
By In Uncategorized

I wanted to share some stuff I go through in case you or a friend you have feels like they want to die because they're extremely depressed.


You don't want to die. You want to be happy and alive. It just hurts a lot.

It's usually not that you want to die. Everyone pretty much wants to be happy and live. It's just that you think you're never going to be happy and everything is very, very painful so you want to not exist. You don't want to be in pain and everything feels awful so that's where the suicide idea comes into play. You just want stuff to stop sucking so hard. And it will stop sucking so hard.

It gets better.

It gets better. You will, eventually, feel better. No matter how bad it is, you will feel better. I know this is hard to consider but think about it logically. If you feel extremely, extremely horrible, the worst that you can possibly feel, then if your disposition changes, it can only get better. At the very least, you've got a 50/50 chance of feeling better. And it is worth it to feel better. Also, I know how stupid and trite "time heals all wounds" sounds and that you've heard it before. But given some time, even a few hours, you will feel better.

You are not alone.

Especially if you're reading this. You are not alone, not really. You're on a computer and on an internet site and a community where you have at least something in common with the users here. Many people on this site, in your town, in your country, in the world have felt exactly like you do. You are not alone, not really. Contact someone else, be around other people, simply because it's harder to kill yourself if there's a bunch of other people around you. Have someone stay with you for the night (suicide's more common at night), you don't have to tell them why if you don't want to (but it's a good idea).

Try before you die.

Try to help yourself and try to get help. Help comes in different forms. Sometimes it means calling a hotline (1-800-273-8255). Sometimes it means doing something that you know will make you feel better. Sometimes it's meds. Sometimes it's watching a movie or eating. Whatever it is, do it. Even if you're not sure if something will make you feel better, do it and see. You can die any time you choose, so you might as well try to feel better. Suicide can always be "later", but trying to feel better isn't possible after you're dead, it doesn't work the other way around.

Go to sleep.

I don't care how you do it but go to sleep. Take a nap or go to sleep for the night. There's probably some medical reason, but whatever it is, this works for me a lot. Go to sleep. Some people say "go out for a walk" or something it might work for you. Go to sleep, you will feel better when you wake up. Suicidal people are usually exhausted. Go to sleep. Rested and suicidal is better than exhausted and suicidal, so you will at least feel better in THAT aspect, and feeling just a little bit better, can make all the difference.

End to an Ode(Quoted, that is)

Most of the time, I find myself unable to articulate myself properly to convey to people what I mean to say. Sometimes it's important and I feel frustrated enough to want to or start to cry because I can't find the words. This time? I found them through someone else. Please do take this to heart if you are feeling suicidal or depressed. Or in the future, just remember these things in bold. Please.

(Nothing happened btw)


Arladerus 23 August 2010 Reply


Gujju 23 August 2010 Reply

…you sure nothing happened?

David 23 August 2010 Reply

No, it’s easier to die.


we all an illusion anyways.

we’re all puppets

created by the creator who was killed by his creations



So death is insignificant.

we all die in the end.

the world moves along

so we are but an illusion. we aren’t real.

this isn’t real.

so yeah

send an email to

[email protected]

you won’t regret it.


because emotions are worthless.

it’s all

an illusion


FunnyFroggy 23 August 2010 Reply

Don’t you guys ever think what is actually out there? What happens when you die? Is it just a void? Do you see the pearly gates? Is there a fiery pit of DOOM?

What happens?





Arladerus 23 August 2010 Reply

When you think of dinosaurs and how they evolved over millions of years, you think of them evolving. You don’t ever wonder, “What the heck happened to each and every one individually”. Now if you think of humans for millions of years, it seems just out of reach.

We probably just die when we die like all the dinosaurs. Ghosts don’t exist or else there’d be dinosaur ghosts.

David 23 August 2010 Reply

There proabably are fking dinosaur ghosts. We just can’t see them.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be freaking ghosts.


Dustin 23 August 2010 Reply

The whole dinosaur ghost argument doesn’t honestly make sense. The belief in ghosts is anchored to the belief in a human soul.

Guess who probably thinks dinosaurs don’t have souls? People who believe in ghosts.

David 24 August 2010 Reply

All living things have souls d00d.

Plants have souls too.

There are plant ghosts as well.

You didn’t know that?


Arladerus 24 August 2010 Reply

or maybe one of the wise dinosaurs was able to free all the souls of the dead dinosaurs so there are none left today

dee32693 24 August 2010 Reply

Hahahaha you guys are just awesome xD For all i know there’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex right outside this window going all ROAR but can’t nom on anything 🙁

Also srsly, nothing happened. I found it and it happened to CLICK and i was like YES THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO SAY SO MANY TIMES AGO!

spygirl57 24 August 2010 Reply

Whaat brought this on?

David 24 August 2010 Reply
spygirl57 said: Whaat brought this on?

What? The really depressing upbeat blog or the fact that dinosaur ghosts really do exist?

’cause you know they do.

You freaking know.



spygirl57 25 August 2010 Reply
Gujju 25 August 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: or maybe one of the wise dinosaurs was able to free all the souls of the dead dinosaurs so there are none left today

Ghost Whisperer ftw!

Arladerus 26 August 2010 Reply

wtf there’s a show that does exactly what I just made up? awesome

Wolfboy183 26 August 2010 Reply

I dont know what will happen when i die, but i hate when christians tell me about hell cause then i get really scared.
I thought about killing myself a few times, mostly just to get revenge by plaguing my parents with incurable guilt trips that would ruin their lives.
But i never actually planned to kill myself. I guess thengs get better when one realizes they’re getting better

JrRepty 3 September 2010 Reply

Aye to living!

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