Creating / Making Custom MH4U Quests

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Creating Custom MH4U Quests – A simple guide v1.0

A image-based guide on how to start creating your own custom DLC quests.


Svan – Creator of tools to encrypt/decrypt files
Kyo_100 of GameFAQs for original guide
APM – Creator of the simple dlc edit tool


v1.0 - FINAL
Wow, APM has made it so that you literally don't have to do anything except upload. I updated the sections accordingly. TBH this guide is now obsolete LOL. Will keep it for sentimental reasons Kappa
Updated links
Cleaned up/reworded some sections for easier comprehension (hopefully)
Added a brief FAQ section
Added APM's complete DLC edit tool
Added APM's supply box dlc edit tool
v0.1 - Original guide write-up


Necessary files:
Easy (recommended)
SKFU Proxy
APM Full DLC Editor Beta
All decrypted DLC quests

Easy Tutorial

1. Download all the files…
2. Unzip them…
3. Open them up with the DLC editor
4. Edit whatever fields you want, check FAQ section for more details.
5. Save as ENCRYPTED once you’re done.

6. Follow this guide to use it on your N3DS, ignore all the encryption parts: GUIDE by TeamFortifier
7. Alternatively start at step 4b. below.



Advanced (not recommended)
svanheulen’s mhef files to encrypt/decrypt (“Download as Zip”)
Python 2.7
SKFU Proxy
Item Database (data.db)
SQLite Viewer – Portable app recommended
Hex Workshop
APM Full DLC Editor Beta
All decrypted DLC quests

1. Installing Python and PyCrypto
1a. Run the Python 2.7 installer.
1b. Open up a command prompt (Start->type in cmd->Enter) and type in python – if it works, you will see a dialogue. Type exit() to quit.

If you get this:

Open Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables

Under System Variables, you’ll see a Variable called PATH or Path, double click the ‘Value’ portion, and add ;C:Python27

So if it was


It will now be:


1c. Install the PyCrypto package for Python 2.7. If you have trouble with this part, disable any anti-virus temporarily and try again. They might be detecting it as malicious.

2. Unzipping the rest
2a. Unzip the mhef files, if should be called mhef-master.
2b. Open a command line in mhef-master (You can shift+right click and select “Open Command Prompt in this Folder”)

2c. Copy+paste or type in the following command:

python install

You should see something like this afterwards:

2d. Set up your account.
2e. Unzip the decrypted files.
2f. Unzip SKFU proxy.

3. Using APM’s DLC editor tool
This part is fairly straight-forward, open up the tool, you’ll see something like this.

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll use m60239.mib – Protector of Peace, a G1 quest – Kill a Tetsucabra and a Frenzied Tetsucabra

3a. Make a back-up of the decrypted .mib we want to edit. Create a copy, then rename it to m60239_d.mib or something like that.
3b. Click load, and select the m60239_d.mib file to edit.

3c. Change anything as you see fit! Refer to FAQ for description of fields.

4. Encrypting the file and downloading it onto your 3DS.

4a. To encrypt this file into something usable on the 3DS, move the edited file into a new folder, open a command terminal in that folder by and use this command:

python e USA m60239_d.mib m60239.mib

This will create a new m60239.mib that you can now download onto your 3DS. If you’re in another region, use EUR, JPN, or KOR.

4b. We want to upload this file to for use. Open up the window:

Change it so that you upload a file when you double-click (my preference), but you can just upload via right click. Upload your m60239.mib file. will automatically copy the link once you do.

4c. Now make a file using Notepad called rules.httprls and put this in there: << your link that was copied << your link that was copied

An example of a file with many DLC will look like this:

Make sure you save it as ‘all’ and not as a .txt

4d. Run SKFUpr0xy.exe

Import rules into HTTP(s). It should detect automatically your proxy IP. Setup your 3DS to connect through this proxy, there’s plenty of guides on that already. Press Start.

4e. Go on MH4U and download the quest, it will be called Protector of Peace. If you already have it, check it again and redownload + save.

4f. Go to a G-Rank hall, go to event quests, and run it. You should be playing your edited quest instead.


