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Is life fair?
Are people fair?
Should my friend have to suffer the rest of her life for giving out ONE slap? Compared to punches and tackles given by other people?

My graduation is in about…

And my friend gets arrested. For SLAPPING a girl.
There are guys in my school who almost KILL each other.
But my friend goes to Juvi for slapping a girl who shit talked her. Now she can't go to grad, or the last 7 days of school for that matter, and she might not be able to go to our local high school. ARGH!!!

I am really pissed off right now because she deserve any of this, she already lost her father and is living on what her mom makes!!!
Her brother isn't any better and she might have to move to Toronto and now we won't see her and I miss her too much to forget about it. :'(
I'm trying to be strong about this but hearing her cry over the phone just got me crying and all of my friends started crying today even her crush/boyfriend, and our other best guy friend!!!!!

Idk what to do, I can't get involved though.
I have never missed my friend so much before, I feel so bad !!!!
She described juvenile jail over the phone and it didn't sound too good, she had to stay there for 6 HOURS.
And to top it all off, shes going to court in july a WEEK after her BIRTHDAY, which I'm going to miss, because I;m going to camp July 6 – July 24.
Help me cope please?!


PS: I'm also missing guy Number 1, from my previous blogs, who I'll just call L.


Arladerus 18 June 2009 Reply

Wow, you made Toronto sound bad. Where are you?

And this is where I’m going for my after-grad party on Tuesday. Le Parc

spygirl57 18 June 2009 Reply

Well I didn’t mean to. But its just far away from Brampton.
Lucky. -.-
We’re having our grade 8 grad at our SCHOOL.

Arladerus 18 June 2009 Reply

Le Parc is AWESOME. We have our grad at school, but the afterparty is from 6:30 to 10:30. =9

spygirl57 18 June 2009 Reply

Ours is during the day.

Pirkid 18 June 2009 Reply

>< I hate our school board.

David 18 June 2009 Reply

You have a graduation from primary/middle school? That’s ridiculous.

But on the other hand, good luck coping? Don’t worry too much. Or at least try not to.

Arladerus 18 June 2009 Reply

David, I go to one of the remaining 6 schools in the TDSB that still use the Junior High system, AKA grade 7-9. Therefore, I get 3 graduations! My first one wasn’t bad. We had teh Mandarin buffet.

David 18 June 2009 Reply

Rofl, wow, I didn’t even know junior high schools did graduations. XD I thought it was just awards ceremonies.

Well, I never stuck to a school for more than 2 years, so I guess that kind of doesn’t apply to me. 😛

SirPainsalot 18 June 2009 Reply

Today is an especially gloomy day… @_@
I dunno why, but it just is…
Maybe for me, its cause New York had really heavy rain and I walked and waited through all of it.

lahdeedah2 18 June 2009 Reply

Is there a shore in Canada? 😮

spygirl57 18 June 2009 Reply

Now my mom thinks shes a bad influence. 🙁
I hate the school board too, they don’t know what to do with their lives, so they try to accuse people to make other people think they’re actually working.
Today was rainy too . :O -__-
I’ve had a grade 5 graduation and now grade 8. 😀

Gujju 18 June 2009 Reply

Yeah I had a grade 5 grad. Pretty small, just a little ceremony. Middle school grad was like Arly, Ceremonies at school, party at a banquet hall.
Btw Le Parc is nice. My high school used to have our Proms there.

But this year we hit Atlantis which is like SO MUCH NICER XD Right by the waterfront.

Nass 20 June 2009 Reply

Sucks yo.

When my brother went to juvi it was really hard on my mom too. Plus youth court judges are a bunch of fags.

spygirl57 20 June 2009 Reply

POLICE are a bunch of fags.

Lithium 21 June 2009 Reply

Police ARE fags.
Oh yeah, and I know a few people in Toronto.
Do you know of a Kevin Kim or a Thomas Lin?

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