Thievin Varmint!!

By In Uncategorized

Dagnabbit! Where in tarnation did the idea for this ol' thing come up?! Kids these days are always stealin! Heck, stealin runs in the families of them urban kids! In my day, everyone was so poor nobody could steal nothin because nobody aint have anything to steal. Kids these days and their high and mighty atti-…what in sam hill are you doing here?! Don't you know it's time for my nap! Get off my lawn!

But Seriously Folks

I was always stealing things from stores. Dare I say, I was and I guess I still am a natural. I just made sure I didn't look like I was doing anything wrong. My face was full of 'I know what I'm doing'. xD I could probably put on a workers uniform, walk in a store and exit with a brand new Mac book just by the way I can convince those around me I am totally in control.

At first I stole like candy and food. You know, easy stuff. Then as I got older I got bigger stuff like taking off the stickers on nail polish and just walking out of the store with it. Or scratching off the bar code on lip gloss until it was non-descript. I was also tempted to steal Nexon cards, but the hassle of stealing 20 or so and taking it to the corner store and paying the Arab peoples 10 bucks to swipe em all was too much.

The last thing I've stolen was a little thing of nail polish…wait i didn't steal that. I paid too much for that designer nail polish xD Know how? I went in the store with my friends, the most law-abiding citizens I've ever met (ironic lulz). I had picked it up and was just trying it on my nails to see if the color went okay with my skin tone (not all nail polish does). Then suddenly my friends were like
I jump and I'm like "what what?"
"You just put that on your nails!!!"
"You're gonna buy that right?"
"To see what it looked like on my hand!!"
"OMG you can't do that!"
"Whaaat says who?!"
"You just can't do that omg!!"

And it went on like that for some time, me arguing with Ken and Heather until finally I gave in and purchased it. I do admit I love the color (solid pink oh yeah) but I had never spent more than 1.50 on nail polish x_x I should've been like 'How you know I gots money? What, you gonna buy it for me? My birthday IS tomorrow.' Yay for outings with friends! 8D

And that concludes el blog de Carmen Cervantes La Motta. Hasta que nos reunamos de nuevo! <3


spygirl57 20 May 2009 Reply

I read the first paragraph and I was like,
Good for you, Dee! 😀
And then I read the rest. 🙁

dee32693 20 May 2009 Reply

Nope iw as teh serious Dx I dont steal anymore though!! T__T

David 20 May 2009 Reply

I was like

Then I was like

Then I went

dee32693 20 May 2009 Reply

I AM REFORMED T___T i couldve lied and said i was a total angel!!! i wasnt Dx but i dooonnt

stop disapproving you guys are givin me hives D;<

Gujju 20 May 2009 Reply

ahah “Get off my lawn!”

Aaron 20 May 2009 Reply

No YOU get off MY lawn!

dee32693 20 May 2009 Reply

all ur lawns are belong to me

Aaron 20 May 2009 Reply

Mine’s is the last one free of your rule.

dee32693 21 May 2009 Reply

Oh no you din’t!

Taranoleion 1 June 2009 Reply

Rofl, interesting story. Never been into shoplifting myself, but hey. 😀
Your friends are weird though. o.o

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