Downloading your first DLC quest from Capcom servers
For this example, we’ll be using the DLC quest Protector of Peace as our initial subject. It is a G1 rank quest – Kill a Tetsucabra and a Frenzied Tetsucabra

1. Open a command line in mhef-mastertools.

2. Enter this command:

python USA m60239.mib m60239.mib

You’ll now see a m60239.mib file in your folder. All region codes: USA, EUR, JPN, KOR.
3. Copy this file to the mhef-masterexamplesn3ds folder, open another command line here.
4. To decrypt this file into something editable, use this command:

python d USA m60239.mib m60239_d.mib

5. Now, open up SQLite browser, and open up Data.db. Go to Browse Data and select the items table.

To find a specific ID of an item, type the EXACT name into the filter. Use Kiranico if you don’t know the exact name.

6. Open up the m60239_d.mib with Hex Workshop, you’ll see something like this:

So for now, we’ll cover how to edit supply box.

Start a search for Hex Values (CTRL + F)

We know from playing the game that this quest’s initial supply box has 15 Freeze S.

The item ID in DEC(imal) for Freeze S is 105. We need to convert this to HEX in order to edit our quest.
To do this, use a Dec to Hex webpage, or a notepad++ plugin that converts this stuff automatically.

We see that 105 becomes 69.

These supply box values are in 4 bytes, which means if it ends up being something like 69 we’ll add a 0 in front of it. So it becomes 00 69.

However, the way these bytes are in the file are reversed per 2 bytes, so it actually becomes 69 00.

Now, in the supply box there’s 15 of these, we convert 15 to hex, to get F. This is also in 4 bytes, so it would be 00 0F. Similarly, inverting this gives us 0F 00.

So if we put this all together, we’ll get


Searching for this string will bring us to a specific location.

Now, let’s say we want to replace this reward with something like a Fatalis Flameshell.

Fatalis Flameshell ID: 1590
->HEX-> 0636 ->INVERSE-> 36 06

So to edit, just click in front of 69 00 and replace with 36 06.

If you want to change that 15 to 99, convert 99 to hex -> 00 63

Invert, 63 00. Replace 0F 00 with 63 00.

You just edited your supply box from 15 Freeze S to 99 Fatalis Flameshells!


I have a 32-bit system, and I can’t use the installer for the 64-bit system.
It is for x64 bit systems, if you have a x86 (32-bit) system, install the following: Python 2.7 for 32-bit
and PyCrypto for 32-bit

What are the IDs of quests, monsters, and items?
Quest IDs.
Monster IDs
Item IDs
Courtesy of APM

What do all those fields in APM’s tool stand for?
Quest Info
Quest ID: The ID of the DLC quest according to this list.
Carve Table: Number of carve tables
Stars: Difficulty
Sub HR: HR deducted on failure
Penalty: HR Points deducted on failure
Sub Cash: Zenny deducted on failure
HR Points: HR points awarded on completion
Fee: Initial zenny paid to start quest
Cash: Zenny awarded on completion
Time: Time limit
Terms 1: Condition that must be fulfilled prior to completing quest
Terms 2: Condition that must be fulfilled prior to completing quest

Quest Objectives
These determine the type of quest (collection, hunting, etc) I wouldn’t worry about them too much.

Boss tab
Boss monsters that will appear.

Regular monsters that will appear. Go felynes!

Supply Box
Edit the initial supply box here. Double-click then type for a quick search.

Edits the 3 reward boxes. Note that % must add up to 100 or else you can’t accept the quest later on in game.


wert87658 8 July 2015 Reply

Hey, when I try to decrypt the quest, it tell me that there’s no module named mhef.n3ds. I’ve been told that it’s because I haven’t installed Pycrypto but I definitely ran the exe and it recognized my version of python. Any idea what I’m supposed to do?

David 8 July 2015 Reply
wert87658 said: Hey, when I try to decrypt the quest, it tell me that there’s no module named mhef.n3ds. I’ve been told that it’s because I haven’t installed Pycrypto but I definitely ran the exe and it recognized my version of python. Any idea what I’m supposed to do?

Make sure you do this step:
Copy+paste or type in the following command:
python install

Kasainu 8 July 2015 Reply

So i got everything working, now i’m just wondering how do you edit the rewards screen?

jamesR 9 July 2015 Reply

Could you re-upload the item database? The link is dead

cyphr013 10 July 2015 Reply
David said:

wert87658 said: Hey, when I try to decrypt the quest, it tell me that there’s no module named mhef.n3ds. I’ve been told that it’s because I haven’t installed Pycrypto but I definitely ran the exe and it recognized my version of python. Any idea what I’m supposed to do?

Make sure you do this step:
Copy+paste or type in the following command:
python install

Hi, can I ask how to download a specific DLC like you did? I mean, how do you know the id of the dlc so you can download it to edit it

David 10 July 2015 Reply

oops duplicate.

