
By In Uncategorized

Ok, so like, I haven't been around for a while, cos I got distracted by….. …… ….. stuff. N-e-waiz, not much interesting or new here, still looking for a job IRL, being my family's housemaid since I can't pay rent atm, and being bored out my ass all day. Oh, and I started to teach myself guitar. I printed out a chart of guitar chords and am practicing them, as well as learning how to play "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" by Metallica and "Hero of War" by Rise against. I just started two days ago so I haven't even gotten callouses on my fingers yet… Which sucks, because my fingers hurt… Bad. Lawl… So yeah, that's pretty much it. 😉


Arladerus 17 September 2009 Reply


Learn principal chords first.

He briefly talks about two ways he held the pick. He explains that he switched to the second because the first was hurting his thumb. So obviously a nono. But basically, look at how he holds it. This is the only video that I’ve found which has a decent hold.

Welcome Home (Sanitarium) is too hard. Hero of War is probably within your reach though.

Zappy 17 September 2009 Reply

The content of this blog is very depressing.

irawk 18 September 2009 Reply

Oh I’m not learning the whole song, just the intro rythm and solo lol :O but thanks for the links I’ll look into that

Pirkid 20 September 2009 Reply

The family’s..housemaid?

Jil 20 September 2009 Reply

Pics involving a sexy feminine outfit or it didn’t happen.

Nass 20 September 2009 Reply

no no no

irawk 26 September 2009 Reply

Rofl people you’re sick… I meant in the workhorse meaning of the word… >,>

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