Rap Music

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    I shall start with a heated topic of media.

    Politicians are trying to ban rap music because they think it is violent and incites people to commit crimes and misdemeanors. Most people, however, fail to realize that rap does not need to incite crimes to coerce out youth into corruption. Most parents are unaware of where a child learns their colorful vocabulary and “ho” words, and some people don’t care how their kids grow up. Rap is supposed to be about flashing money and pimping, but who believes it? At the same time the same people who do this endorse soft drinks or tell Taylor they prefer Beyonce’s videos. What’s “In” is a capitalist industry! Give me a break. To procure a law to ban rap music would be of utmost importantce, also, I’m sick of my neighbor playing that fucking shit in their back yard next door.


    That’ll never happen, you can’t ban an entire genre of music

    Rap is not about flashing money and pimping, it’s common subject matter of mainstream rap

    Rap like most other genres is identified by Instuments, tempo, lyrical delivery, etc etc

    i havent heard of this ban but it won’t happen


    Some rap is okay…

    And you’re biased, so STHU pls. Kthxbai. <3


    You’re doing the “sense of social superiority” thing wrong.


    Jesus even though I hate it with a passion I don’t want to ban it @_@
    would make the nigs even more violent


    Okay, this soap boxing is quite enough. Plus it’s encouraging some stupid assumptions.
    I wonder why the hell V opened this forum.

    But, originally rap, although I’m not particularily a fan of it, didn’t start as pimps and hos. It started as a form of change and growth within a suppressed community, not about death and hate.

    But, now it’s just about money and how much you can make from such-and-such record.



    Rap is the greatest shit on the face of the Earth.


    I laughed after reading the ‘supporting’ points of the argument made in the first post, then realized you were probably serious about it, and hung my head in despair.


    … No.
    Its music.
    Nuff sed.


    “After hours: Talk and debate about serious topics. Stupidity is not advisable.

    Zappy, go live in a country where there’s a socialism-based economy. Oh wait, they all fail.

    FYI, economic freedom = unrestricted trade = free market = capitalism.

    Edit: This reply is based on the fact that he thinks rap supports capitalism, and that’s his real issue with it.


    rap is cool

    don’t be a fool


    And Black Sabbath causes people to go berserk and violent. Music is just music, the ban would never work as long as there are some people who like Rap.

    Look at piracy anyway, there are laws and all but site like isohunt, mininova are still working fine, whoever hasn’t heard of TPB is a nob btw.

    Nothing can be completely banned.

    Chewing gum as well, for instance.

    Politicians will always be politicians.


    I don’t see the problem with rap music. I listen to pretty much anything as long as I like the composition and sound…sometimes that includes death growls, sometimes it includes “explicit content”, sometimes it includes a porno sax. However listening to these has never made me want to act violently, shout profanities, or engage in any sexual activity of a questionable nature. I don’t deny it’s possible for some lyrics to act as a trigger, but only if a person already has something mentally wrong with them. So I don’t see rap getting banned any time soon, that would just be silly.


    I personally, like rap music.
    If people actually get past the stereotype that all rappers are drugged up gangsters who wanna kill people, their music is actually pretty enjoyable.
    I just love hearing people string together cleverly written verse with an awesome back beat.


    That’s stupid. Rap is a genre of music that tons of people enjoy. How would you like it if the only type of music you listened to was banned because other people (not you) were said to be influenced by it? But you just listen to it because you like it. Obviously there is a greater problem in peoples lives if they are influenced so easily by music. Weak.

    Music shouldn’t be taken for face value. There are tons of pop songs about suicide, rock songs about satanism..wanna ban them too?

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