David 10 July 2015 Reply
jamesR said: Could you re-upload the item database? The link is dead


I’ll update the main post.

cyphr013 said:

David said:

wert87658 said: Hey, when I try to decrypt the quest, it tell me that there’s no module named mhef.n3ds. I’ve been told that it’s because I haven’t installed Pycrypto but I definitely ran the exe and it recognized my version of python. Any idea what I’m supposed to do?

Make sure you do this step:
Copy+paste or type in the following command:
python install

Hi, can I ask how to download a specific DLC like you did? I mean, how do you know the id of the dlc so you can download it to edit it

You can do this by decrypting this file:
And matching id’s with names.

Here’s a decrypted one already: not formatted as well as possible sry

jamesR 10 July 2015 Reply

Thanks a lot david 😀

bunyan 10 July 2015 Reply

I downloaded everything you did step by step, but when I tried running python install on the mhef-master folder I got the error Warning: GMP or MPIR Library not found: Not building Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath.

error: Setup scrip exited with error: Microsoft Visual C++10.0 is required .
I have looked for Microsoft Visual C++10 and it says I have a newer version of this and that my computer does not meet the requirements to download this.

I also tried carrying on with the steps as if it didn’t happen, but when I used the hex editor on the mib file it was totally different from the picture. Any help would be appreciated 🙂

David 11 July 2015 Reply
bunyan said: I downloaded everything you did step by step, but when I tried running python install on the mhef-master folder I got the error Warning: GMP or MPIR Library not found: Not building Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath.

error: Setup scrip exited with error: Microsoft Visual C++10.0 is required .
I have looked for Microsoft Visual C++10 and it says I have a newer version of this and that my computer does not meet the requirements to download this.

I also tried carrying on with the steps as if it didn’t happen, but when I used the hex editor on the mib file it was totally different from the picture. Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Hmm, did you install PyCrypto, the last installer? For Visual C++, try this one: vcredist_x86

LordBelial 11 July 2015 Reply

Hey thanks for the guide.
I was really interested in learning how to edit the monsters and their sizes.
I tried figuring it out on my own and I was able to find the hex for the monsters and replace them, but it only replaced the quest requirement , not the monsters that were actually in the quest (leaving it impossible to complete) .
Are you still planning on updating the guide with monster edits?

jaggiman 11 July 2015 Reply

everything is going well so far im just having a horrible time with the hexing please help?

bunyan 11 July 2015 Reply

Everything is working now, I had to fix my Enviroment Paths so everything would work.
Also, a quick question. Do you have a clue on how to change the name of the custom quests you make? I saw the hr999bot add an extra rule that I assume is for changing the txt info of his quest so it shows something different.

Rule Hr999Bot used for his quest

destination: add rule

David 12 July 2015 Reply
LordBelial said: Hey thanks for the guide.
I was really interested in learning how to edit the monsters and their sizes.
I tried figuring it out on my own and I was able to find the hex for the monsters and replace them, but it only replaced the quest requirement , not the monsters that were actually in the quest (leaving it impossible to complete) .
Are you still planning on updating the guide with monster edits?

Eventually, unfortunately not right now I’m not close to my home computer as I’m travelling. On GameFAQ’s the original thread has a lot of developing entries on people posting their findings, but I haven’t kept up to date with that either.

bunyan said: Everything is working now, I had to fix my Enviroment Paths so everything would work.
Also, a quick question. Do you have a clue on how to change the name of the custom quests you make? I saw the hr999bot add an extra rule that I assume is for changing the txt info of his quest so it shows something different.

Rule Hr999Bot used for his quest

destination: add rule

This is so that when you go download the DLC that is the only thing that shows up. If you want to change the name of your quest when you go to DOWNLOAD the dlc then this is it. When you play the DLC and you want to change the name of the quest in the guild hall, you actually have to change the name inside the quest itself.

So for example, for the one inside the guide, just open it up, and you will see Protector of Peace on the right hand side, next to all the hexed stuff. You can just replace the title with your own title, and save. Then when you go to the guild hall to post the quest, you will see that the quest name has changed.

jaggiman said: everything is going well so far im just having a horrible time with the hexing please help?

You’re gonna need to be a bit more specific. 😛

I also added APM’s tool on editing the supply box.

