
By In Uncategorized

> bored.
> on one hand, I could be productive and learn stuff
> but that means that I’m actually being productive
> major cognitive dissonance
> sob uncontrollably while typing up blog on VuTales
> think about all the good times
> archive.org
> mmotales.com
> sadness intensifies
> why am i doing this to myself
> tfw

Ugh, now my co-worker thinks I’m weird because I’m just sitting here sobbing quietly typing this into notepad.

That reminds me though, I was looking through some of my earlier posts, 8 years ago when I was like 13, and it’s pretty mind-boggling how much angst was present. I’m pretty sure I’ll get this feeling again 8 years later looking at this blog too, but man, it’s like a half-funny, half-whatthehellwasgoingonduringthattimeperiod sort of thing.

Case in point, this comment:

I mean the first major warning sign is pretty evident with the username.

That username.

dark war 4 ever.

So edgy.

And it wasn’t even my creation. It was in elementary school, I had this hispanic friend and that was his in-game name for Runescape classic, circa 2006.

Like I wasn’t even original enough to come up with my own stupid username, like narutomaster, or ninjaflamepower, or even Arladerus. I mean, come on.

And this emoticon? >_<"

I dunno. Did it just fall out of flavor now that we have fancy shit like this? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

But just looking at it makes me feel uncomfortable. I can’t accurately describe this feeling.

And finally it culminates into this bullshit asterisk crap that people still do. I don’t feel comfortable. *feels uncomfortable*

This is the screenshot of the site exactly 8 years ago, on August 26th:

If we take a quick glance at the names, there are not too many that are still recognizable. Probably the most familiar one would be gujju, which was Sneha’s handle. If I’m right, the other recognizable one would be Leifgreen, which would be Kedar. Assuming this was indeed 8 years ago, he would have been around 10 years old.

There are some recognizable handles that have left the community, including Waffle.

Speaking of Waffle, I found this iteration of the MMO’s Finest thread. 139 pages of comments?

Which then translated into this: MMOTales wiki.

Anyway, site started dying around 2008, finally shut down in late 2008, as probably discussed to great length before.

Which all leads me to realize one thing.

I miss GComics (Ganzicus comics)


Why isn’t anyone else writing blogs.

Oh right, you all have lives.


Arladerus 26 August 2014 Reply

>trying to greentext
>text isn’t green

David 26 August 2014 Reply

Omg I forgot we had colors

Well deserved down vote.

darkness 27 August 2014 Reply

The feels…

FunnyFroggy 27 August 2014 Reply

wow lrn2 maymay arrows u neckbearded feggit

Vusys 27 August 2014 Reply


David 28 August 2014 Reply
Vusys said: Wow…

Is that like a Wow… “is this kid for real” kind of wow or is it more like, wow, “I’m so moved, I’m speechless” kind of wow?

Either way, all I want to say is.

Nice home page.

Gujju 30 August 2014 Reply

I saw my name and part of me died. I am 23 now.

DarkDragoon 30 August 2014 Reply

I miss drunkdaddy :[

MasterCheeze 6 September 2014 Reply

rip drunkdaddy, rip sapphirepotatorussetaure, rip renome, rip ganzimallow, rip rocky, rip anikabelle, rip waffle, rip aliyah, rip applebomb, rip grumbo the bear, rip aznricefan, rip jesus, rip guruji, rip silverfx

AznRiceFan 27 September 2014 Reply

I ain’t quite dead yet, Cheeze.

FunnyFroggy 7 October 2014 Reply
AznRiceFan said: I ain’t quite dead yet, Cheeze.


darkness 13 October 2014 Reply
AznRiceFan said: I ain’t quite dead yet, Cheeze.

It’s like the old forgotten folks are coming out of the woodwork lately.

MasterCheeze 16 October 2014 Reply
AznRiceFan said: I ain’t quite dead yet, Cheeze.

Yo, yo, where you been? Where you come from? You better have brought me something, dang it, going on adventures without me.

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