
By In Uncategorized

I mean, how long has it been since I've blogged about women?

A long while huh? Well this calls for a women blog. You know, to talk about other things other than weed (but just as a side-note before we start. Thursday night I smoked the rest of my stuff. I'M DRY NOW! 🙁 🙁 🙁 )

Moving on….

Hm. Actually there isn't much for me to say. I haven't really paid much attention to girls lately.

Well I guess there is this one girl…

She's a really cute girl I find. She's really chill, and she toked before (and might still as far as I know.)
I know she's feeling me, but I don't know if she's feeling me as much as I'm feeling her y'know. Still doing test runs.

And don't worry, I'm not friend-zoned. I don't know her THAT well.

So wat's the problem?

She snorts stuff like speed.


Ya, that's what I said when I found out too.
It was quite the shocker. In the worst way too, you know rule #1 of the Handbook? "Never tell anyone who you fancy."
I follow that to the death, for a long while no one has suspected me of fancying anyone. In fact, some girls went so far as to ask if I'm gay.
I told them "Yeah so?" just to fuck around. They don't talk to me anymore lol.

Anyway, fuck we got off track. My friend stayed after school and he said he saw her and some other people in the school. So he was like "wassup?"
And they were like "lol we're gonna go snort some speed." (okay maybe I'm a little rusty on details, but bear with me.)
And he was like "lol? rlly?"
And they left, and then came back all hyper and shit. And then they played some fucked up version of tag in the school for like 2 hours (Yeah, I don't know why my friend was at the school for so damn long either.)

Anyway, then he told me on Thursday. But I was kinda baked so it didn't register until the next day. But this shit has been eating at me like all day lol.

I think I'm the type who can be influenced by others. I'm not saying I'm a poser/crowd follower. I guess I'm more like a people pleaser. I mean, the first time I got high at school (don't do that much anymore) was because someone said that it'd be fun to see me in class. So I was like "lmfao k wtvz" and I did it.

Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is in the rare event I'm in such a situation where speed is in front of me, I don't want to cave under peer pressure and do it. But again, I'm not good with details, so she coulda have been doing it for the first and only time.

I dunno, I just don't want anything to happen to her y'know? Speed is some serious shit, and you can get hooked pretty easy I hear.
But I still want to pursue her despite all of this, she's really cool and I like her a lot.

Dammit, maybe I should ask her to quit if she's still doing it. But I don't want to sound like a D.A.R.E. after school special. And using the "DRUGS R BAD!" argument doesn't work…cuz yeah….

I dunno what I should do?
I was also thinking of asking her to toke up with me. Maybe if she had a really good time with me and Mary Jay, she wouldn't want to do anything else.

Extra note: Anyone ever see Requiem For A Dream? FUCKKKKED UP FILM!



Pirkid 13 December 2010 Reply

Don’t do speed. Or shrooms. Your penis will start failing.

I’m serious. My friend told me the walls were melting, and then proceeded to masturbate. Don’t do speed.

Nass 13 December 2010 Reply

It’s not about me doing speed dammit. It’s about HER

Jim 25 January 2011 Reply

Always use a rubber. If it breaks, your fucked.

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