Hopefully, I can find some more useful things about the game and put up a blog at least once a month.
1) Use Ctrl.
The Ctrl key is a key for combat. By holding it, you can target nearby enemies (or far off enemies) for easier attacking. It's easier because with the enemies' movements, its hard to just place your cursor over them and click, especially if the enemy's movement is very fast.
2) Collect Fomor Scrolls.
Fomor Scrolls of the Uladh continent can be exchanged for money. Kill a simple enemy like a Mimic, collect their Fomor Scrolls until you have 10, go to an NPC that sells the quests to collect said scrolls, buy the scroll, then complete the quest for 6000 gold. All for just killing an easy Mimic. Best money making you can get.
3) N+1.
N+1 is shot for 'Normal plus One' which means striking an extra blow with a melee weapon. Usually, weapons would say something like 'Slow 2-Hit Weapon' or 'Normal 3-Hit Weapon.' Let's use a gladius, which is a 'Slow 2-Hit Weapon.'
With it, strike an enemy once. As you bring the blade back up and spin it, click again. You'll swing a secondary blow. Finally, with one more click you strike a third blow. Easy enough, yes?
4) R9 Windmil
Although health sapping, a well ranked Windmill skill can save you plenty of times. But at the beginner ranks, Windmill takes too long to load, making it a danger. Rank it up to R9 and you have yourself a faster charging and stronger Windmill skill. You will also receive a quest to get a R9 Windmill around Rank D, so you also gain 3 AP and some EXP.
5) Just Die.
Not literally. If you are attacked by multiple enemies, one of the best things to do is to use the Playing Dead action. You fly back and act as if you're dead. The enemy won't believe it for a few minutes, so just wait it out. It's easier to play dead then actually BE dead.
6) Go to School.
In Tir Chonaill, there's this School. Recommend you attend the classes there. Ranald's Combat classes will teach you basic combat skills, Smash, Defense, and Counterattack. You also get some STR and Will. It's not a lot of money to attend his classes.
Lassar's Magic classes will usually cost you 4000 gold a class. But believe me, it's easier to learn from school then spend more to read it from a book. Lassar will teach you Icebolt, Firebolt, and Lightningbolt. You also gain some INT and by learning the three basic magic, you gain the 'Noob Elemental Master' title.
-If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Thank gosh. I’m dling it as we speak (type?) and i;d be starting with absolutely no idea wth i’m doing xD
Yey. Thank you for this thread, since Froggy has been asking a ton of questions. xD
EDIT: 100th post! 😀
It’s not my fault they talk so much. They should put everything in simple sentences. It’s tiresome to click through large blocks of text. :3
Thanks Leo, I really need some tips on how to play again. Also, the times I get on don’t match anyone elses. Boohoo. 🙁
Hmm, apparently, Alt does the same as Ctrl, except with items on the ground.
EDIT: 100th post! 😀
When do you go online?
During Spring Break (currently), I go on around 10am-5pm EST.
You’re on Spring Break? Mine’s not until April 10. 😐