That Random Bar

By In Uncategorized

I’ve been really busy lol.

School is super fun. I love my classes for the most part. No Science and History classes, instead I have 3 option courses.
I have Media,Drama & Wood.

Like why the fuck do I have wood? That’s like the only class I actually hate. But whatever, the teacher’s pretty nice.

Anyway, other than that I’ve pretty much been chilling.
Last week my friends and I decided to crash this party, but that was pretty lame, so we ended up leaving and going downtown and wondering around drunk.

If you have a beautiful city with lots of pretty lights and sounds, just walking around drunk is such a fun thing to do.

We played leapfrog in the middle of the street (it’s one of those pedestrian only streets so we had space) and then these French people hanging out in a bar waved us over.

Either they didn’t give 2 shits that we were underage, or they had no idea, but we started drinking with them. The bar was such an awesome place. There was a dance area with a disco ball and strobe lights. Then they had some pinball machines in a corner. The place was pretty packed too,so we started dancing with people.

Then one of my friends threw up in the bathroom so we decided we should get them home. Sucks cuz I have no fucking clue where that bar was, or what it was called. =/

Well my chest has been hurting a lot lately. Just the right side mostly, but yeah. It’s like a sharp pain but not like the type that makes you feel like you wanna pass out. Just hurts for a few breaths then it goes away.

lol I have no clue what causes it.

So yeah that’s basically it.



greenelf 10 September 2011 Reply

What’s wood? Like carpentry and stuffs?

Nass 10 September 2011 Reply
greenelf said: What’s wood? Like carpentry and stuffs?

ya basically.
like right now we’re in the process of making a motherfucking bowl.

Gujju 10 September 2011 Reply

Mang you are lucky the drinking age where you are is only 18. Get crunk my friend. Get crunk.

Nass 10 September 2011 Reply
Gujju said: Mang you are lucky the drinking age where you are is only 18. Get crunk my friend. Get crunk.

..isn’t it 19 in t-dot?

But seriously, everyday I love my city just a bit more because of the drinking age.

Gujju 11 September 2011 Reply

yah, but one year earlier is amazing

Dest1 14 September 2011 Reply

Damn highway development making the age 21 in the US

darkness 15 September 2011 Reply

You could do a lot with a bowl. Don’t underestimate simple objects.

Nass 15 September 2011 Reply
darkness said: You could do a lot with a bowl. Don’t underestimate simple objects.

maybe. But I could just use one from home then yeah?

darkness 15 September 2011 Reply
Nass said:

darkness said: You could do a lot with a bowl. Don’t underestimate simple objects.

maybe. But I could just use one from home then yeah?

I’m just saying, it could be helpful to know how to make a bowl if you’re stuck in the middle of the wilderness, or during a zombie apocalypse. Tools will come and go.

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