Ravient 12 July 2015 Reply

I’ve added the hex values on the db if someone want it. U can just copy the hex value and don’t need to convert the id:P
PS: sry 4 my bad english:x
PPS: Well i didn’t noticed the new tool. Now we don’t need this db anymore-.-‘

bunyan 12 July 2015 Reply

I figured everything out about the name, but my next question is; how do I use this to make custom quests?
I also tried using DB Browser for SQ Lite to find the monster id so I could then change the monster id in the quest, but I just ended up failing. Like with Rathian, his id is 1. Then I would turn that into numbers like you did with the items but when I searched for rathian in hex it showed a lot of ids just like that
This kind of would tie into the editing monster data tutorial, so basically I’m just requesting for that.

bunyan 12 July 2015 Reply

Woops sorry about my prior post as there is no Rathian event quest, but I was just using it as an example as I have the same for problem for all event quests with editing the monster data since I can’t get the hex code for it.

jaggiman 12 July 2015 Reply

okay so basically i type in 69000F00 in the value bar and i get a message saying the specified search string was not found im pretty sure im doing this very wrong i just cant figure out what to type

David 12 July 2015 Reply
Ravient said: I’ve added the hex values on the db if someone want it. U can just copy the hex value and don’t need to convert the id:P
PS: sry 4 my bad english:x
PPS: Well i didn’t noticed the new tool. Now we don’t need this db anymore-.-‘

Haha yeah, this db version is also old, I’ll update it with the new db with weapon IDs and stuff as well once I get home.

bunyan said: I figured everything out about the name, but my next question is; how do I use this to make custom quests?
I also tried using DB Browser for SQ Lite to find the monster id so I could then change the monster id in the quest, but I just ended up failing. Like with Rathian, his id is 1. Then I would turn that into numbers like you did with the items but when I searched for rathian in hex it showed a lot of ids just like that
This kind of would tie into the editing monster data tutorial, so basically I’m just requesting for that.

These are offsets which tell you the structure (whether it’s 1, 2, etc bytes) – they don’t actually provide that much useful information apart from that. Try browsing this thread: link It’s where I got a lot of the information from and I’m just compiling them for easier access.

jaggiman said: okay so basically i type in 69000F00 in the value bar and i get a message saying the specified search string was not found im pretty sure im doing this very wrong i just cant figure out what to type

Try using APM’s tool instead and see if that works on the file you’re opening with hex editor. Make sure you are looking at the decrypted file and not the encrypted one – also, make sure you’re looking at 60239 and not any other quest.

Also, make sure you start at the top of the file and not any where else. Try changing the direction of the search, up instead of down as well as a last resort. :p

bunyan 12 July 2015 Reply

When I clicked on that link it told me that the topic is no longer available for viewing.

jaggiman 12 July 2015 Reply

okay thank god for that new link the hexing was killing me but im having some trouble with 7 and 9 for 7 where am i supposed to start the command line on what folder i mean and for 9 you’re supposed to name the .txt file “rules.httprls” and once i have the file like that what do i do with it do i upload it to puush?

also i dont understand what you mean by save as “all”

DrChanmander 13 July 2015 Reply

Hey there! Awesome Guide!

I got everything working, but one thing…

I’ve made a custom quest and all that jazz, but the quest I download isn’t even mine? It is someone else’s and the stuff they have is cool and all, but not the stuff I wanted haha.

Any help?

DrChanmander 13 July 2015 Reply

Sorry for a second post, but I am sort of confused on this as well…

Whenever I try to encrypt my file so I can use it for my 3DS command prompt tells me I haven’t specified what region I’m using. How do I fix this?

sarus 13 July 2015 Reply

To encrypt this file into something usable on the 3DS, use this command:
python e m60239_d.mib m60239.mib

I get this message:
python e m60239_d.mib m60239.mib
python: can’t open file ‘’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Help Please!

sarus 13 July 2015 Reply

never mind. got it to encrypt.
but once i dled the quest n tried it in the elder hall, the game crashes.

any ideas?

FunnyFroggy 13 July 2015 Reply

Dest1 13 July 2015 Reply

wow david this is really cool thanks for the tut im going to make my own quests now!!

David 13 July 2015 Reply
bunyan said: When I clicked on that link it told me that the topic is no longer available for viewing.

Must’ve copied the wrong link

DrChanmander said: Hey there! Awesome Guide!

I got everything working, but one thing…

I’ve made a custom quest and all that jazz, but the quest I download isn’t even mine? It is someone else’s and the stuff they have is cool and all, but not the stuff I wanted haha.

Any help?

Double check the link – you might have used someone else’s.

