Hello… Is this mike working? Is there a rants tag in the VuTales blog system?
Excellent. Buckle your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen, because you're in for a long ride.
Now, I had just watched Slumdog Millionaire earlier this week, and thought it an interesting movie. If any movie could be forgiven for pipping the Dark Knight (which DIDN'T GET NOMINATED, a crime tantamount to murder), it was this movie. Powerful, gripping and a rather good insight into pre-development India, my rage at the Dark Knight was somewhat defused after watching this movie.
So imagine my rather great shock when my mom thought it civil to ask me over breakfast today what movie I had watched this week, and I replied, "Slumdog Millionaire". Her reply floored me.
"Oh, it was crap."
I was stunned. I asked her whether or not she had watched the movie. Her response?
"I don't need to watch the movie to know it wasn't good."
This just gets better and better, doesn't it? My mother, the greatest film critic in the world. Up till now, I had no idea. She must have been the fastest film critic ever, since she doesn't need to watch the movie first. See the title, deliver one word opinions such as "Bad. Crap." and move on.
Trying to remain coherent, I told her my opinion of it, and the fact that it probably deserved Best Picture ahead of the Dark Knight. If her reply just now floored me, this one tied an anchor to me and dumped me in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.
"No lah, the Dark Knight was juvenile."
Juvenile. JUVENILE? Right, I can take Slumdog Millionaire being passed off as crap. But the Dark Knight. THE DARK KNIGHT IS JUVENILE?
Voice slightly shaking, I asked my mom why.
"It's based on a cartoon, that's why!"
I wanted to curl up in a corner. I wanted to beat my mom with the biggest stick I could find. I wanted to curl up into a corner AND beat my mom with a stick. Wait, that doesn't make sense. See, I'm still incoherent with rage. RAGE.
My mother. My dear old mother has the audacity to live under the same roof as one of the bigger fans of Batman (if not one of the biggest) and not know what originated from what?
And she thinks Dark Knight is juvenile. To borrow a phrase from that Guy with the GLasses, "KIDS FROM EGYPT KNOW THE DARK KNIGHT WAS NOT JUVENILE!"
"Did you watch either of them?"
"Please la. Don't need to watch them. Hear can already."
I then expressed my not so humble opinion that clearly we must have been living in parallel universes, because SLumdog won Best Picture in the Oscars and the Dark Knight has drawn widespread praise as probably (read: definitely) the best Batman movie ever.
I also dared her to name a good movie, and to this point in time, she has yet to give a satisfactory response. (Btw, she's watched Titanic four times and some other romance movies TWICE. hinthint.)
And she's watched neither. I'm pissed. The only opinion I'll ever offer to a movie I haven't watched is "I didn't watch it, sorry." Period. Full stop.
It's like not reading LOTR and condemning it as crap. (If one more person tells me they've watched LOTR when I ask them if they've READ it, I will strangle them. After filleting.) Well okay, I've never read Twilight, not fully anyway. But I've read enough of the stupid quotes from the book "His breath made my mouth water!" to say it sucks, and with enough justification. And the whole non-retarded English-reading community will agree with me.
Stephanie Meyer may have been creative (sliiiightly) plot-wise, but she can't do exaggerations worth a damn.
A little debating always wakes up the mind, beautifully, though. I went from semi-concussed (try sleeping only three hours) to full-blown debating mood in about five seconds.
Ah well, this will be my first blog on the new site. If anyone wants to drop a comment, like this or hunt down my mom with chainsaws, please feel free.
I just watched the Dark Knight.
Was a good movie.
My suggestion for your mother… kill her. >:)
JK JK.. sorta.
Idk what to do…my mom just brags about her knowledge of movie stars.
Slumdog, I’mma watch that tomorrow. 🙂
Dark Knight was good, but didn’t match the hype IMO. It wasn’t childish though.
Twilight is a very very sexist book. It’s disgusting. Not that I hate it (hate is a really strong word), but I don’t like it, much. There’s a website that my friend gave me a link to that lists a TON of valid points and the reasoning too.
LOTR is not crap.
The Dark Knight is not juvenile just because it was based on a comic book, otherwise it wouldn’t be rated… what is it, PG-13? I haven’t watched either of these movies though, so maybe I’m not justified to say anything about the quality? XD But I do want to watch them…
And Titanic was a pretty great film as well.
Titanic sucked IMO. It was too dramatic.
Just my opinion 😉
i know just how you feel. My entire family didn’t like Slumdog. My brother didn’t even finish, and my mom, aunt and uncle thought it was crap.
I don’t consider their opinions ever though, because they old, traditional, Indian people who only ever watch Bollywood movies. The adults in my family never seem to like anything other than a good love story (typical bollywood for you). You can imagine my expression when they said there was nothing good about the movie. I can sort of understand where they are coming from. They are born and raised in India, and though the depictions of the country were very wrong. However, I was smart enough to get that they aren’t from the slums -.- and therefore, don’t know about the truth. They also dont get that it was just a movie. They took personal offense that an movie filmed in India directed by a white man won Oscars, but other bollywood movies directed by Indians don’t.
