Hey, I remember a few months back, V and I were toying with the idea of a movie night. Well, I decided I’m gonna make it happen.
This Sunday, October 25th, 2009, we’re gonna have a movie night, at 8:30 PM CST. (If you don’t know what time that is in your time zone just post and I’ll get back to you.)
The movie playing will be Clerks. Which is a kickass movie, so I all suggest you watch it.
If you have any problems with this time/date, let me know. I might either change the time if too few people can show up, or maybe a second showing.
Post here and keep me updated on if you can make it or not. I’ll post the link on Friday or Saturday.
(Also, the movie is rated R. If you don’t want to/aren’t mature enough/are morally against watching an R rated movie, let me know and I’ll try to schedule an alternate movie for that time.)