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In 1982, Israel launched an offensive on Lebanon known as "Operation Peace for Galilee", AKA The 1982 Lebanon War.
Over 300,000 Palestinian refugees were housed in Lebanon as a result of the Arab-Israeli Wars from dividing Palestine and Israel. The PLO, Palestinian Liberation Organization, had gained considerable power. Tensions between Israel and the PLO were reflected by constant border conflicts. In 1982, Israel withdrew troops from the Sinai peninsula and became aggressive towards Arab countries.
Israel has the second strongest army and military technology in the world. When a mine went off in Israeli territory, killing one soldier, Israel launched an offensive of F16 airstrikes and destruction of Lebanese territory.

Israel advanced on South Lebanon and destroyed their cities. They pillaged towns and killed civilians. In the end, they eliminated PLO in Southern Lebanon, and continued to occupy it until 2000. However, PLO remained in Palestine in the West Bank.

Palestine is split up into two parts thanks to Israeli takeover of Jerusalem: the West Bank of the River Jordan, and the Gaza Strip.

Israel had large amounts of power, even though they had suffered several wars, they rarely lost more than 1000 people in a single one. In return, tens of thousands of enemy Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinans, whoever the enemy was, would usually die. Israel had weaponry.

In 1993, the Oslo Accords were agreed to. These secret meetings created a 5 year temporary solution, in which Israel evacuated troops from the West Bank and the PLO recognized Israel as a real state. This caused uproar because Arab states had not recognized Israel as a true country before, with the exception of Egypt.

Fastforward to the decade of 2000.

In 2006, Israel launched a war against Hezbollah in South Lebanon again, known as the Second Lebanon War. It was a 34 day long conflict where Hezbollah launched small rockets to border towns and Israel launched missles at innocent Lebanese in hopes of killing Hezbollah. In the end, Israel lost 10 men and Hezbollah/Lebanon lost thousands. It was truly a decimation.

In 2007, Israel attempted to manipulate Palestine by forcing them to have elections. The USA and Israel organized elections, in which they funded money to have their puppet be elected, much like we have done in the Iraq War with Hamid Karzai. However, their plan backfired, as a organization called Hamas was elected.

Hamas is often portrayed in American propaganda as an evil terrorist organization, something similar to Taliban or Hezbollah. Hamas is not one of those things.

Hamas was a supporter of socialistic job forces, providing utilities like Schools/Teachers, Libraries/Librarians, Garbage Men, basically, they created public jobs and were the only helpers of Palestinians. They had a huge popularity rate, around 70%, and were elected.

This caused problems for Israel and the Oslo Accords were never followed up on. Peace did not come even between Jordan and Israel after an Orthodox Jew assassinated Rabin, the Israeli diplomat, who was about to sign the treaty.

PLO has abandoned the Gaza Strip. After kissing the feet of Israel and USA, and receiving hefty sums of money (while their people didn't even have bread to eat and they sat in their $1000 suits), the PLO claimed that the Gaza Strip was land of Hamas, and that it was not part of Palestine anymore. They called Hamas a terrorist organization.

Gaza is at a basic level, a concentration camp.
Israel has surrounded them and nothing goes in or out. This is important because Palestinians who are bombed are not able to bring in construction equipment or any form of aid to rebuild. It is quite seriously a huge refugee camp where people sleep in tents next to their blown up homes.

Hamas attempted to rebuild Gaza without the help of the West Bank/PLO part of Palestine, but with no aid coming in (although aid was being sent from countries such as Sweden, it would not get through the Israeli build borders), it was impossible. There was no economy, no jobs, no nothing.

Hamas troops assembled what little they had. They had no weaponry or any type of fighting power except small amounts of gunpowder. They put gunpowder in small man made rockets and launched them over the border. One rocket happened to hit a Israeli tank, killing 5 soldiers.

In response, Israel launched an counterattack massacre so huge it's impossible to understand.
By sending F-16 Fighter Planes, they dropped bombs over Gaza towns. The thing about Gaza is that because there was no way to bring things in and out, they had developed a tunnel system which allowed them to go through and escape to the Sinai peninsula and bring small things in and out.
However, Israel thought that Hamas would smuggle huge bombs and nuclear missiles (which Israel has tons of, by the way) through, so they decided to drop bombs randomly over places where the tunnels were. Unfortunately for Palestinians in Gaza, this happened to be right where homes were.

