What is VuTales *for*?…

Home Forums Site Discussion What is VuTales *for*?…

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    This may be a self-evident question to us, but VuTales isn’t just for us.

    Right now, it’s not much more than a MMOT refugee camp. Understandable, of course. We had a community there, it disappeared, then this came up and we all climbed on. The site used to be centered around MMORPGs, mainly MS… but not so much anymore. Most of us are here only because we used to be over there. In other words, for the community, this community; no other specific reason.

    What about the future? A public VuTales won’t be able to rely on people wanting to join some random online community. They’ll just use Facebook. We have to have some sort of aim, some target audience. It’s tough, though, because we aren’t as united – interests-wise, I mean, not community-wise – as we used to be.

    We don’t want to define ourselves too broadly, because then no one will care. But we also don’t want to exclude anyone already here, or at least not leave too many people solely using the ‘None’ category.



    I guess I thought about this while watching the old MMOTales…
    But I have to agree…
    We used to be a close-knit community with one shared interest: Gaming.
    Now we’re different.
    Most of the insane people seem saner than before.
    Our interests seem to have differ.
    Although I’m guessing its because before we only had to blog about gaming; now we can blog about anything.
    But still…
    We CAN set a target audience. We did it with Gaming; we can do one again. If you really feel deep about this, then I say make a thread about a set audience.
    Otherwise, I’d live with it. As time goes by, we’ll figure it out.
    On the other hand, let’s relax. 😛

    Btw, threads like this make Vusys a bit disgruntled. Especially the last one about V.


    Yeah. >>:

    It’s for blogging, like blogger, except it’s MMO-Related. Target MMO audiences. (Advertise) Mention it on official forums. Recruit people.



    Let us not have a ‘None’ category?

    And get us out of Gamma testing? Well, it’s pre-beta, that may be turning off people who want it fresh and clean. >_>

    Create our own ‘tagline’?

    I-O-N-O. . .


    The tag line was going to be “How are vu today?”

    Get it? You… vu…? Oh nevermind.

    I thought it might be a little too egotistical to plaster my name everywhere.


    Very funny, Yousys.

    Get it? Vu… you…? Oh nevermind.



    Lol @ both comments above. 🙂

    Surely you both can do better than that.


    From what I can tell, VuTales is mainly a place where we just, y’know, go to on impulse. Why? It’s just a place. Are we even using this place for anything? Sure we got rants and cupcakes and random blogs and nice people, but what’s the point if we’re not doing anything?

    Pick one.

    [pickone]We need to focus on a goal and that goal should be to make this place something worth going to., We need to find ways to make life here a little bit more interesting for everyone.[/pickone]


    Fanfics, MMOs, video games, hanging out… Eh, it seems to be a totally general blogging site; it just appears we’re mainly focused on those three due to the fact that there aren’t many ENTIRELY new members to the site yet. If, uh, we get more people, hopefully it will branch out to a lot of stuff including, uh, fanfics, MMOs, video games, and hanging out…?!?!?!

    David said: Yeah. >>:

    It’s for blogging, like blogger, except it’s MMO-Related. Target MMO audiences. (Advertise) Mention it on official forums. Recruit people.


    Only one problem.
    We aren’t all a MMO audience.


    SirPainsalot said: Btw, threads like this make Vusys a bit disgruntled. Especially the last one about V.

    I don’t think it’s the content of the thread that counts, but the person who makes it. 🙂



    I see what you did there. 😡


    I’ve been thinking abit, but aren’t we somewhat trapping ourselves in a shell? We’re within our community, but not much people are coming in.


    Site’s not complete yet.


    Let us get it out of Gamma-testing! 😀

    . . .How? D:


    Wait a few months, Vusys is working on VuStory right now, VuTales is not really under development.

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