My Sweet VuTalian Summer [Chapter 2]

By In Uncategorized

Nass dragged Ken along the path, heading directly for the girls.
"Can't I just wait here and you go talk to them?" He tried releasing himself from the older boy's grip.
Nass stopped and faced Ken. "Okay. There's some party you're going to soon right?"
"And you want to get chicks at said party yeah?"
"Good! Then you're coming." He continued to pull Ken.

Sofia was the first to notice Nass' approach. "Uh-oh. Boys." She whispered quickly to Connie.
Connie looked off the reflection in the store window. Something looked familiar with the older one.


"If you see this guy. Don't talk to him." Sneha held a poster up in front of Connie.
"Because he'll try anything to hook up with you and – …just don't talk to him okay?"
"Okay, I guess."

Present day

"Oh shit. We gotta leave." She whispered back to Sofia.
"Because that's…"
Nass appeared beside Sofia. "Nass." Connie finished.
"Hey ladies. How's it going?" Nass glanced down at their bags. "Shopping hm? For what?"
"None of your business jerk." Sofia hissed.
"Okay that's cool. I was just trying to make convo." He put his hands behind his head.
Connie nudged Sofia and gave her a look that said "We have to go." Luckily, Sofia understood.
"Well. It wasn't nice talking to you. See ya!" The girls turned to leave. Nass turned to Ken.
"You see Ken? They're testing us."
"On what?" Ken asked.
"They want to see if we'll follow them."
"Are you sure? 'Cause it looks like they just wanna lea-"
"Trust me! Now c'mon! Just let me get a few pieces of bait in then I'll take you to the arcade."
Now satisfied, Ken smiled and followed.

Connie pulled Sofia around a corner and toke out her cellphone.
"CODE RED: FIND ME ASAP!" She texted to Sneha.
She closed her cell phone, and waited.

Pir rolled up his sleeves and began his work. "Mmmm, nice and tender." He whispered. His hands continued their work.
"Yeah, you like that?" He grunted.
Sneha was coming into the kitchen to begin making her cake when she heard Pir talking in a low voice. She stopped around the corner and listened.
"This is better than last time" She heard Pir say. Her mouth formed an "O". Then she heard a slapping sound.
"Yeah almost done." More slapping. Sneha started gagging. She turned around the corner.
Pir glanced at her. "My mom once told me, if you beat your meat really hard, it becomes more tender."
"What?" She came over to his side. In Pir hands, there was a turkey. She sighed and walked away.
Pir watched her leave. "What?" He called after her. "What did I say?"

Dr. Nutzinmouf was an amazing doctor. He had the best credit in all of Vutopia. His patients loved him, other doctors hated him. But he loved his work.
Today his first patient was a young girl. He grabbed her portfolio off of his desk.
"Deonna. Age 18" He mumbled. "Comments: Having trouble sleeping at night and cramps."
Most doctors would probably smile at this, that meant he could touch her. But not Dr.Nutzinmouf, the best doctor in the world. In fact, he didn't even like girls to begin with.

BOYS however, the doctor thought. Were a different story.

The door to his office swung open. And a girl walked in and talked to his secretary, Daza Alexandrescu.
"Deonna…" Dr.Nutzinmouf mumbled again.



Arladerus 9 April 2010 Reply


Elaine 9 April 2010 Reply

ew@the doctor

Gujju 9 April 2010 Reply

pedo doc ftw!

Pirkid 9 April 2010 Reply

-rolls up sleeves-

snowhamster 9 April 2010 Reply

lol Pir talks to turkeys D:

Lithium 9 April 2010 Reply

Oh my God, way to make my character and his boss into a a Priest and child situation.

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