I would never talk about my real life on the internet.

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Blogging doesn't appeal to me, mostly because I find it extremely creepy to have people read and comment about me on the internet. Which is why I don't talk about my real life on the internet. Now that I think about it, I don't even talk about my real life in real life.

Even worse is when people post (supposedly) real pictures of themselves on the internet. If I were famous, maybe I wouldn't care. But right now, I would much rather hide under an internet alias. Having people know my real face and recognize me when I post on a forum as "that guy who looks like ***** *** ******" sounds extremely, extremely awkward. And, once again, creepy.

I would much rather blog about stuff on the internet that has no relation to me or is very loosely related to me (like my Maplestory character). I don't really have anything to complain about in real life except that I really hate homework, so complaining about problems on the internet sounds way more fun.

Anyways, hi. Welcome to my first blog on VuTales. It has nothing to do with my experiences, actions, problems, or life in general. 😀


David 11 October 2009 Reply

Meh, since we’re a small community for now, might as well have a picture thread, since we all know each other anyway. 😛

Well, not the new people.. but meh… -shrugs-

Chameleon 11 October 2009 Reply

^^^^^ What David said. Most of us have been around for at least a couple years. xP

Jil 11 October 2009 Reply

Says one who won’t post a pic.

Ironically, I talk about my real life more on the internet than I do in real life, but in a more generic fashion.

Merovign 11 October 2009 Reply

Talking about games in real life isn’t that bad. Talking about real life online, isn’t that bad either.

Chameleon 11 October 2009 Reply
Jil said: Says one who won’t post a pic.

Ironically, I talk about my real life more on the internet than I do in real life, but in a more generic fashion.

That was a cheap shot! D:

Jil 11 October 2009 Reply
Chameleon said: That was a cheap shot! D:

I have no regrets.

FunnyFroggy 11 October 2009 Reply

…Tato has MSN?

Jil 11 October 2009 Reply

…I has MSN?

FunnyFroggy 11 October 2009 Reply

…MSN Tato has?

Chameleon 11 October 2009 Reply

Weak with the Force, this one is. :/

tarheel91 11 October 2009 Reply

If I were famous, then I’d worry about it. I’m a normal 18 year old guy. There’s no reason for people to make fun of me or stalk me, and even if they did, I doubt any creepy stalker girl is really going to overpower me or something. Now, other people in my life is another story. I share much less information about them, and I tend to keep it pretty general.

Souseiki 11 October 2009 Reply

Hey. Don’t I know you from somewhere?

dee32693 11 October 2009 Reply

Hmm I really don’t care. What person would waste the time to stalk some random 17 year old girl from Youngstown??

I’m not worried about creepy old men or pedos. I’m more worried about vicious werewolves or hellhounds. They’re way more of a threat! D<

TheSmartGuy 11 October 2009 Reply
Souseiki said: Hey. Don’t I know you from somewhere?


Lithium 11 October 2009 Reply

rubber chicken lube.

True13lue 12 October 2009 Reply

I talk about my life here so easily because I feel comfortable. I think about the guys here being my seconds family. They are there to be my brothers and sisters and friends when my real life ones aren’t so fufilling.
I hope one day you’ll feel comfortable with opening up to us. <33

xXyZaThEx 12 October 2009 Reply

Didn’t we already have a picture thread?

Except with mip supposedly drawing us.

Moving on now.

Souseiki 12 October 2009 Reply

Eh? Don’t you start ‘Nu’-ing me! I know who you are!

Zappy 16 October 2009 Reply

Oh hey Smartguy 😐

Reve 16 October 2009 Reply

The only ranting on my real life stuff I’ve ever done around here are scream rants about school. And my mom.

lollerskates I don’t post my pic on around the internet either, you’d have to dig to find a pic of meh. :3

Eh? Don’t you start ‘Nu’-ing me! I know who you are!

I’m getting familiar vibes.

Vicelin 16 October 2009 Reply

This new guy makes me look like the internet equivalent of a whore. I have, like, 15 of you guys on facebook, and you probably even know where I live. But I think why some of us are so open with our info here is in part due to this site being private, and also that we’ve known each other for years >_>;

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