DrChanmander said: Sorry for a second post, but I am sort of confused on this as well…

Whenever I try to encrypt my file so I can use it for my 3DS command prompt tells me I haven’t specified what region I’m using. How do I fix this?

That might be a new feature? Svan recently updated to include support for other regions, try using na, eu, something along the lines. Can you upload an image so I can see? I haven’t encountered this yet.

sarus said: never mind. got it to encrypt.
but once i dled the quest n tried it in the elder hall, the game crashes.

any ideas?

You’re gonna have to take a picture of the edits – or use APM’s tool.

jaggiman said: okay thank god for that new link the hexing was killing me but im having some trouble with 7 and 9 for 7 where am i supposed to start the command line on what folder i mean and for 9 you’re supposed to name the .txt file “rules.httprls” and once i have the file like that what do i do with it do i upload it to puush?

also i dont understand what you mean by save as “all”

Always start the command line in the folder with the corresponding python file. To make this easier, move all the python files into one folder, and just run a command line from there.

To save as all, this is what I mean:

sarus said: To encrypt this file into something usable on the 3DS, use this command:
python e m60239_d.mib m60239.mib

I get this message:
python e m60239_d.mib m60239.mib
python: can’t open file ‘’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Help Please!

Move all the python files (.py) into one folder and run the command line from there, ctrl+shift+right click -> open command line to make it easier.

Alternatively, you have to open the command terminal from the folder is located in.

MasterCheeze 14 July 2015 Reply

w0t in the fuk is all dis den?

SoulFire9001 14 July 2015 Reply

I’m having issues setting up Python. I installed Python 2.7, and grabbed PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.7. They seemed to install fine. On the “python install” step, I get an error with install_requires and see nothing about PyCrypto during this step. When I try “python d m60239.mib m60239_d.mib,” it gives an import error about Crypto.Cipher, which I guess is to be expected for my case.

David 14 July 2015 Reply

edit: duplicate

David 14 July 2015 Reply
SoulFire9001 said: I’m having issues setting up Python. I installed Python 2.7, and grabbed PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.7. They seemed to install fine. On the “python install” step, I get an error with install_requires and see nothing about PyCrypto during this step. When I try “python d m60239.mib m60239_d.mib,” it gives an import error about Crypto.Cipher, which I guess is to be expected for my case.

Not sure about this one, there really isn’t any dialogue about PyCrypto. Make sure you grab the right version for your OS as well. Post a picture maybe?

SoulFire9001 14 July 2015 Reply

I found out the issue. My Anti-virus with Auto-Sandbox enabled was putting PyCrypto in a duplicate Python27 folder in a folder called VTRoot. I just had to reinstall PyCrypto with Auto-Sandbox disabled, and that fixed my issue.

excellerate 15 July 2015 Reply

While attempting to decrypt and encrypt the files using the method in this tutorial, I ran into a problem.
An error keeps on popping up while doing this and I just can’t seem to understand why I’m getting it. Using cmd when I input;
“python m60239.mib m60239.mib”
I get the output;
“error: argument region: invalid choice: ‘m60239.mib’
I’ve gone back and forth and am still unsure of what my error is. I’m thinking that the files were installed correctly but then I’m not sure. There doesn’t seem to be any other error around this. I’d appreciate some help.


SoulFire9001 15 July 2015 Reply

@excellerate, just add JPN, USA, EUR, KOR, whatever region you are in, between and m60239.mib. It’s just asking for the region of that dlc.

David 15 July 2015 Reply
SoulFire9001 said: @excellerate, just add JPN, USA, EUR, KOR, whatever region you are in, between and m60239.mib. It’s just asking for the region of that dlc.

Thanks for the update, I haven’t downloaded any since so I didn’t realize he added that functionality.

excellerate 15 July 2015 Reply

@SoulFire9001, yeah, I worked that out a bit after working on it.

excellerate 15 July 2015 Reply

@SoulFire9001, yeah, I worked that out a bit after working on it.

Kalmaro 17 July 2015 Reply

Thanks for the guide!

Mhermannxx 17 July 2015 Reply

Hi anyone can post complete .db of mh4u i need make gq quests plz and sorry 4 my Bad english

Mhermannxx 17 July 2015 Reply

I just make my edit dlc but i want know how make custom gqs plz

David 17 July 2015 Reply
Kalmaro said: Hello! I’m stuck on part 2 of your guide
Whenever I enter the command : python usa m60239.mib m60239.mib

I get this:

been at this for over an hour and reinstalled pycrypto and python, even restarted my computer. Downloaded all the files as well. Please help

I updated the guide to use APM’s tool completely instead of editing manually. I also included a link to all the decrypted quests.

