When I go to the newest blogs that I haven't read I found that I've already 'liked' them even though I hadn't been on in a while. *been too busy checking my mail. yes checking my mail takes days*
So yeah, if you're hekkin just tell me so i can change my password D<
Since I'm here might as well blog lurflmao
To answer the QOTW, i don't hate anyone. No joking, no lying, no exaggerations. Don't get me wrong, I haven't had a blissfully uncontacted life where life's horrors and atrocities haven't reached me. Because they have, trust me.
I just find it…stupid to just waste my life hating someone. Hatred requires effort. You always have to think of whatever the person/s did or said and exactly the emotions you were feeling and recreate everything to maintain it. Now the bad things that happened to me, I forgive them. They're people and in some way or some small fashion, the horrible things that they did will come back to them in a way that they would not desire at all.
Second of all, to the extent of my knowledge, we have one life to live. There are no redos, or rewind buttons. The things that happen to you have happened and they will always stay with you. Why waste even a tiny bit of your life on this other person who probably doesn't care about you or your well-being one way or another. Let them waste their life hating you, you should just move on and enjoy life while it lasts.
Finally, the things that happened in the past are what made you who you are. If certain things had not happened to me, I very well may not have the awesome friends I do now. If I could go back and change everything, I wouldn't. For all I know, what he did to me and his subsequent punishments (expelled and forced to change schools) might have changed his life for the better.
So yeah, don't hate.
*preaches to everyone*
*gets muffin chucked at head*
Put this in the right Category 😉
It’s currently under None.
oh. my bad.
i could’ve sworn that i put it under general though *suspiciously looks at mozilla*
You win, dee. +1
STOP DOING THAT NASS D< And why thank you Spade. But it’s really only what I think lol xD
Alright I will
I’m proud of you for not hating. 😀
But I still hate those annoying girls who think they’re the queen of the world!!!!