Israel dropped everything they had except Nuclear missiles, pretty much. One of the infamous ones is Phosphorous bombs, which burn the skin off of those it lands on.

In the end, 1400+ Palestinian civilians died. Schools, offices, anything were all burned down in flames. 400 of the dead were children.
Israel lost 13 people. 9 of them were soldiers, 4 of them were friendly fire deaths.

Hamas vowed to continue the 'battle' as a political sign. As they had no other choice, the only way they felt they could escape the siege of Israel was to continue taking hundreds of casualties until they realized what they were doing.

Israel doesn't get a lot of criticism from many countries. After the Gaza War, the UN sent in Goldstone, a South African Jew who is a Judge and has ties to Israel and is a member of the University of Israel, to assess the situation.

He stated that Hamas had committed war crimes for launching rockets at Israel because they were inaccurate and could hit civilians.
He stated that Israel had committed huge war crimes for indescrepently dropping bombs over Palestinian civilians with no regard to human rights whatsoever.

The USA had a senate meeting and called Goldstone antisemitic and against Jews.

Goldstone is a Jew.

Is it anti semitism for me to say that Israel is abusing their US connections to get technology and weaponry and decimate people and cause hundreds of thousands to go to refugee camps?

According to the US Senate, yes it is.

Maybe they should take me to the Gaza Concentration Camp too.


Wolfboy183 8 January 2010 Reply

I have nothing against jewish people- no actions of jews I met resulted in my misfortune. However I dislike the Israeli government+military for their continued exploitation of palestinians like this. this shit needs to stop, and fuck whatever grudges IL had against Palestine, either they caused it or they went completely overkill.

Dustin 8 January 2010 Reply

No, it’s not antisemitic. Most Jews (including myself) don’t approve of what’s happening between Israel and the Hamas. They don’t particularly side with the Hamas but they do believe the death is unnecessary. First, it was justified. Second, it was collateral loss. Finally, it was a massacre. The only reason the US Senate is saying that is because Israel and the United States have a very important friendship. They’ve kept each other on top (in term of military) for the longest time and if we lose that, who knows what would happen.

@Wolfboy Israel didn’t cause it. It’s kind of insulting to say that. If any government does anything, it has to be justified. Whether or not they approach the problem with an entirely, erm, positive attitude is what may be interpreted as right or wrong.

In any case, this war has gone on for too long. If only the Accords had lasted.

TRUTH 9 January 2010 Reply
Dustin said: No, it’s not antisemitic. Most Jews (including myself) don’t approve of what’s happening between Israel and the Hamas. They don’t particularly side with the Hamas but they do believe the death is unnecessary. First, it was justified. Second, it was collateral loss. Finally, it was a massacre. The only reason the US Senate is saying that is because Israel and the United States have a very important friendship. They’ve kept each other on top (in term of military) for the longest time and if we lose that, who knows what would happen.

@Wolfboy Israel didn’t cause it. It’s kind of insulting to say that. If any government does anything, it has to be justified. Whether or not they approach the problem with an entirely, erm, positive attitude is what may be interpreted as right or wrong.

In any case, this war has gone on for too long. If only the Accords had lasted.

Funny how the Accords ending BECAUSE of Israel.

Dustin 9 January 2010 Reply
TRUTH said:

Dustin said: No, it’s not antisemitic. Most Jews (including myself) don’t approve of what’s happening between Israel and the Hamas. They don’t particularly side with the Hamas but they do believe the death is unnecessary. First, it was justified. Second, it was collateral loss. Finally, it was a massacre. The only reason the US Senate is saying that is because Israel and the United States have a very important friendship. They’ve kept each other on top (in term of military) for the longest time and if we lose that, who knows what would happen.

@Wolfboy Israel didn’t cause it. It’s kind of insulting to say that. If any government does anything, it has to be justified. Whether or not they approach the problem with an entirely, erm, positive attitude is what may be interpreted as right or wrong.