The reason being: Bollywood sucks. There are very few bollywood movies that I would bother watching twice, which says a lot, i watch them more frequently than English movies, and for a lot longer.
yeah sorry. You just sorta lit a fuse. 🙂
I can rant about Twilight later 😛
Actually she didn’t say Titanic. I just pre-empted her by saying, “Ok then, name me a good movie. And please don’t say Titanic.”
Never provoke someone…
ur mother is hawt imo
I liked all the LOTR junk :[
LOTR is … different. A lot of adults don’t understand it.
Oh, and now whenever she watches anything, I’ll pass by and say “THat’s crap”. I figure a year of this will be just about equal justice for dubbing the Dark Knight as juvenile without even watching it.
Vengeance is sweet. <3
You do have a point about Titanic being a tad dramatic. But again, I haven’t watched it in a looooooong while… XD
Slumdog Millionaire is one of the most heartwarming movies I have ever watched up to date =[
*Attacks your mother*
The poop part grossed me out though >.<
Hah. Smite her down by insulting every drama or show she watches over the next year as well, it is only fair.
Oh, oh. And I’m DEFINITELY going to watch fanboys. I saw the trailer while watching Slumdog Millionaire AND I SWEAR BY MY DOUBLE-BLADED BLACK LIGHTSABER TO WATCH IT. THE LIGHTSPEED SCENE IS HILARIOUS.
Holy crap, your mother must be an idiot to think that The Dark Knight was juvenile.
Some of the stuff that they deal with in that movie is completely beyond the toy cars that little kids play with.
The Dark Knight deals with the fact that anyone, no matter how good, has a weak side, and that weak side can be manipulated with to create chaos. In other words, anyone has potential to be extremely evil. Batman realizes that the darkness inside him is growing, and he starts to turn into the Joker, but in reality, he’s already the joker. He’s wanted to do completely evil things to him, and he realizes that he isn’t fit to protect Gotham city.
I haven’t watched Slumdog Millionaire, but I think I’ll check it out.
Oh yeah, Twilight was a poor excuse for a book too.
Not only does the author use half the book to explain how badly Bella wants Edward and obsessing over stupid things like paranoia, the ending to Twilight is so damn unsatisfying. Stephenie Meyers is a GREAT author, but not because of her works. Her writing ability is phenomenal. Shame that it’s wasted on crap like the Twilight series. The book is deserving of a trip to the washroom, but not to be read.
…Lithium, you’re tripping.
It’s not that Batman is turning to the Joker. Batman will never kill. It’s the one line he will never cross.
The relationship between Batman and Joker is a lot more complicated than the batman slowly turning into the Joker. It’s more of order and chaos, lawful good vs chaotic evil, the neverending struggle against the chaos and insanity that resides within us.
Batman realised that in order to sustain Gotham’s hope in the good side of man, he would have to take on all the crimes that Two-Face committed, so that Harvey could stand as an image for good and the memory of him as a good man unsullied.
“Why is he running, daddy?”
“Because he has to, and because we have to chase him (Can’t remember the exact quote…)”
Easily the best closing to a movie I’ve seen for a long, long time.
And Stephanie Meyers is a GOOD AUTHOR? I’ll try to as kind as I can…
Please understand that when people breath, breath should not smell good. I could really go on at length about all the quotes of stupidity I’ve read from Twilight, but trust me when I say this…
There’s exaggeration (brilliantly done by Pterry, man knows how to twist ANY phrase), and there’s EXAGGERATION (He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare.)
“Knowledge=power=energy=matter=mass and mass warps space, and therefore, libraries are a very dangerous place indeed for the unprepared.”
This is how it’s done.
Twilight is a blight on all teenage girls who believe that somewhere out there is a epitome of human/undead perfection, just waiting to spring out and… well, you get the picture.
In fact, screw epitome. If Edward was REAL, the laws of the universe would start to break down and crumble in his *ahem* PERFECTION.
Seriously. Find another author to read. Maybe Mercedes Lackey. Just don’t touch any books written by Stephanie Meyer without a ten-foot pole. In fact, wear radiation suits, bundle them in lead boxes, and dump them in the Marianas Trench.
Wait, too risky. Launch them into the Sun.
I seriously hope this won’t become a flame war about Twilight, so please read this with an open mind. There are other, better authors with a much healthier idea of romance. Please don’t read her anymore.
Edit: Sorry, change “Please understand that when people breath, breath should not smell good.” to “Please understand that when people breath, breath should not smell good to the point that makes mouths water.”
We need an option to edit comments.
So, I probably am tripping. I only took the movie’s elements through my first impression. I tried to watch it a second time, but I was too busy cuddling with my girlfriend at that time. She now has the title of “That Ex”.
Reading your description of the movie makes a lot more sense.
