BB’s RPG – The Maker’s Creation

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  • #12726

    You should consider getting rid of random battles. I truly loathe them.

    AznRiceFan said: You should consider getting rid of random battles. I truly loathe them.

    Would be hard to do, but totally awesome. :3


    Like the field rats?

    Blackboy0 said: Like the field rats?

    Yeah. Those would be good for a first try. Its easy to find their sprites. :3


    Yeah, actually, y’know what’s a really good RPG? Mario and Luigi, Superstar Saga or something.

    David said: Yeah, actually, y’know what’s a really good RPG? Mario and Luigi, Superstar Saga or something.

    Stop going off topic! [/Blackboy]

    AznRiceFan said:

    David said: Yeah, actually, y’know what’s a really good RPG? Mario and Luigi, Superstar Saga or something.

    Stop going off topic! [/Blackboy]

    I can’t help it, it’s against my nature. 🙁

    I was just pointing out how Super Star saga’s battle system works – it’s not random, and if you pick up the initiative, you get bonuses at the beginning.


    It’s good, but get rid of field rats in peoples houses.


    Version 0.2: Aurmce Under Attack

    Aurmce Under Attack” has been initiated. To start, go into the Mayor’s house and speak to the Mayor.
    All NPCs are now non-walk-throughable
    Enileuqcaj now fully disappears (no longer appears aftering leaving and re-entering the Grove)
    Many ports fixed betweens doors, stairs, etc.
    The Test of Three mobs hardened (HP, Dmg, Crit, etc. increased)
    Many walls, roofs, etc. have been fixed to actually look like walls, roofs, etc.
    The Blood Snakes have been changed to Blood Bats in the Second Test, and have been modified
    Zcak’s Broadsword and Zcak’s Bulwark have had their prices reduced significantly (both are sold by Zcak in the Aurmce Shop)
    All level 1 – 10 weapons, armor, and skills have been nurfed
    Clues, waypoints, etc. have been added to help you towards Aurmce from the Isle of Hope (starting island)
    Many NPCs have had their displays modified so it doesn’t look like their frozen walking in one place.
    The Stats, EXP inflation, etc. of all Characters have been nurfed
    All but 4 spells have been wiped out. To compensate, Chria has been given more “Attack”.
    Download now!

    Known Bugs
    Field Rats still attack in some of the houses
    The Second Test still says “Blood Snakes

    Please post any and all comments, questions, bug errors, etc. in this Thread!!


    Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to tell you, BB, a bunch of your names sound like you just smashed your fists on the keyboard and went with what you got. =P


    Oh, do you mean [color=brown]Kcirdnek[/color] and Enileuqcaj?

    Try reading them backwards 😛


    I’m trying! It looks good so far! :3
    EDIT: Hmmm… Here’s some bugs…
    First of all, if you go in the mayor’s house and come out, the monsters appear.
    Secondly, if you go talk the protector girl and come back out, the monsters disappear.
    Thirdly, I bought two swords… I can’t equip them! They’re only items! D:
    No problem with the monsters. In fact, I love them. Much more tougher. Maybe the orges should like, miss more, but hit more. How bout that?
    I love the mayor… Vewsees AKA V. lulz
    I would have more, but I’m tired now. Tomorrow, I’ll analyze more.

    First of all, if you go in the mayor’s house and come out, the monsters appear.

    Minor mishap with some variables. Sorry 🙁

    Secondly, if you go talk the protector girl and come back out, the monsters disappear.

    As I was adding in the Map, I forgot to take out that. Sorry, again 😛

    Thirdly, I bought two swords… I can’t equip them! They’re only items! D:

    Not sure why this is happening, but I think it’s because I wiped out the Skills and Class things, so no class can wield any type of weapon…

    No problem with the monsters. In fact, I love them. Much more tougher. Maybe the orges should like, miss more, but hit more. How bout that?

    Haha, miss more and hit more. I like that, cuz they big fat stupid ogres 😛

    I love the mayor… Vewsees AKA V. lulz

    Teehee 🙂 Also the Overlord of the Ogres is somebody from VuTales, too 😛


    I got a huge bug…
    I talked to the little boy.
    After doing so, I walked to the entrance of the house nearby and I disappeared. O_O
    I walk through stuff… O_O
    EDIT: Looks like I have to start over. ._. See ya tomorrow then. I never got to see the Boss too. D:


    FUCK. Shit, how could i miss that? So sorrey, another minor variable screw up, but as u can see minor variable bugs can cause huge errors >.<

    NOTICE: Nobody talk to the Boy by the Inn, please. He is DEFECTIVE until next version (which, sadly, might take longer than v0.2. I may release a sort of v0.25 that’ll just be bug fixes, but im not sure yet. I’ll decide tomorrow. G’night all!!)

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