Dithain 18 July 2015 Reply

I’m having the same issue as Kalmaro.

It just won’t encrypt the quest

David 18 July 2015 Reply
Dithain said: I’m having the same issue as Kalmaro.

It just won’t encrypt the quest

Sorry, it had to be caps: EUR.

I updated the guide accordingly.

Falconerguy 18 July 2015 Reply

On Step 4c. of the Easy tutorial, what do you mean by “Create a new file?” How would I go about this? Also, is there a tutorial anywhere for the DLC editor tool itself?

Falconerguy 18 July 2015 Reply

On Step 4c. of the Easy tutorial, what do you mean by “Create a new file?” How would I go about this? Also, is there a tutorial anywhere for the DLC editor tool itself?

kitemh4u 19 July 2015 Reply

okay i need one on one help with stuff like this is there anyway you can add my skype and i share my screen and you just tell me what to do because honestly im beyond lost now and i dont think comments will help me in anyway my skype is amandacarrieofa respond to the comment and tell me your skype or if you cant can you help me find someone who can help me out?

David 20 July 2015 Reply
Falconerguy said: On Step 4c. of the Easy tutorial, what do you mean by “Create a new file?” How would I go about this? Also, is there a tutorial anywhere for the DLC editor tool itself?

Just use notepad. I updated it to elaborate on that part.

kitemh4u said: okay i need one on one help with stuff like this is there anyway you can add my skype and i share my screen and you just tell me what to do because honestly im beyond lost now and i dont think comments will help me in anyway my skype is amandacarrieofa respond to the comment and tell me your skype or if you cant can you help me find someone who can help me out?

Err, I guess? Add darkwar4ever1

MasterCheeze 21 July 2015 Reply

David is a bot. You’re all bots.

David 21 July 2015 Reply
MasterCheeze said: David is a bot. You’re all bots.

Bruh. I’m not crazy enough to bot 7k views. If it was that easy I would do it for all my blogs and give myself a thousand uparrows while I’m at it too.

narutodra 26 July 2015 Reply

Okay so i did everything you said to do. I edited only the rewards for the clockwork tetsucabra quest. I upload it and download it on my 3ds. i go to test it out offline. says i cannot accept the quest data. What did i do wrong (yes im trying to find a better way to farm these annoyingly rare items so i can get on with my life xD)?

David 27 July 2015 Reply
narutodra said: Okay so i did everything you said to do. I edited only the rewards for the clockwork tetsucabra quest. I upload it and download it on my 3ds. i go to test it out offline. says i cannot accept the quest data. What did i do wrong (yes im trying to find a better way to farm these annoyingly rare items so i can get on with my life xD)?

Certain items can’t be in specific reward boxes.

I would recommend to just use the supply box for that instead.

brawl 29 July 2015 Reply

how can i change the size of the monster?

narutodra 2 August 2015 Reply

Okay so I am okay with everything but trying to change the quest type/ monsters in the quest. So, say im trying to make a quest to kill o.kirin, how do i change the tetsucabra quest for clockwork (for example) into a quest to kill o,kirin? Do I have to change the Quest type, Objective type, and Objective count seciton in the editor? Thanks in advance.

jirvi41 4 August 2015 Reply

Hey there, sorry for the noob question but when I go to save the CQ in APM it does not give me the option to save as an encrypted file. have i done anything wrong?

evangeltepes 4 August 2015 Reply

I’ve done all the instructions for downloading to a T.
However, when I go to download the actual file I get an error 090-2442 on the 3DS. What is this? What do I do to fix it?

Dovahkinky 22 August 2015 Reply

Right so I’m having big trouble trying to encrypt the mib.

I made a folder called Encryted MIB and put the mib in. Then opened the command prompt through the file and entered the command given.
It then showed me this:

So then I tried putting a the mib in a file called python and putting in the same folder.
I tried the command again and it gave me this:

I really want to make custom quests for me and my friends to mess on with, any help?

Nat573 30 August 2015 Reply

Alright, so I can’t connect to the internet through the proxy server pr0xy3 gave me…I followed all of the instructions (the easy way), but no luck. Everyone else pastes their pussh addresses, so I will too: Oh, and I’m in the Dominican Republic. Don’t know if that’ll help, hopefully does… maybe it has to do with the goshawk url? idk, here’s what I put:

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