Yes, I think Stephenie Meyers is a good author. It’s just the subject for the book.. is just so god damn terrible. I’d like to see her right about something that doesn’t involve hyperboles and personifications that make me want to gag.
I’m not comparing her to some of the more amazing authors out there, mind you.
I do read other works by other authors. I just read Twilight to see what the hype was about.
I quickly discarded it onto my sister’s desk after reading it.
I’m shamed to say that I have read them all… -emocorner-
Three books of basically the same mush, rehashed to the point of… whatever, if there even IS a point, and then the fourth book just introduces a whole new cast of lovely new monsters. :
Down with Twilight!
Boooooooooooooooooooooooo! Because of Twilight, all these Twitards have surfaced.
Cheers, Lithium.
I’m just better at this because I’m a Batman fanboy, and I’ve thought about the philosophy and stuff behind Batman. That’s why the Dark Knight resonated so much with me, I guess.
Cheer up, get a new girlfriend, and try Terry Prachett some day. You won’t be disappointed.
-Dings cup and downs a shot of tequila-
Sounds good.
I’ve never been too into the superhero types, they just never stood out to me. The Dark Knight was just glorious IMO in the theater. I was drooling for like half the time xD
Maybe I will X2
TL;DR @ comment war
Terry Pratchett is an AWESOME author. I really liked The Amazing Maurice and His Very Educated Rodents (I think that was the title? It’s too long to remember… XD)
@FF: Anti-Twitards, you mean. XD
Hey, did you hear something about Eddie Murphy playing The Riddler in the next Batman movie?
lul fo sho?
There’s gonna be another Batman movie?
1. Batman Begins
2. The Dark Knight
3. Batman’s Jigsaw?
Hopefully if there is one it won’t be one of those sequel-fail type films? :
Well, so far the new Batman series haven’t failed us, have they. Though I know Imppy considers Batman in the first Batman film to be a wuss. XD
There will be a sequel, definitely.
But if Eddie Murphy plays the Riddler, I will jump off the nearest ten-plus storey building, which incidentally would make that the block I live in.
But if Eddie Murphy plays the Riddler, I will jump off the nearest ten-plus storey building, which incidentally would make that the block I live in.
Yeah, when I first heard it I was kinda skeptical. Oh well, there are other super heroes.
Wow you watch the Nostalgic Critic as well? I think he’s hilarious 😀
Only because I made him. 😛
I thought I told you James Rolfe owned his ass. Now go watch some AVGN.
AVGN> Nostalgic Critic.
Even so, I enjoy watching Nostalgic Critic more. ^_^
What are those? o.O
I watched Slumdog Millionaire last week. Kill your mom or I’ll do it myself 🙂
…I haven’t read or watched LOTR. I haven’t watched Dark Knight and Titanic either 😀
I read the first book of Twilight, and watched the movie. The book, I found the romance to be very unrealistic and stupid.
Especially at the part were the vampire admits that he watches the girl in her sleep.
Bit stalker-ish, no?! While my friends were swooning over him, saying how roooomaaantic he is, watching her in his sleep, I was ripping the book into shreds thinking, “THIS BOOK PROMOTES STALKING!”
And the movie sucked. They tried to fit a bit of comedy into it, which sometimes worked, but overall…it failed. The book is just not meant to be turned into a movie, it’s essence is just too -shudders- to be converted into a movie, especially when the main characters are highschoolers.
Twilight was terrible in general. It was meant to be a stand-alone book. But it became popular, which pushed Meyer to write one more. New Moon (which was the worst of all the 4, in my opinion). But yeah, Meyer attempted to make an epic ending like Harry Potter 7, but instead, she accidentally slipped on some gasoline and fell into a fireplace with all her novels.
Nice imagery.
Even so, I enjoy watching Nostalgic Critic more. ^_^
‘Cuz of the AVGN’s vulgarity? ;O
Wow. Your mom is fail =((((( She needs educating in modern movie culture kthnx
And LOL you’re right about twilight xD i saw the movie as well and when edward said to her with a straight face “I watch you in your sleep” and she smiled at him like he was the greatest thing since video games, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE AUDIENCE LAUGHED and i even heard two teens going ‘Omg, that’s so not real!’
Dont’ be that mean. D:
I think my next blog will be a Twilight Rant
Theres ALOT of parodies involing that
Nice to see you’re letting it all out.
Looks like Twilight seems to be spreading everywhere these days. O_o
All the movies you mentioned, I’ve watched and they are awesome to say the least.
It’s… discouraging to see that your parent doesn’t… approve of those movies. Maybe you could possibly lock her in the living room with the Dark Knight playing or something. =3
Even so, I enjoy watching Nostalgic Critic more. ^_^
‘Cuz of the AVGN’s vulgarity? ;O
Possibly, though Nostalgia Critic does use vulgarities as well. Maybe it’s also of the subject matter, cause I don’t play much video games anyway. And I just like NC’s style of humour better. ^^