In any case, this war has gone on for too long. If only the Accords had lasted.

Funny how the Accords ending BECAUSE of Israel.

The Oslo Accords failed BECAUSE they were flawed. You can’t honestly be saying that a transitory government has the authority to make a very flawed agreement.

The most fundamental flaw is the renunciation of Jewish claims to Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel cannot be renounced by a transitory Israeli government. The present government has no right to deprive future generations of Jews and Israelis of their legal patrimony.
Yasir Arafat’s PLO is incapable of providing Israelis with the cessation of violence they so dearly crave. There are ten rejectionist PLO factions plus Hamas and other Islamic fundamentalist factions that will continue to kill Jews.
Without the presence of Israel’s internal security force (Shin Bet) inside Judea, Samaria and Gaza, it will be impossible to halt terrorism or even keep it within present levels. The Israel Defense Forces maintain tremendous power but are of little importance in day-to-day terrorism.
Arafat’s signature on the agreement and the PLO acceptance is of no consequence as Arafat is a documented liar. Muslims are permitted to lie to to non-Muslims and break agreements with them under the Koranic law of HUDAIBIYA. Treaties and contracts with them are worthless.
By virtue of this agreement, the Israeli government has validated Arab claims to the Land of Israel. Decades of fighting Arab propaganda and distortions of history are trivialized and discounted.
This agreement puts the status of Jerusalem on the negotiating table. Every previous government of Israel steadfastly stood by the principle of Jerusalem being non-negotiable.
All of Israel’s military and civilian communications will now be easily monitored from the hills of Judea and Samaria.
While Israeli radar and military installations are not affected by this current agreement, the future is less certain. Eventually the Arab population will force the Israelis out.
Whether they admit it publicly or not, Israeli leaders know that this is the first step to a Palestinian state.
The “Palestinian right of return” has been acknowledged for the first time by the Israelis and could result in a flood of Arabs to Judea and Samaria.
The inevitable increase in Arab population will result in tremendous pressure on Israel’s water supply. As Arab wells are dug in the Judean and Samarian hills, the natural mountain aquifer that supplies much of Tel Aviv and the coastal plain with water will be serious depleted. Such depletion will cause the salt water of the Mediterranean Sea to penetrate Israel’s coastal strip, thus destroying all water supplies. This process can be witnessed in California, where sea water has already penetrated five miles into the coast.
Some 70% of Israel’s population and industry is concentrated in a small strip of coast and greater Tel Aviv. That population will be immediately threatened by Kaytusha rockets. Fired singly from the hills of Judea and Samaria, and set with timers they will be virtually impossible to stop. The Israeli government plan to coordinate with the Palestinian police is akin to working with the fox to guard the henhouse. The Palestinian police are being recruited from among the terrorists who delight especially in murder and mutilation of bodies. Will they arrest and turn over a terrorist who kills Israelis and then escapes to Gaza?
The Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza will no doubt be victims of ethnic cleansing. The Arabs will insist on a Jew-free country like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. The government has already begun confiscating the weapons of Jews, which could cause them to become vulnerable to massacre like the Bosnians.
The air and seaports planned for Gaza will facilitate the entry of weapons and terrorists, threatening the security of Israel.
The proposed “safe passages” for the PA will facilitate the movement of terrorists and weapons from Gaza to Judea and Samaria.

TRUTH 9 January 2010 Reply

The plan backfired becuase Palestinians didn’t support it.

This is because the corrupt PLO became Israel’s puppet and Palestinians were sympathetic to Hamas instead because Hamas actually cared for the people while PLO sat in their $1000 suits discussing more money to the PLO from the USA.

Israel and the USA set up an attempt to force Palestine to elect a president. When their plan backfired and their puppet (much like Karzai in Iraq) didn’t get elected, Hamas did.

Dustin 9 January 2010 Reply
TRUTH said: The plan backfired becuase Palestinians didn’t support it.

This is because the corrupt PLO became Israel’s puppet and Palestinians were sympathetic to Hamas instead because Hamas actually cared for the people while PLO sat in their $1000 suits discussing more money to the PLO from the USA.

