BB’s RPG – The Maker’s Creation

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    I’m making an RPG using VX, too. It’s father then yours in every aspect except for plot. But I ditched it.
    Now you made me want to continue it again.

    Yours is good, but you’re using the default battle aspects which have overhyped attacks and skills. Make this more unique. Make more systems pertained to only your RPG.


    Same, but i use XP

    makes me want to pull it out again and get to working

    it’s just that i was working on a dungeon and i HATE making those damn things

    *opens up rpg maker*


    Don’t go off and make individual projects – wouldn’t it be awesome if VuTales made a epic RPG called .. eum, idk… something you guys can work on together. Authors write stories, coders program, gfx artists make sprites, y’know.

    But then again, everyone’s too lazy. 🙁


    Pirkid said: Yours is good, but you’re using the default battle aspects which have overhyped attacks and skills. Make this more unique. Make more systems pertained to only your RPG.

    You mean the Skills and all that? I’m gonna start deleting and re-vamping the Skills because I just don’t like the current ones very much 😛

    If you mean like… The player strength and stats and all that… I think I have answered this, but I fiddled with them and sort of borked them. Gonna fix ’em soon.

    David said: Don’t go off and make individual projects – wouldn’t it be awesome if VuTales made a epic RPG called .. eum, idk… something you guys can work on together. Authors write stories, coders program, gfx artists make sprites, y’know.

    But then again, everyone’s too lazy. 🙁


    I would be SO down to do that.

    And I have also hopped onto the fiddling with RPG Maker again bandwagon that BlockBay (lolwut? BlackBoy*) has started. I’m working on a Pokemon game. =P


    Make a Linux version.


    Wicked 😛 And I would like if you kept Off-Topic chat out of here. I’d like to keep this strictly about The Maker’s Creation, please 🙂

    Alright, so… I just need to finish this boss, then v0.2 will be out and you can all feel it’s awesomeness. Note that there won’t be signs and clues and dialogues to show you where you should go (as Pirkid suggested), that will come in later versions (most probably v0.3). Unless you want me to add ’em in now? It’ll take a bit longer.

    David said: Don’t go off and make individual projects – wouldn’t it be awesome if VuTales made a epic RPG called .. eum, idk… something you guys can work on together. Authors write stories, coders program, gfx artists make sprites, y’know.

    But then again, everyone’s too lazy. 🙁


    I was soooo planning on doing that.
    But then ur liek, “Oh noezzzz. Don’t do itz. Its a waste of timezzzz.”
    You made meh lose inspiration. >.>
    Anywho, I’m waiting for V. 2! O:


    Yes. Well. :*( I tend to have that effect.

    Alright, I’ll stop going off topic nao.


    Sigh, I wanna play. Someone make a video, rofl.


    Taking a little break until 2:00 PM (GMT -8). I have decided to add in the dialogue and more of a pointer towards the Great Tree, as right now there is nothing to really show you to there besides your own smarts 8)

    I have predicted it to be released at 2:30 PM (GMT -8)!! Be ready~!!

    Waffle said: Same, but i use XP

    makes me want to pull it out again and get to working

    it’s just that i was working on a dungeon and i HATE making those damn things

    *opens up rpg maker*

    VX has a random dungeon generator that’s insanely easy to edit.
    Plus, you can choose a wooden floor and a stone wall template. It’s awesomesauce. 😀


    Stop going Off-Topic, please.

    So anything else you want me to add/fix/take out before I release v0.2? You guys should see the Changelog… It’s good 😛

    Blackboy0 said: Stop going Off-Topic, please.

    So anything else you want me to add/fix/take out before I release v0.2? You guys should see the Changelog… It’s good 😛

    Weaker party… They do 100 damage already at level 1! Insanezzz…
    Anywho, I think you need to put treasure chests and shet for the ruins and/or the house with the crazay lady.
    Also some monies to make use of the weapons shop. :3


    VX has a random dungeon generator that’s insanely easy to edit.
    Plus, you can choose a wooden floor and a stone wall template. It’s awesomesauce.

    …i need to download VX…

    i like XP because of it’s scripts though…


    Waffle, stop. Take it to PMs or another Thread.

    Painsalot, I have weakened them greatly. Chria still does insane damage with her spells, but I still have yet to nurf the spells.

    Treasure chests are coming, yes. Did nobody check the basement of the crazy housewife?
    Money is also coming. I forgot to make it so that Mobs come, so there was no real way for you to get $$$. That’s changed now 🙂

    NOTE: Chria has now become useless in Version 0.2. I have completely wiped out every Spell, and am going to start them from scratch. For this, I have buffed up her “Attack” for you guys.

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