Murder By Numbers

By In Uncategorized

I'm pretty sure that's the title of some cool book or something. I just picked the title because this blog is about murder. Notsomuch numbers though they are quite lovely as well ^^

Remember that Last Time I Saw You?

The last time I ever saw my Aunt Tahnee, we were at Gabriel * Brothers, a clothing store. I remember her yelling and snapping at my two younger cousins (maybe 2 years behind me) as they begged for this or that pair of whatever. I think I was embarrassed about it a bit, because of the very late/early hour there were few people and therefore more concentration on the few customers. My mom was joking around with her, my older sister was talking about clothes with my lil cousins, and then we all said bye, see you later.

The next morning, we got a call that my little sister Kailin answered. She talked for a few minutes before coming into the living room and tellign me the younger of my cousins was on the phone, saying her mom was dead. I, of course, rolled my eyes and told my sister she was just playing around, Aunt Tahnee was not dead. But I felt a hint of dread in my chest and when I took the phone and listened to my younger cousin, I knew beyond hte shadow of a doubt, this was not a joke. I will for the rest of my life remember what she said to me, in her exact words, tone, and voice. As she cried and sobbed to me the news, I believe my heart stopped:

"My mommy, my mommy she goonnnee. My mommy, she's dead!!!"

I still remember your voice

By the end of this blog, I'm crying and sniffing as I remember those words, and everything else. Today was memorial picnic and candlelight vigil for her; she was murdered 11/20/05. No one was convicted.


Zappy 26 July 2009 Reply

How sad.

Nass 26 July 2009 Reply

A++ would read again.

spygirl57 28 July 2009 Reply

I am so sorry. 😐
Oh my god, if I heard her say those words I would have gotten SO upset… !!

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