Grimno Returns (In Style) and G.T.V.

By In Uncategorized

*kicks door the door*

Ha ha ha ha ha…. yess… yes indeed. Just as planned… uh…
I mean.

Uh.. well *puts door back up*

Lets redo that…

*heads out*


*bursts in through window*

Stop right there evil kurr! For I, Grimno, the Eccentric, the CEO of G.T.V., and much more has arrived to stop… nothing… since nothing's really happened yet…

I'll put that on hold.

Well. *puts hands together* Its good to see this running.
Didn't think it would happen.
But it did.
Which it has.
As it has happened.
For that is in which it currently is of being for which this of it has been happening at this moment in time of happenings….

Also, in MMOTales. I was Chi, in case anyone wonders… so yeah. Split-Personality Accounts.

Anyways… might as well, update you, the people, of this site, of which you reside. On my current "doings".

I'm playing the MMORPG Perfect World.
AND I"M LEVEL 100! YEEAAHH (Level cap is 105)
Been playing since Nov 2007.

I just got involved with "EVE Online"… playing atm… ship's mining in my own personnel asteroid field.. sorta. (Mission related, have to know coords to get here.)
But thats not all.
Not all at all…
No, its not.
You should be.

I, have created, (sorta) the ultimate (sorta) fictional (sorta) Television/Radio/Machinima … thing… didn't really go as to name what it is.

G.T.V. (Gee, Tee, Vhee, L M N O P!)

I'm giggling… at excitment of this running again. WhEeEeeEEeEEeEe *throws arms up*

But uh. G.T.V. is this.

Those are videos I made while ingame at Perfect World.
Hope you enjoy it… alot do.
Apparantly I have a lover in Russia now cause of this, I don't know… but something about heat.
But then again… *turns toward random camera* In Soviet Russia, you …. ok I didn't think that one out completely. Just imagine AWESOME. Then put that AWESOME, in a cup…. then smash it with MORE AWESOME!
Yeah…. thats AWESOME… no…thats TURBO AWESOME!

Perfect World – Malaysian English – Delphi Server

Mipsacri played it… she left 🙁
But I am in the ImmortaL guild. NUMBER ONE GUILD IN THE SERVER!
We own ALL the territories… except 3… cause we GAVE them away… yeah.
Everyone hates us. But we kill stuff.
Over 50 lvl 100's in that guild alone. About 40 lvl 99's, and about 100 89-99's!

Alright, this getting long for my first of many blogs… logs… flogs… letters… notes… chats… typed responses… personnel computer outputs… FISH MONGERS… WARRIOR BABIES… GIANT…ENEMY……BALLS….


Ok… I'll go now.

*rewind jumps back out window*

~Grimno (FIGURE THAT ONE OUT *****!)


MasterCheeze 23 March 2009 Reply

Aha, eccentric as ever. Man, what have you been up to lately besides PW? You have a goatee, right?

Grimno 23 March 2009 Reply

I keep having to shave due to work. Idk what my facial hair is… but if I let it grow out… it’d be even more tacked on awesome.

MasterCheeze 23 March 2009 Reply

Yeah, tack on your facial hair that’s what. Your face is a bulletin board of awesome.

SirPainsalot 23 March 2009 Reply

Anyway, yay pay ray nay hooray

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

How can a world be perfect if there are still battles? Liez I tell you! LIEZ!

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply
Zhlink said: I suddenly wonder, but where do you guys randomly pop out from?

And isn’t it obvious? We come from your backyard. We enjoy camping in other peoplez backyards. It gives us purpose in life.

Grimno 23 March 2009 Reply

How could people not remember me? I was one of MMOTales oldest members! <:(

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

Cause Perfect World is never perfect? lawl jk. No really. I am.

Don’t let the cat girl get me.

SirPainsalot 23 March 2009 Reply

woah Leo is going crazay.

Rep 23 March 2009 Reply

=D GRIMNO! ^__^ Hai!

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

Whoa, kicking through two doors?! How amazing can you get!

dee32693 23 March 2009 Reply


I totally remember you. You’re too crazy to forget!!! 8D And stop going out of windows! *pushes you off cliff*

DarkDragoon 23 March 2009 Reply

The return has come<3

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