Well I’m done now.

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    FunnyFroggy said: :O Was it like rocky or something?

    No it was a couple years before Rocky. It was only a few months after I joined the site.


    Not a couple of years. Rocky was around half a year after MMOTales started (end of 2007). He was barely around when I joined, but he made a small return when Profil3 started.

    MasterCheeze said: Not a couple of years. Rocky was around half a year after MMOTales started (end of 2007). He was barely around when I joined, but he made a small return when Profil3 started.

    But he didn’t start with his crap until later, right? I’m probably wrong; my sense of time is probably warped. He was definitely after AltarWhatshisface.


    AlterofGod, I think, and then he made another account called BrokenImages or something like that.


    Man, BrokenImages sounds so familiar. You say he was a flamer that attempted to be smart but failed? I think I remember him being the male equivalent of… that one girl that was smart and her name started with an ‘i’. I think she made an account here too, but like, is gone.


    He got pissed all the fanfics were being liked while his “original” story was being ignored (the world’s already created for you, you’re not being creative at all, etc.). He blamed the community for not being able to appreciate his sophistication and intelligence, when really his sentences were nearly indecipherable thanks to his love of large words and his complete lack of knowledge on how to use them.

    He was especially pissed that ANBUninja did so well. Although, admittedly, ANBUninja wrote like a sixth grader and had probably the five to ten most liked blogs on MMOTales (think 60-80 likes) ignoring fpooned’s “The Ninja Muses… Ask him a question” blog, he didn’t deserve half the flames Alter threw his way. (Are you sure it was Alter Chameleon? I thought it was Altar like altar-ego of God, as if he thought he was a God or something. Looking back, alter does make more sense, but altar makes him seem so much more conceited. :P)


    I think we should start updating the Uncyclopedia for VuTales, as some VuTalers are worthy to mention.
    As for you, Zappy, I salute thee. First fail troll in VuTales. Were you misunderstood? Yes, indeed you were. Harsh words were spoken to you, and I don’t believe you deserve that kind of treatment. [ttext=But I must say, don’t use much big words just to sound smart… It’s kinda stupid. >.>]See ya![/ttext]


    lolwut I believe you mean ‘MMOTales’. 😛


    I miss all the good fanfics. 🙁


    Tar I think it was Alter. I also remember when Guru came and pwned him by editing his work and posting the edits on the site. Red marks everywhere!

    and and and…Remember Silver story. By far my favourite.

    Gujju said: Tar I think it was Alter. I also remember when Guru came and pwned him by editing his work and posting the edits on the site. Red marks everywhere!

    and and and…Remember Silver story. By far my favourite.

    Aurora’s Redemption.
    And JesusFreak..and Aaru (Hehe).


    Well then Zappy. I personally didn’t have much of a problem with you, though I could see why Lithy and some others did. In fact, I still don’t have much of a problem with you even though you pretty much spammed our forums and insulted everyone with your goodbye thread.
    I could care less if you read this comment, so farewell. Our rude behavior was caused by your actions, and yours only. You leaving is not our faults, and as you guessed, will have no effect on any of us.

    I bid thee adieu~

    tarheel91 said: He got pissed all the fanfics were being liked while his “original” story was being ignored (the world’s already created for you, you’re not being creative at all, etc.). He blamed the community for not being able to appreciate his sophistication and intelligence, when really his sentences were nearly indecipherable thanks to his love of large words and his complete lack of knowledge on how to use them.

    He was especially pissed that ANBUninja did so well. Although, admittedly, ANBUninja wrote like a sixth grader and had probably the five to ten most liked blogs on MMOTales (think 60-80 likes) ignoring fpooned’s “The Ninja Muses… Ask him a question” blog, he didn’t deserve half the flames Alter threw his way. (Are you sure it was Alter Chameleon? I thought it was Altar like altar-ego of God, as if he thought he was a God or something. Looking back, alter does make more sense, but altar makes him seem so much more conceited. :P)

    I’m pretty sure, because I remember going to his MMOT ID and looking at it and thinking “… Did he mean to spell ‘Altar?'” XD

    That guy was kind of a prick, and his writing was so… blocky and a pain in the butt to read because it seems like he used a thesaurus to change every other word into the longest word he could find. Anyhoo.

    This thread kind of reminds me of the “Fox and Grapes” fable, where the fox managed to persuade himself that the grapes weren’t worth eating anyway because they were probably sour. lol.


    Bai Zap,
    nuff’ said


    I would like to thank God for this day…. and so on and so on, amen.

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