So yesterday I was doing what I usually do at home. Playing video games, eating, Youtube, manga, and the reviewing things in my little black book.
I then watched this video on Youtube.—>
Which in turn led me to this video—->
And this video—->
From what I could tell, 'Gang Garrison 2' is basically Team Fortress 2. Except it's in 2D and now a side scroller of sorts. The characters and map are also rendered in 8-bit. Also it plays online and is completely free. And apparently the main server is in central Canada. YAY CANADA!
So I went over to the website to read up more about this game. For those interested the link is here.
After reading bits here and there I decided to download the game. 11.7 MB wasn't that big so, yeah. I extracted all the files, created a folder to hold all of the files, created a short cut of GangGarrison.exe, and I was playing in the next few minutes. The game started up like TF2, except in 8-bit with 8-bit music, and I was at the main menu. Went to options, changed my player name, and I was playing.
I like the game. A lot. Though it won't be as good as TF2, the game will still have a long way to go. So I decided to make this small tutorial.
W: Jump
A: Run Left
D: Run Right
No crouching is needed.
Mouse Cursor: Aim
Left Mouse Button: Fire Weapon
Right Mouse Button: Use Special Ability
Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button: Activate Superburst (as Healer)
F: Taunt
B: Drop Intel
E: Need Healing!
Z: Chat Menu (Emotes)
X: Chat Menu (Interests)
C: Chat Menu (Commands)
N: Open Team Menu
M: Open Class Menu
(hold) Left Shift: Show Scoreboard
F12: Mute Sound
ESC: Brings you back to the main menu.
The characters are all renamed. Guess you can't guess who's who.
The Runner
Pros- Fast Runner, Good For Recovering Objectives, Can Double Jump in Mid Air.
Cons- Low Hit Points, Has- No- RANGE!!!!
Hit Points: 100
Weapon: Scattergun
Special Ability: He Can Double Jump in Mid Air!
The Firebug
Pros: Can set people on fire, Can't be set on fire, Can push projectiles and other characters away with a burst of air.
Cons: Medium Range.
Hit Points: 120
Weapon: Flamethrower
Special Ability: Right-click to launch enemies and reflect rockets and mines!
The Rocket Man
Pros: Rockets give good amounts of damage, Long range, Has a lot of health, Can rocket jump.
Cons: Slow moving.
Hit Points: 175
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Special Ability: Firing a rocket at your feet will launch you high up.
The Overweight
Pros: Can dominate in close quarters at close to medium range, Sports A LOT of health, can heal without the need of The Healer.
Cons: Slow moving, moves even slower when firing his Chaingun.
Hit Points: 200
Weapon: Chaingun
Special Ability: Right-click to eat your Manvich to fill up your belly and your HP! OMNOMNOMNOM!
The Detonator
Pros: Can lay traps in wait for enemies, Good at destroying The Constructor's Auto-Gun.
Cons: Not much of an offensive fighter.
Hit Points: 120
Weapon: Minegun
Special Ability: Right-click to detonate up to eight mines at once!
The Healer
Pros: He's the only thing standing between life and death on the field, He can make allies invincible for a short time, Can heal over time.
Cons: Not a good offensive fighter.
Hit Points: 120
Weapon: Healing Gun (Left-click), Needle Gun (Right-click)
Special Abilities: Heal your teammates with primary fire! Regenerate health over time!
Charge your Superburst then Right-Click while holding Left-Click to make a team-mate invulnerable!
The Constructor
Pros: Can build an Auto-Gun on the field to aid in combat, Bolts recharge overtime.
Cons: Unable to build anything else (As of yet), Needs 100 Bolts to build an Auto-Gun.
Hit Points: 120
Weapon: Shotgun
Special Ability: Right click to open a build menu to build or destroy an Auto-Gun.
The Infiltrator
Pros: Decent range, Can become invisible, Instantly kill anyone with a stab to the back, Becomes invisible after commencing the stab.
Cons: Cannot go invisible when carrying the briefcase, Can still be hit while invisible, Can still be lit on fire while invisible, Small amount of health.
Hit Points: 100
Weapon: Revolver (Not invisible), Knife (When invisible)
Special Ability: Right-click to turn invisible and instantly kill foes with the stab of your knife!
The Rifleman
Pros: Excellent range, When using the scope he is able to see more of the screen, Shots don't slowly fall onto the ground.
Cons: Not good when going on offense, About three seconds before able to fire another shot.
Hit Points: 120
Weapon: Rifle
Special Ability: Right-click to use the scope to see enemies from afar!
The Secret Character
Pros: Able to cushion attacks with his bubbles, Sports more health than most classes.
Cons: The Secret Character doesn't exist. You can Quote me on that.
Hit Points: 140
Weapon: Bubble Gun
Special Abilities: Bubbles from the Bubble Gun can cushion attacks. Right-clicking will cause him to throw a knife. Sadly The Secret Character does not exist. Really, you can Quote me on that.
I can't think of anything else to say. Well, I guess I'll just go play more GG2. See you when I get more information on the gaming world.
But in other non-gaming news, I start school in like three days. Woohoo.
I have TF2.
TF2 is backed by Valve.
Therefore, TF2 wins.
Do Not Want.
TF2 is backed by Valve.
Therefore, TF2 wins.
Of course TF2 wins. GG2 is just a increasingly downsized version of TF2 that if you play will give you a lot of LOLZ.
Or you can play the real version which supports the same amount of lolz.
HAHA! i’ve already started school! >D
Gang Garrison has been out for a while dude, I played it a year ago. 🙂
Awesome game nonetheless.