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darkness 6 November 2011 Reply

Math must hurt your brain.

greenelf 7 November 2011 Reply

Oh dear. This better not become /r/f7u12

tarheel91 12 November 2011 Reply

Rational? Do you mean real? Imaginary numbers aren’t that bad. They’re pretty useful, actually.

Joaco 12 November 2011 Reply
tarheel91 said: Rational? Do you mean real? Imaginary numbers aren’t that bad. They’re pretty useful, actually.

Gauss’ theorem only works for rational roots (in the Q set)

tarheel91 19 November 2011 Reply
Joaco said:

tarheel91 said: Rational? Do you mean real? Imaginary numbers aren’t that bad. They’re pretty useful, actually.

Gauss’ theorem only works for rational roots (in the Q set)

Missed the Gauss reference. My bad.

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