Israel and the USA set up an attempt to force Palestine to elect a president. When their plan backfired and their puppet (much like Karzai in Iraq) didn’t get elected, Hamas did.

You just said that the Israelis broke it. The Palestinians did in 2000. Then, they refused to compromise to the United States’ peace offer and later the Barak offer. The election laws of the Palestinian authority supposedly bar candidates who support terror, under the Oslo Interim Agreement. Too bad they put a group who had just murdered 57 Israelis in power. I can honestly say that putting the Hamas in power was one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard. Oh wait, refusing to take back 97% of their land at Taba is more idiotic. Oh wait, perhaps the offer to share Jerusalem being rejected might be a little more idiotic.

Imagine the risks the Israeli government took to make these deals and imagine how nonchalantly the Palestinian government rejected them.

I came in this thread with good intentions and you turned it into something less than spectacular. Trying to act unbiased when that obviously isn’t the case.

TRUTH 9 January 2010 Reply
Dustin said:

TRUTH said: The plan backfired becuase Palestinians didn’t support it.

This is because the corrupt PLO became Israel’s puppet and Palestinians were sympathetic to Hamas instead because Hamas actually cared for the people while PLO sat in their $1000 suits discussing more money to the PLO from the USA.

Israel and the USA set up an attempt to force Palestine to elect a president. When their plan backfired and their puppet (much like Karzai in Iraq) didn’t get elected, Hamas did.

You just said that the Israelis broke it. The Palestinians did in 2000. Then, they refused to compromise to the United States’ peace offer and later the Barak offer. The election laws of the Palestinian authority supposedly bar candidates who support terror, under the Oslo Interim Agreement. Too bad they put a group who had just murdered 57 Israelis in power. I can honestly say that putting the Hamas in power was one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard. Oh wait, refusing to take back 97% of their land at Taba is more idiotic. Oh wait, perhaps the offer to share Jerusalem being rejected might be a little more idiotic.

Imagine the risks the Israeli government took to make these deals and imagine how nonchalantly the Palestinian government rejected them.

I came in this thread with good intentions and you turned it into something less than spectacular. Trying to act unbiased when that obviously isn’t the case.

I’m not being obviously biased nor am I claiming to know more than you do. I probably don’t.
All I’m saying is that Israel and the USA had ill intentions when they were setting up those elections, which backfired on them when Hamas was elected.

It may have been the dumbest thing that Palestinians did to elect Hamas, but you cannot blame them. The PLO left them in the dust, at least in Gaza (and the West Bank wasn’t doing much better).

They elected Hamas because Hamas was the only organization to help Gaza. It hurt Israel, but can you blame them after all that Israel had done to Palestine?

Dustin 9 January 2010 Reply
TRUTH said:

Dustin said:

TRUTH said: The plan backfired becuase Palestinians didn’t support it.

This is because the corrupt PLO became Israel’s puppet and Palestinians were sympathetic to Hamas instead because Hamas actually cared for the people while PLO sat in their $1000 suits discussing more money to the PLO from the USA.

Israel and the USA set up an attempt to force Palestine to elect a president. When their plan backfired and their puppet (much like Karzai in Iraq) didn’t get elected, Hamas did.

You just said that the Israelis broke it. The Palestinians did in 2000. Then, they refused to compromise to the United States’ peace offer and later the Barak offer. The election laws of the Palestinian authority supposedly bar candidates who support terror, under the Oslo Interim Agreement. Too bad they put a group who had just murdered 57 Israelis in power. I can honestly say that putting the Hamas in power was one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard. Oh wait, refusing to take back 97% of their land at Taba is more idiotic. Oh wait, perhaps the offer to share Jerusalem being rejected might be a little more idiotic.

Imagine the risks the Israeli government took to make these deals and imagine how nonchalantly the Palestinian government rejected them.

I came in this thread with good intentions and you turned it into something less than spectacular. Trying to act unbiased when that obviously isn’t the case.

I’m not being obviously biased nor am I claiming to know more than you do. I probably don’t.
All I’m saying is that Israel and the USA had ill intentions when they were setting up those elections, which backfired on them when Hamas was elected.

