Before I start…
My boyfriend has changed his mind about going to the military. But I'm not celebrating yet because he can change his mind at any point in time again.
Me and him really want to go to college together. He was to take classes on criminal justice and I want to take writing classes. After I'm satisfied with my break and snag and stable job, we'll enter college together.
However he said he will ONLY stay if our families' financial problems don't progress any further. Which mean, I'll have to work hard too.
I'm scared though. I'm scared to relax. Because I'm scared that as soon as I do, it'll hit me like a snake bite, and I'll be poisoned for life.
My boyfriend used to live in a house in a nice place called Jamaica Plain (Lol yeah I know, come to Jamaica commercials). He lived there since he was in second grade and he said he loved it there. He mad lots of memories there too. But one day, the landlord (who happens to be an asian woman) stomped up to their door and was like: "Get out nao." and slapped a notice on them saying that she was evicting them even though they had paid their rent and everything.
Okay, my boyfriend moved out already. But he decided to go back just for old times sake. When he got there, the area where he used to live was "completely taken over by asians."
The landlord that had kicked him and his family out, had moved right into the apartment she kicked them out of. She re-did everything in the house to make it look nicer.
She kicked out everyone that WASN'T ASIAN and replaced them with asians.
It was like walking into Asian Town. (Lol no offense, I know you guys are awesome)
My boyfriend was shocked. All he could say was: "Asian People Hate Me"
Well not really. Just a bit of a rant about asians.
Well you see… I guess in Boston, asian people are very… how should I say this without sounding like a douche?
They are very biased and racist. YES, I SAID IT.
The true meaning of racism is you if believe that you're race is vastly superior to any other. The bias part just come from the fact that ASIAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO SOCIALIZE WITH ANYONE WHO ISN'T ASIAN. I say hello to an asian and they either stare, ignore, or run away from me.
But once another asian strolls by, they practically rape each other. I dunno. Maybe because I'm not asian or maybe because I'm not smart like a stereotypical asian person is.
They basically treat everyone who isn't asian like crap, giving special treatment to asians only. They make their important decisions based off that fact too. No asian people showed up to watch the Red Sox play in fenway or any other stadium until they got Matsuzaka and Okijima. Now they crowd the stands like it's nobody's buisness. You see them wave their lil flag and do their lil cheers. They probably don't give two shits about the game. They just want to see their precious asian people.
There's an asian guy who's running for city counselor in Boston. His whole support group consists of asians. You wanna know why they want him to win? Simply, because he's asian.
It's really annoying when I want to have an asian friend and then their asian parents forbid their asian children from seeing non asian friends because we're all a "bad influence" and a bunch of "stupid americans" and because we "aren't asian."
Life isn't always about getting good grades and being smart and successful.
They have to learn to socials with different people and not keep to their damn selves all the fucking time.
Sorry, that was a long semi angry rant. No offense to you guys who are asian here. I know you guys are different and not all asians are like that.
Ta for now.
lol @ boston asians
I secretly hate asians as well :3
Around here, all the Asians know each other.
All the Brown people know each other
Blacks are divided.
White people are like “ohai.”
I’m Asian!
Brown people are just like that too. And yet they still talk shyt about everyone too. One type of Brown makes fun of another type. THey all talk a lot of shit
Speaking from personal experience (and I’m the first to admit that the plural of anecdote is not data, and thus recognize my observations in no way indicate some larger trend), this issue seems to decrease as the generations increase. A second generation Indian, Korean, Chinese, whatever, is much less prejudiced, and third generations have no issues whatsoever.
Ohhhh, you haven’t seen the worst of us yet…. >>” Even I hate them, and I’m Asian myself.
Hey, I’m asian and I’m fine with any race. Comes with being Singaporean. Most people here don’t care about race at all. 😛 (Government propaganda from nursery age, to not mind everyone else’s race. But hey, it’s good propaganda I guess).
Replace every ‘asian’ word with ‘black’. read.
now replace every ‘black’ word with ‘white’. read.
do you see the trend? it’s always true somewhere
Well… I’m asian and I can tell you not all asian people are like THAT
now replace every ‘black’ word with ‘white’. read.
do you see the trend? it’s always true somewhere
I’m not going to debate your point, I just think that’s terrible logic. Just cause you can swap out a noun for another noun and have the new statement work grammatically doesn’t make the new statement true.
Let me show you what I mean.
Now Replace every “Asian” with “One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater.”
Does that make One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eaters racist? I don’t think so.
That’s horrible… but people will be people, I guess. Bigotry exists in every single “race”, no matter the skin colour; you just gotta deal with it. .__.;;
now replace every ‘black’ word with ‘white’. read.
do you see the trend? it’s always true somewhere
I’m not going to debate your point, I just think that’s terrible logic. Just cause you can swap out a noun for another noun and have the new statement work grammatically doesn’t make the new statement true.
Let me show you what I mean.
Now Replace every “Asian” with “One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater.”
Does that make One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eaters racist? I don’t think so.
Omfg, is that Priscilla from Claymore? 0: Well… except for the one eyed part.
I dislike ignorant and prejudging people the most >_>
now replace every ‘black’ word with ‘white’. read.
do you see the trend? it’s always true somewhere
I’m not going to debate your point, I just think that’s terrible logic. Just cause you can swap out a noun for another noun and have the new statement work grammatically doesn’t make the new statement true.
Let me show you what I mean.
Now Replace every “Asian” with “One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater.”
Does that make One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eaters racist? I don’t think so.
Omfg, is that Priscilla from Claymore? 0: Well… except for the one eyed part.
Thank you for that truly enlightening revelation, Zappy.
But yeah, usually this issue lessens with each generation. As an example, my grandparents are a bit paranoid about my non-Asian friends, but my mother and I are both very open-minded about it. ._. Actually, most if not all of my friends are open-minded too… except, ironically, about other Asians. There’s a bit of discrimination against Korean Asians in my group of friends XD
That landlady was a complete ***** for doing that to Anthony (d’oh, almost typo’d that as “Anthongy”). But I guess that comes from cultural traditions of sticking with the ‘clan’, avoiding ‘outsiders’, and (although this isn’t a ‘cultural tradition’) accessing too much mass media and getting the wrong ideas about entire groups of people based on the actions of individual extremist/mentally unstable members.
Is that supposed to me you dislike me too? 🙂