So we meet again…

By In Uncategorized

I really don't think there are many of you that will know who I am, but a few years ago (several centuries in interwebz time) I used to be a frequent visitor of MMOTales. A friend of mine told me about VuTales a while ago, but I never made an account, because I never really planned on coming back – I just lurked here and there. I know there are some of you out there who remember me, but for the rest of you, let me introduce myself.

I am Max – More commonly known as xXVEGGIEXx (or Veggie). I play video games too much for my own good . I live in Grand Cayman (Located here, right under Cuba. It's normally really hot, but it's the hurricane season at the moment, so it's pouring with rain almost every day. I'm not gonna lie though, it's kind of nice, because this is the one time of year I get to wear a jacket without sweating like crazy. Normally, if it isn't raining (no matter what time of year), you can't get away with going outside and not sweating at least a little bit.

I'm 15, and I like to play video games and basketball in my spare time. Recently though, I've started boxing. I figured it'd really help out my endurance and be a great outlet to relieve anger and stress… you know, because I can use my time hitting things that are meant to be hit, rather than the ever-so-innocent pillow. It's generally been good so far, but when I get to the point where I get so tired that I can hardly lift my arms, I just want to go home and eat/drink so much that the exercise is negated !

Some of you that already know me may have been wondering where I've been this whole time. If not, you probably are now that I've mentioned it . So where have I been? Honestly, I really never went anywhere. I still swap between the same few MMO's as I did when I was more frequently seen – mainly Maple and WoW. Until recently, it was just WoW and I had no interest in MapleStory at all, but recently I've come back to it, just for fun (and lack of interest for WoW). I never play games alone though, I'm always on Ventrilo with my friends the whole time, in fact, I am on as I am typing this! One of the friends I've been gaming with for a while is Steve (I think he was LunarPanda? LunarxPanda? I'm sure some of you know him, sorry Steve, I didn't know you that well then <3). Awesome guy. I think we know each other better than some of our actual school friends :3

Anyway, this has been long enough. Nice meeting all of you! Hopefully I'll stick around for a while.
P.S. – Feel free to add me on msn or Facebook, I'm always on, so if I do happen to leave again, you'll know where to find me.


David 12 November 2009 Reply

omg where is steve, I miss his blogs. D:

srsly though, welcome back! =D

You were on MMOTale’s Finest methinks. :p Look for it for nostalgia purposes, I posted it just for fun in the forums.

FunnyFroggy 12 November 2009 Reply


I haz his FB. But he hasn’t responded. 😐

Rep 12 November 2009 Reply

I saw him last week.

Ganzicus 12 November 2009 Reply


Dest1 12 November 2009 Reply


Dest1 12 November 2009 Reply


Nice to see you back, some of us wondered where you went.

Waffle 12 November 2009 Reply

Hey Veggie =)

Nass 12 November 2009 Reply

Don’t know ya.

But hi I’m Nass.

Gujju 12 November 2009 Reply

Yay Max 🙂

SirPainsalot 12 November 2009 Reply

Oh I remember you!

But you probably don’t remember me.

Pirkid 12 November 2009 Reply


Meng, you were the lead in one of my best romantic shorts, how the hell could I ever forget you? D:

dee32693 12 November 2009 Reply

duuude i remember both of you =O though im pretteh sure yall wouldnt remember me. its k though xD

welcome back!

more blogs plz? =O

xXVEGGIEXx 12 November 2009 Reply

Nice to hear from you all again 🙂 and I will probably start blogging again eventually

Steebuu 13 November 2009 Reply


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