It may have been the dumbest thing that Palestinians did to elect Hamas, but you cannot blame them. The PLO left them in the dust, at least in Gaza (and the West Bank wasn’t doing much better).

They elected Hamas because Hamas was the only organization to help Gaza. It hurt Israel, but can you blame them after all that Israel had done to Palestine?

They elected Hamas in their own interest. Understood but it didn’t work out that way. You’re supporting a group that was elected illegally. You’re supporting a group that’s been acting upon a disdain for the Israeli people. You’re supporting a group that refused an offer that gave the Palestinian people exactly what they wanted and now you expect people to accept them and hate the Israelis because the Palestinian people elected them upon some skewed idea that they were going to help them.

The only reason this conflict is still going is because of the Hamas. Not because the United States or Israel tried to fix an election. It’s the fault of the people who put these people in power.

Ignorantia juris non excusat

They should have known better.

What I don’t get is how they put a group in power knowing full well that that same group had massacred Israelis and they were supposed to be vying for peace.

TRUTH 9 January 2010 Reply
Dustin said:

They elected Hamas in their own interest. Understood but it didn’t work out that way. You’re supporting a group that was elected illegally. You’re supporting a group that’s been acting upon a disdain for the Israeli people. You’re supporting a group that refused an offer that gave the Palestinian people exactly what they wanted and now you expect people to accept them and hate the Israelis because the Palestinian people elected them upon some skewed idea that they were going to help them.

The only reason this conflict is still going is because of the Hamas. Not because the United States or Israel tried to fix an election. It’s the fault of the people who put these people in power.

Ignorantia juris non excusat

They should have known better.

What I don’t get is how they put a group in power knowing full well that that same group had massacred Israelis and they were supposed to be vying for peace.

I’m not actually supporting Hamas, I’m just trying to show that Israel was part of the reason Hamas was elected.

There wouldn’t have had to have been an election in Gaza if the PLO hadn’t abandoned it and called it “not part of Palestine” after the USA and Israel told them to.

It was illegal but the fact that it happened shows another side of Palestinians – they didn’t want a president that was sympathetic to Israelis, showing that they have disdain for Israelis despite peace agreements.

Dustin 9 January 2010 Reply
TRUTH said:

Dustin said:

They elected Hamas in their own interest. Understood but it didn’t work out that way. You’re supporting a group that was elected illegally. You’re supporting a group that’s been acting upon a disdain for the Israeli people. You’re supporting a group that refused an offer that gave the Palestinian people exactly what they wanted and now you expect people to accept them and hate the Israelis because the Palestinian people elected them upon some skewed idea that they were going to help them.

The only reason this conflict is still going is because of the Hamas. Not because the United States or Israel tried to fix an election. It’s the fault of the people who put these people in power.

Ignorantia juris non excusat

They should have known better.

What I don’t get is how they put a group in power knowing full well that that same group had massacred Israelis and they were supposed to be vying for peace.

I’m not actually supporting Hamas, I’m just trying to show that Israel was part of the reason Hamas was elected.

There wouldn’t have had to have been an election in Gaza if the PLO hadn’t abandoned it and called it “not part of Palestine” after the USA and Israel told them to.

It was illegal but the fact that it happened shows another side of Palestinians – they didn’t want a president that was sympathetic to Israelis, showing that they have disdain for Israelis despite peace agreements.

And you think that that’s a good thing? Having a disdain for the Israeli people? If you want peace, the 2 groups involved can’t be at each other’s throats and until Palestinians realize that, they will continue to be in a less than satisfactory situation.

I honestly have no idea what you’re getting at. First, you’re blaming it on the Israelis. Second, you’re trying to explain why the horrible, horrible organization, Hamas, was put into power and now, you’re trying to tell me that it’s okay to sympathize with a group of people who’ve dug their own grave at the cost of Israeli and innocent Palestinian lives.

Nass 9 January 2010 Reply


Arladerus 10 January 2010 Reply

Honestly, how I feel is that TRUTH (which isn’t impartial) is in hopes that us, who are foreign to the conflict, will see what you write and accept it as it is, and gain support throughout the site. I understand you must be very passionate about the subject, but how I see it is that you’re saying the Israeli people deserve to die.

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