kinda like an achievement system. Unlocking achievements grants you perks, like night vision, but nothing game breaking like the ability to fly. Just reserved stuff.
Then secure my spot in a space station somewhere, or just in one of the sector related to developing networking systems.
That’d be nice.
Then add an atmosphere to every single planet, and create mini stars for power, then send batches of life everywhere.
Then realize that I typed this blog for nothing, since none of this is gonna happen. lol.
D: I want to be in your world. NO MENO AND NOT AS BAD PERIODS HECK TO THE YES.
Performing well in society? What kind of society? THE UNDERGROUND SOCIETY?
BY night vision, I’m gonna assume you mean like night vision goggles. Otherwise, I assume you mean an enhanced sight, like cats. Still OP. An alternative would be eliminating that immediate moment of darkness when the lights source eliminated. We still have our crappy eyesight, but no lag.