BB’s RPG – The Maker’s Creation

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  • #12665
    AznRiceFan said: I fell down in a hole and can’t get out.

    I never thought somebody wouldn’t notice the rope 😛 I’ll fix that in 0.2… Just go up to the rope and hit Enter 😛

    v0.2 update: I have a big thing planned for Aurmce (the village) planned, so this one might take a bit longer than I had hoped. Also, there is now a thing after the village so your lovely little adventure doesn’t end there 🙂


    Bug error: I fell inside this pit, then the guy sees a rope and throws the rope out, saying “Who has skills! I got skills!”
    Apparently, he doesn’t have skills since like, I can’t get out of here.


    I walk over the NPCs.


    @SirPainsalot: There seems to be a bug with the rope that if you just go to the bottom and hit Enter, you go up it. That will be fixed in v0.2

    @Aaron: Which NPCs exactly? I have gone through most of them and fixed them, but I would just like to know which NPCs were causing the walk-through.


    The one at the ruins(infected person) and some villagers, I forget which ones.


    Oh btw I like your RPG so far. I kinda need less powerful people. 100 damage at level 1? crazay.
    Young Rats seems too easy lawl.
    The Gatekeeper seemed easier than the Blood Snakes.
    But uh, alas, your RPG is fun. Pretty good so far. :3

    Oh btw I like your RPG so far. I kinda need less powerful people. 100 damage at level 1? crazay.

    When I first started, I picked around with the leveling processes and Stat gains per level, so I’m going to fix that 😛

    Young Rats seems too easy lawl.

    It shouldn’t be, just look above :p

    The Gatekeeper seemed easier than the Blood Snakes.

    Which is just a screw up on my part. I forgot that the Blood Snakes came in 2s, so I raised them up so they had more HP each, so when combined they had much more HP and Damage than the Gatekeeper.

    But uh, alas, your RPG is fun. Pretty good so far. :3

    Thanks mate. Just wait ’til it’s fully done 😀


    I have some MASSIVE issues with this plot. As far as “Does it work?”, yes, your game works.


    Somebody call the Philosoraptor?

    AznRiceFan said: I have some MASSIVE issues with this plot. As far as “Does it work?”, yes, your game works.

    What’re your issues?



    Blackboy0 said:

    AznRiceFan said: I have some MASSIVE issues with this plot. As far as “Does it work?”, yes, your game works.

    What’re your issues?

    Not enough azn and rice.


    Ah yes, too little azn and rice sucks.

    Also, for all you people (like me) who love references… See if you can find any in v0.2.

    NOTE: Release date of v0.2 is today at 2:00 PM (GMT -8), as I still have a bit more stuff I would like to add.

    Blackboy0 said:

    AznRiceFan said: I have some MASSIVE issues with this plot. As far as “Does it work?”, yes, your game works.

    What’re your issues?

    So plain, boring, and uninspired. I’m just not “feeling” it. The plot is not believable. For starters, why do I get plopped onto an overworld map with four party members without so much as an explanation? I assume you’ll elaborate on that though (or at least I hope) so meh. And then you have this guy who’s evil/not evil and that girl… I’m not feeling it. It has potential, but it just all happened so fast and with no flair. But of course, it’s up to you how you wire your plot together.

    One word of advice is that I felt like I wandered too much trying to figure out where I was supposed to go. You could use cues or dialog to help point the player in the right direction. The whole time I felt unsure where I was supposed to go or do next… For example, it took me a couple minutes to figure out I was supposed to do something with that tree on the overworld to get to the next part.



    AznRiceFan said: For starters, why do I get plopped onto an overworld map with four party members without so much as an explanation? I assume you’ll elaborate on that though (or at least I hope) so meh.

    Yes. Sadly, I did not find out how to create sort of “Dialogue” at the beginning but I have asked my friend and he’s showed me the way 😛 So you’ll have your story in v0.2 🙂

    AznRiceFan said: And then you have this guy who’s evil/not evil and that girl… I’m not feeling it.

    What don’t you feel about it?

    AznRiceFan said: One word of advice is that I felt like I wandered too much trying to figure out where I was supposed to go. You could use cues or dialog to help point the player in the right direction. The whole time I felt unsure where I was supposed to go or do next… For example, it took me a couple minutes to figure out I was supposed to do something with that tree on the overworld to get to the next part.

    Yes, this was just a lack of skill from me, I’m sorry. v0.1 was my “Test Game”, I was just playing around with the maker and seeing if I could actually do it. Seeing as I was playing around, I never really thought about the clues or dialogue to help the players. I was just making shit.

    In the next releases I will make sure you have some idea in where to go.

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