BB’s RPG – The Maker’s Creation

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  • #12794
    Blackboy0 said: I know what a fucking Readme is 😛 I just wanna know for what, though. Like… There’s about 5 keys you use: Up, Down, Left, Right, and Enter…

    That would be a killer readme.


    Any other bugs I should fix? 🙂


    Btw, you can use SPACE instead of ENTER. Just saying. Or to open up the menu with Z, or X, or, LOTS OF OTHER KEYS YOU NEVER TOLD US ABOUT. T__T


    Lol. :p I kid, but srsly. Readme.


    Version 0.2.7: And Even More Bug Fixes!

    The Gatekeeper is now thankful for you saving him during the Aurmce Under Attack event, and will give rewards!
    Vewsees, the Mayor of Aurmce, has been renamed to Haysbro. (The entire village of Aurmce is a reference to ArcEmu, Hasbro being the Head Admin)
    Teleporters during the Aurmce attack now work successfully
    The Innkeeper, Wyoami, and the Shop Owner, Zcak, are now successfully “phasing” during the Aurmce Under Attack event.
    All mobs have had their Stats, EXP, and Gold drop rating decreased
    All Spells and Skills of Mage and Warrior/Rogue have been revamped
    Many more small bugs, grammatical errors, etc. have been fixed
    Download now!

    Please post any and all comments, questions, bug errors, etc. in this Thread!!


    Damn man, you crank out those releases real fast. Lemme download first.

    And you have a strange way of naming things, my friend.


    Like what things? 😛

    Well, I don’t like having a version out that is full of bugs and shit i dont like.


    Aurmuce for example.

    Where d’you get that from? :p


    Aurmce = ArcEmu, start to end
    Haysbro = Hasbro, head of ArcEmu
    Zcak = Zack, developer of Arcemu
    Wyoami = Wioami, developer of Arcemu
    Kcirdnek = Kendrick, my brother (backwards)
    Enileuqcaj = Jacqueline, my girlfriend

    Need anymore examples? 🙂


    One thing that’s bothering me as I’m playing the game right now…

    How come in Aurmce, the bridge leading to the little beach? is on the right side, but in the actual map it’s on the left?

    Edit: I like how Haysbro walks out of his office so damn calmly when monsters are attacking the village.


    Oops. I’ll fix that 😛

    Edit about your edit: He doesn’t know. All the Gatekeeper said was to geto out here, so he had no idea it was under attack 😛


    Me Smash! hahaha. It’d be cool if you could have some of the ogres chase after you on the map.


    Haha, ill think about it 😛

    Any bugs so far?


    I haven’t noticed any yet.


    You didn’t fix the glitch with the weapons store guy. I can talk to him over the counter and he’ll let me buy and sell even though the orges are still there.
    The Gatekeeper’s helm isn’t working
    Overlord got nerfed… Badly. Does 32 damage… With barely any equips! O_O Needs some spells. But awesome looking sprite for him. ;P

    I think this is purty good. Here are some Minor Bugs…
    I’ve been noticing this for a loooong time. Somewhere during the chat about the tree, it rains for no reason. o-o
    There are a couple of orges standing at a dead end in the forest, doing nothing . 😛 No one will fall for that!

    Anywho, I loved this version. Although I do miss Vewsees. ):
    And a reminder: Don’t forget that before you can continue, you have to talk to the protector girl! I know you did it for the first time, but you have to do it for the second time. :3


    Thank you Pain. I will get on those as soon as I get on the computer.

    Btw… Vewsees is not completely gona. Since Aurmce is based on players and users of ArcEmu, maybe there will be a … next. ’tis all im saying 😛

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