Where have I said I had a problem with you being Vietnamese? And that was from a couple pages back, why’d you go pull it up again. ._.
I liek to joke, is all. I call Nass neegerz, and he call me back. ;~;
I call Dayvayd, Ken, LithyGAYFAG, and Connay chinky, and they call me back. ;~;
I think I called someone cracker too. 😮
The point is, I don’t just pick on you. You’re not that special. :/ srs faise. I liek to joke is all, have a heart, KKK[hets black ppl]?
So without further ado, lemme pwn joo in GB kaykay Vietkongnamese Peking Duck? 🙂
Your closest VuTaler is in England lul
Oh and btw
It’s ‘starting to get on my nerves’ newwwwwwwwwwOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB~