Hacking the school’s computers.

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The IT people didn't bother making the image that was displayed on the log in screen read only.

Later we found a way to get all the teachers usernames, so we used the school's website to brute force accounts. 17 out of 70 teachers used "password", "123456" or "qwerty" as their password. Using a teacher account to remote control other student's PCs was inevitable. Later, I found that a test account with basic admin powers also had "password" for a password. Unlimited printer credits and banning people I didn't like at will was most enjoyable.


Blackboy0 8 March 2009 Reply

Rofl, nice 😛

Hmm… I’m gonna see if I can hack ’em somehow. I’d like to show my principal a thing or two.

David 9 March 2009 Reply

I recommend not doing that, I almost got expelled from my school for doing . . stuff. >.> Some other programmer saved my butt because he was well known as a programmer.

Blackboy0 9 March 2009 Reply

I’d love to be expelled. My school’s shit, and this is my last year 🙂

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